Okay! This is my first story so please be nice! :)

Warning: YAOI! If you no likey then you no read'y (yes I know that's not a word)

And I'm not really sure what to rate this so after you read it tell me what you think 'kay? I'm going to rate it T for now but it might change with what you tell me.

Summery: naruto gets transferred to a school for gay rich kids, and he's not even gay! At least he didn't think he was . . . Sasunaru ;)

Okay! One last thing before we move on to the story! You guest it, disclaimer time!

Disclaimer: I do not own naruto, and sadly never will (breaks down crying)

Okay (sob) enjoy . . .

Konaha academy is a very . . . Unique place.

Naruto thought to himself as he stared up at the huge boys only boarding school before him. On

the outside it looked like any other school that rich parents sent their snotty kids to just so they

would be out of their hair. It had huge white stone walls that looked like they had just grown out

of the ground, glass doors with stainless steal frames as well as modern looking sculptures some

shining metallically while others absorbed all sunlight, like a black hole. Naruto takes a seat next

to one of the metal ones it was painted yellow and shaped like a bird, that or it was a flying

cow naruto couldn't tell, and thought about what he had learned earlier that day.

"so Naruto, how long have you been gay" the blonde lady who's boobs nearly fell out of her

shirt asked.

"WHAT!" Naruto screamed at the old women "I'm NOT gay! What made you think I was?"

"Naruto" tusnade sighed at the fuming blond "This is a school for gay students" Naruto's jaw

dropped and he swore he could hear the clink as it hit the floor. Tusnade just chuckled and said

"So Naruto, your not gay right?" she said it with a straight face but her eyes were laughing at

him, Naurto pouted his famous puppy dog pout that he rarely had to resort to, but he really

wanted to go to this school, whether it was for gay kids or not, Iruka was going to be teaching

Here. It only took a few seconds of 'the face' as he called it for the blond principal to give in

"Fine Naruto we don't usually do this kind of stuff, and when we do it's only for girls, but I'll

make an exception. Welcome to Konaha academy!" she didn't say it with much enthusiasm as she

thought about all the paperwork she would have to do for the blonde fox in front of her, but at

least she liked the kid if she hadn't she would have killed him about now. Naruto ran from the

office knowing from experience that that look never bode well for anything within arms reach of

his new principal.

He looked back up at the huge building it suddenly looked really scary as it loomed over him

like it was daring him to walk inside. Well Naruto never backed down from a challenge, it was

his motto, his one and only rule, even if it was a houses challenge. So the blond stood swaying

a little as the blood rushed to his feet, and walked quickly into the schools waiting mouth, the

giant hallway swallowed him up and Naruto was lost to the world as he explored, failing to

notice the sun setting on the horizon until it was to late, now the real monster would have his

head. Naruto was in a panic, he had to get out, like now! Running to the door he ran right into

the one person he was trying desperately to avoid.

Iruka was pissed, when he had told the blond to go explore he hadn't expected him to go

completely missing only to find him running in the schools long hallways. He grabbed his son by

the ear and dragged him out of the school and into the rusty old car the shared, only letting go

when he was sure the boy wouldn't try anything funny. He buckled himself in and looked at

Naruto who was pouting in his seat. Iruka sighed, why did Naurto have to be so cute? It really

was annoying when your trying to be angry at him. He turned to his adopted son and hugged him

tightly. Naruto hugged his teacher/father back knowing all was forgiven, as well as the fact that

his ear was going to be bruised in the morning, good thing he had long hair. The two men went

home after that, having no clue that they had been watched the whole time. . .

Sasuke's point of view

He hated his brother he really did, no mater how much he did for him he was still the incarnate

of all things evil. Ever since their mother and father had left on a long business trip he had

been acting so weird always calling him out on the little mistakes he made and always pointing

out how he would never compare to his older brother in any way. It. Was. Infuriating. It had

finally gotten to the point where he had left the house and told the monster with the hair

of a girls that he was staying at a friends house, not that he had any friends to stay with so

instead he was going to stay at school, students were always welcome even during the summer

that was mostly because a few of the guys he went to school with weren't allowed back home

due to their sexuality. Sasuke felt bad for those who were forced to stay at the school all year

round most of the time but right now he envied them, he would give anything to be able to stay

away from Itachi all year. Nooo! He was thinking of him again! die Itachi! Die, die, die, die. . .

His thoughts faded away as he saw a cute blond sitting near a yellow statue of a bird and

glaring at the school building like it just slapped him, though his crystal blue eyes were glazed

and it was clear he was deep in thought, Sasuke couldn't help but notice the whisker-like lines

on the blonds perfect cheeks somehow marring his face as well as making him cutely unique.

that's when he noticed the boy was muttering to himself, and finding himself strangely curious

he crept silently closer to the blond just into hearing distance.

"Not gay! Why would you think that?"

Sasuke was tempted to ask the blond why he was here if he wasn't gay, but decided not to since

he would probably freak said blond out because of how close he was, speaking of which when

did he get close enough to the beautiful boy to smell him. And why the heck was he liking the

smell of fresh oranges and something that he couldn't identify but was somehow crisp and to the

point, sweet, and calming all at the same time. He pulled back he must be more tired than he

thought to be thinking such weird things about a stranger. He couldn't help but smirk as he saw

that the boy had started pouting cutely as he muttered

"no one can resist the face. . . Ha! I win old lady!"

ah. So that's how he got into the school, very tricky. Sasuke left silently into the maze of

sculptures as the haze left the blonds mirror-like eyes leaving them sparkling and full of

mischief. The raven was about to leave when a final glance at the boy showed his eyes to be

filled with fear and apprehension instead of the mischief they had held earlier. Never had Sasuke been so angry, he was furious and for no more of a reason then something had happened

to upset his blond and that was good enough reason at the time.

but when the teen saw the fear leave those crystal orbs that soon filled with a determined fire he


When did he become mine?

Sasuke pondered this question as he watched the door to make sure no suspicious people followed

what was his, because the blond teen had been claimed even if he didn't know it yet.

Okay that's the end, it turned out longer than I thought, but that's good for me though its

still a little short -_- oh well. Please tell me if it was bad and how to make it better but please NO BASHING! It make rath feel bad :( lol

Sasuke: review, NOW!

Me: Sasuke how did you get here?

Sasuke: doesn't matter the point is you guys need to review so I can go to my blond (still doesn't know his name)

Naruto: hey rath!

Me: hi na- (puts hand on mouth)

Naruto: what's wrong?

Me: nothing

Sasuke: REVIEW NOW! (chasing Naurto)

Naruto: help meeee!

Me: well later! :)