13th November

Hello everyone who reads this story.

I'm sorry to tell you I have encountered certain problems with continuing MoJ. No, I haven't dropped out of Hetalia. It's rather impossible with me being in the roleplay community. ^^" I'm still working on new stories and continuing the old ones, too. But...

For MoJ:

1. The characters aren't speaking to me anymore and with first person narrator in MoJ that's rather problematic. And my writing style too has changed quite drastically.

2. My way of portraying the characters has changed a lot from since I started MoJ... For example, in the rp community I have befriended with a lot of people who are Audun & co's age... And I feel like I'm not doing justice to them by how I portray my characters... Though part of MoJ's plot is that the characters slowly mature... I feel like I'm failing to portray it, though...

3. MoJ has reached its end in my head and I have hard time finding the motivation to finish it on paper/internet too... I want to tell you the story to the end but... Dx

I'm sorry... I guess I'm claiming MoJ for partial hiatus... meaning I'm still working on it (probably), but extremely slowly. I'm also currently studying in college so that takes a great part of my time too. And rp-ing.
...The only way I can see myself continuing MoJ is actually that, that you allow me to change my writing style there too... I think. But I don't know if I can do that...

Also... Since I'm absolutely horrible with answering PMs, if you want to contact me, just try googling "SomeSnowInShell", I use that name everywhere (except in Skype I have modified it a bit). Recently I made a page in facebook by that name as well, it'll be kinda like my blog about how my writing is going and what's going on in my life. It'll also be the easiest way for you to contact me. :D

As for my rp pages... Someone asked me to share a link on them but I won't do that. I'll just tell you I have Iceland and Finland pages, I co-admin one suicide prevention page and then there's the blog for "SomeSnowInShell".
So if you want to find me... My Iceland page seems to be currently the biggest daily active Iceland page. I also recently discovered I might be "facebook famous" with him, so you can just go to almost any other big page and ask if they know a Finnish "Icemin". I think a lot of people will be able to point you to the right person. That's all you need to know. ^^"

Yours, Su-chan