I in no way shape or form own any of the twilight characters.

Summary: Renesmee is at a summer camp with her family, when she gets 16 letters in one day. Nobody knows who its from until they open the letters. What happens next will shock everybody.

Letters of a Hopeless Victim

Chapter 1: Mail Call

June 20

"Dad." I growled through gritted teeth.

"Renesmee," he said trying to match my tone, but he ended up laughing. I covered my face with Jacob's arm, as he threw more water at me.

"Can you please stop taking pictures of me? Please." Don't get me wrong, I loved taking pictures, I was a photogetic person. But, this lake was dirty, my hair was probably filled with the clams and their meat that Emmett kept throwing at me over his shoulder. I needed to get in my cabin and call Kristina. She was the only one that really understood me, and I mean everything. She was my first friend when I started to go to middle school, and then, it came out that she was my only true friend. She had two brothers and one sister, who absolutely despises me for some reason. Kyle aka Junior, Jeremy, and Kelsy. Her mom was the best person, she made the best foods as well, seeing as they only ate vegetables and fruit.

We had to tell each other our secrets when we were shopping and my fingers touched her arm. I was thinking about how shiny, tan, and vibrant her skin looked. The complete opposite of what I lived around, except for the wolf people. It completely fascinated me. I tried to explain everything, but she looked at the clock, and back at me in horror. She ran out of the store in five seconds flat. I picked up her bags, and walked to the bench outside of the store. If she was really my friend, she would talk to 'the freak' again, and if she was just a shallow bitch, then she'd want her clothes back. Either way, she was coming back. It was after seven when I started to walk out towards the parking lot. I tried to hold in the tears as I slid into my car, but a few escaped. Five minutes later, there was the faintest of knocks on the door, and I saw something blue move and then it was gone again. I opened the door for her to come in. She opened the door and quietly sat down. She took a big breath. I turned to her direction, but she was looking at the dashboard.

"I'm really sorry about earlier." She whispered. "I shouldn't of acted like that." Her breathing seemed to come as quick spurts like she just ran a marathon, her hair looked full of knots.

"I can't expect you to be all happy about it, and jump around in a happy dance." I whispered back, she was holding her back, hugging it. She did that in school a lot, and then she'd usually go in the bathroom, for a few minutes. There was a few red lines coming down her arms. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Ren, I am sorry. Seriously, and I'm going to tell you something that nobody knows, well except for my family." She looked at me straight in the eyes. Her blue eyes seemed to have a color I've never seen before dancing around them, but I couldn't miss the pleading look. "This explains partially, why I acted like that. Renesmee, I'm a fairy."

"Mail Call!" I heard somebody call from the main building.

"Oh come on!" I screeched, "you see what you boys did? Now I can't call Krissy or clean up. All because of you boys!"

"Oh come-"

"Shut-up Jake." I said as I got out of the lake.

The rules for mail call were fairly simple. If you got three to six letters in a day, you got thrown in the lake. If you got more or twelve camper to camper mails, you got thrown in the lake. Whoever got called first, was the person that got to blob the other people. I haven't gotten blobbed, and I was hoping to keeping it that way. I made my way inside the main building with my hair drenched, and my fathers shirts soaked.

"Okay, ready?" The director, Tim, asked. "Emmett Cullen," there was a lot of shuffling of papers as he searched for everything Emmett. "You got eleven wristbands from Rosalie Hale." He punched his arms in the air. "Rosalie, you got...12 wristbands from Alice Cullen." Rosalie looked pissed as Tim said, "you're getting blobbed, by Emmett." Tim continued to go down the list. "Renesmee Cullen, you have 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 letters. Wow. You're getting double blobbed, for reaching the record of the day." Aw, hell.