A/N: I know this chapter looks pretty long but it is the last chapter of this story and contains some song lyrics.

Chapter 20 – Seeing Red.

"Yeah Morgan Grimes is Aegis Regional Manager in Hawaii" said Chuck.

At the mention of Morgan's name Alex dropped her drink on the table, the glass smashing.

Sarah saw what triggered it, but Chuck and Casey had no idea. Sarah could see Chuck was going to ask Alex about it, but she kicked him under the table. Chuck didn't know why but he knew he had to change the subject.

"Jeff and Lester are still at the Buy More, probably haven't done a single days work in the last three years" said Chuck laughing.

Sarah continued on talking about Jeff and Lester to continue the conversation going but Casey was trying to check if Alex was ok.

Later on Casey excused himself to visit the bathroom and Sarah pounced.

"Spill it Alex, how do you know Morgan Grimes?" whispered Sarah

Chuck nearly choked on his drink.

'WHAT?' thought Chuck

Chuck could see the look on Alex's face

"Alex, spill it or I will bring it up when your father is back" said Chuck

"Well, the guy I met and was kind of seeing while in Hawaii, was named Morgan Grimes. And yes he has a beard" said Alex.

Chucks eyes went as big as saucers and Sarah started giggling.

"So it's over now right?" asked Chuck.

"Well he said he was coming to LA next week, maybe it's a different Morgan Grimes" asked Alex hopefully.

"No such luck, I have requested Morgan to come back for a meeting to cover some new ideas I have for the Pacific" said Chuck.

"So Morgan works for Aegis" asked Alex.

"Yes, when I created Aegis I had 6 shareholders, myself and 5 other people that had a large impact on my life and I felt that I wouldn't have been in a position to start the company without them. Morgan was one of them" said Chuck.

"Oh, so he is a shareholder in Aegis?" said Alex.

"Yeah just Like Sarah, your father, my Sister and my Father" said Chuck.

"Look, we will say that you had cramps in your hand for not drinking enough water today" said Sarah

Alex had a confused look on her face.

"You are not going to tell dad?" asked Alex hopefully.

"No we will not, but I suggest you tell Morgan who your dad is. I will leave it up to you if you want to tell your dad after that" said Chuck looking at Sarah and got agreement.

Sarah saw Casey was coming back and took a hold of Alex's hand across the table and was massaging it, Alex understood.

"So you will drink more tomorrow, right?" said Sarah

"Yeah, I feel pretty stupid" said Alex.

"I think in the snow it is pretty easy to underestimate how dehydrated you get" said Chuck.

Casey came back to the table

Alex was looking down

"What's all this about, who is dehydrated" asked Casey.

"Alex, feels stupid for not drinking enough today. That is why her hand cramped up before" said Sarah.

Casey just nodded his head agreeing.

"Yeah the first time I was patrolling in the snow in Afghanistan, that night I got some severe cramps in my legs because of not taking enough fluid. Alex I will make sure you have enough if I have to take a babies bottle to give you tomorrow." said Casey smiling.

'Crisis Avoided' thought Chuck, Sarah and Alex.

"Can I have everyone's attention, my name is John and I run this lodge and the Heli Operations that run from here. I would just like to welcome you all and I hope you had a great first day. I have also been reliably informed that we have a celebrity in our midst. He may not like the title but he has been dubbed the Thrillseeking Billionaire. I am sure he just wants to enjoy his time here, just like everyone else." he said.

"Oh great" said Chuck under his breath.

The four of them could hear people murmuring, Chuck just hid his face in his hands.

"Chuck its ok, we will be ok. Besides tomorrow we will be back out on the snow all by ourselves" said Sarah.

"John, can you get the manager John's attention to come over here?" asked Chuck.

"What's wrong Chuck?" asked Sarah.

"Its ok" replied Chuck.

Casey got the manager to come overt to the table. He walked up and Chuck lifted his head up.

When he realized that he was looking at the Thrillseeking Billionaire his face lit up.

"John, please can you make sure that we are not disturbed tomorrow on the mountain. I will not be happy at all if any other groups end up on runs that we will be skiing" said Chuck.

"No problems sir, I will make sure all the pilots and guides are aware, is there anything else I can do to make your stay more enjoyable?" said John.

"John, I really enjoyed today, we value our privacy and we just want to have the experience just like everyone else. Whatever you can do to make sure we are not disturbed would be appreciated. Will anyone else be coming to the lodge in the next week? I just want to make sure that no media or reporters/paparazzi turn up." said Chuck.

"We do get food deliveries and we have a live music act that gets flown in and out each night" said John.

"No photographers" said Chuck.

John finally left and Sarah hoped that this was not going to affect Chuck's attitude. She took his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Baby, don't worry nothing is going to ruin this week. I have the most amazing woman in the world by my side, I am with friends and family and we are in can I say; an awesome location" said Chuck with a smile.

"Chuck, I love you" said Sarah.

"I love you too Sarah" said Chuck.

John the manager came back towards Chuck's table.

"Sir, I just wanted to inform you that the nightly entertainment was canceled because of storms so you don't need to worry about anyone coming tonight" said John.

John left the table to talk to the rest of the guests.

After dinner was finished their minds went to the remainder of the night

"Well what are we going to do tonight then?" asked Casey

"I have an idea" said Chuck.

"Keep it in your pants" replied Casey.

"Well that is certainly an option but not what I had in mind" said Chuck with a smile forming

"I will be back in a minute" said Chuck

Sarah followed Chuck out.

"What are you planning to do Chuck?" asked Sarah once out of earshot of Casey.

"Just keep them there, I am going to get my guitar and drag Casey up and we are going to have some fun. Make sure you get him another drink with at least one waiting" said Chuck giving Sarah a kiss

Chuck came back carrying is guitar,

"John you and I are doing 'You've lost that lovin feeling'" said Chuck.

"No we are not Chuck" said Casey.

"John, I have heard you sing. So come on" said Chuck

"Not in front of my daughter Chuck" said Casey.

"John, your daughter was nervous about what we would think about her based on her skiing ability are you saying you expect your daughter to think less of you based on your singing ability. Any way you have nothing to worry about." said Chuck

Casey was resigned and Sarah's face lit up in a smile. "They are going to do the song that was sung by Tom Cruise to Kelly McGillis in Top Gun." She said giggling like school girl.

Chuck grabbed the microphone, put one down to the sound hole of the guitar and had another up for Casey and himself to use.

You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips.
And there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips.
You're trying hard not to show it, (baby).
But baby, baby I know it...

You've lost that lovin' feeling,
Whoa, that lovin' feeling,
You've lost that lovin' feeling,
Now it's gone...gone...gone...wooooooh.

Now there's no welcome look in your eyes
when I reach for you.
And now your're starting to critisize little things I do.
It makes me just feel like crying, (baby).
'Cause baby, something in you is dying.

You lost that lovin' feeling,
Whoa, that lovin' feeling,
You've lost that lovin' feeling,
Now it's gone...gone...gone...woooooah

"Ok. Ok that is enough" Casey yelled.

There was a rousing applause coming from around the restaurant.

"We don't need to bring in the entertainment when it's already here" said the Manager John.

Sarah's face had a huge smile on it she walked over to Chuck and gave him a soft sensuous kiss on his lips that was promising much much more.

"Both of you were great" said Alex.

Casey face went a little red.

"Dad, how come you were hiding you could sing?" asked Alex

"It's not exactly something that I go advertising" said Casey

Casey and Chuck stood up and bowed, the people in the room called out for another song.

Chuck made his way back over to the table.

"Sarah, do you know the song 'Cruisin' Sung by Heuy Lewis and Gwyneth Paltrow?" said Chuck.

"Yeah, why" said Sarah concerned.

"Come on now is your chance to shine" said Chuck.

"Chuck!" said Sarah giving him an embarrassed look.

"Sarah, if you don't I will just see if someone else will sing with me" said Chuck.

Sarah's eyes came up to meet his. She just shook her head no.

"I will sing with you" said Alex.

"You know the words" asked Chuck

"Yeah" she said a little nervously.

They both got up and cheers went out in the room again.

Chuck started strumming the guitar

Baby let's cruise, away from here
Don't be confused, the way is clear
& if you want it you got it forever
This is not a one night stand, baby, yeah so

Casey was nervous for his daughter at first but Sarah could see the look of a proud father on his face.

"She is pretty good" said Sarah.

"Yeah, you should look out though she has always had a bit of a soft spot for Chuck" said Casey smiling.

A look of dread came over Sarah, Sarah then remembered about Morgan and she relaxed with a devious smile.

Let the music take your mind, ooh
Just release & you will find
You're gonna fly away
Glad you're goin' my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together
The music is played for love,
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

Casey face gradually went from nervousness to pride but now to worry as Alex is starting to draw attention from several of the males in the room. It also looked like she was working it as well, she had a big smile and had her arm around Chuck.

Baby tonight belongs to us
Everything's right, do what you must
& inch by inch we get closer & closer
To every little part of each other ooh baby, yeah So

Sarah was sure that Chuck was just hamming it up for the song but I really did look like he enjoyed singing with Alex, 'Why is there always a brunette around Chuck' thought Sarah.

Let the music take your mind
Just release & you will find
You're gonna fly away
Glad you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together
The music is played for love,
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

They came back over to the table and Chuck could see she wasn't that happy.

"Baby, are you jealous of Alex?" asked Chuck incredulously

"Well you didn't have to enjoy it so much" said Sarah.

"Baby you know you are the only one for me" said Chuck.

"Alex, do you realize that almost every male in the room is now looking at you" said Casey.

"Dad, you being a little over protective" said Alex.

"Alex, you haven't seen over protective" said Casey huffing.

Chuck went back up to the stage alone.

"Ok everyone I am going to do one more song and I dedicate it to the love of my life sitting over there" Chuck said pointing in Sarah's direction.

"She means more to me then life itself. Oh and if any of you guys get any ideas about who I was singing with before, the guy she is sitting next to is an ex marine and would break your arms for just looking at her. Also she has a pretty mean right cross herself" said Chuck.

"Since we had a bit of the righteous brother before, here is some more, Unchained Melody" said Chuck.

Oh my love my darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long lonely time
And time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine
I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me

Lonely rivers flow to the sea to the sea
To the open arms of the sea
Lonely rivers sigh wait for me wait for me
I'll be coming home wait for me

Oh my love my darling
I've hungered hungered for your touch
A long lonely time
And time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine
I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me

Chuck came down of the makeshift stage and walked back over to the table, everyone was calling out for more.

Sarah met him half way and caught him in a kiss her hands went quickly up to his head and brought his head down to hers, she placed her mouth over his softly sucking on his lips then ventured her tongue into his mouth and explored every corner. As Chuck was still holding his guitar he was unable to do anything with his hands so he had no choice but to simply accept and enjoy it.

They both eventually had to break the kiss to get their breath, during the kiss the rest of the world simply disappeared, but now they were just standing and could hear all the cat calls and applause. Some voices telling them to get a room, others telling Chuck to take her on the closest table. Others still even more crude.

They had gotten back to the table and Sarah surprised Chuck.

"Chuck, do you know 'I'm Gonna Be' by the proclaimers. If you do, how about all four of us sing it" she said.

Chuck's face went into a big smile.

"John, Alex all four of us, 'Im Gonna Be'" said Chuck

Casey's eyes went up, and he simply shrugged and stood up.

When I wake up yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you
When I go out yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you

The whole four of them were having a great time, Chuck was taking lead and he was even putting on a pretty good Scottish accent

If I get drunk yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you
And if I haver yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you

But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door

It was amazing but the four of them were singing in harmony, considering all four hadn't sung together before and Sarah hadn't since that one mission she went undercover as a Cabaret Singer. Something that Chuck had never found out.

When I'm working yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you
And when the money comes in for the work I'll do
I'll pass almost every penny on to you

When I come home yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you
And if I grow old well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you

But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door

This time the whole room joined in, while it didn't sound quite so melodic anymore it was obvious that everyone was having a great time and plenty of alcohol had been consumed.

When I'm lonely yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man whose lonely without you
When I'm dreaming yes I know I'm gonna dream
Dream about the time when I'm with you.

But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door

A huge applause went up and Casey, Sarah, Alex and Chuck joined in

"Wow that was fun ok I think that is the last one for us, before my voice disappears and I embarrass myself anymore then I already have. But if anyone out there wants to sing I will play the guitar or the piano if I know the song" said Chuck.

One guy got up and sang a song for his girlfriend, he wasn't really on key but he did get a kiss from his girl afterwards.

Then a female came up that was part of a group of four girls they all looked to be early to mid twenties.

"Do you know 'Hey Big Spender'" she said with a smile.

Chuck looked down at Sarah and mouthed "I love you"

Sarah didn't know what that was for, but Chuck new she was able to lip read.

Sarah heard Chuck start to play on the piano and quickly new what the song was and understood why Chuck said he loved her.

'That bitch, and of course another bloody brunette' thought Sarah

The girl was making it pretty clear she was singing directly to Chuck and meant every word of the song.

After the song was finished Chuck stood up and bowed and said.

"Ok everyone I am going to go and spend some quality time with my girl" said Chuck

He walked towards Sarah and held her. Once again told her and showed her how much he loved her.

They were all sitting back down at the table and had fresh drinks.

"You guys are heaps of fun, some of my friends found out I was going away with my father and his friends and thought I was crazy. But I have never had so much fun in my life." said Alex.

"Alex, can't talk for the other two, but I am glad you came and my view is the more stressed and busy your work life is, the more you need this kind of release" said Chuck.

Both Sarah and Casey agreed.

"Let's make a toast, to the four of us" said Chuck

"To friends, that are more family then most families, let's agree that at least once a year we get together and let loose" said Chuck.

Everyone agreed and they all had smiles.

"Ok, not wanting to drag us back into work, but I did want you all to know that I have some preliminary information on our favorite CIA couple" said Alex.

"That is ok Alex, what do you have?" asked Chuck

"Well in the spy world a narcissist is not that unusual, Daniel Shaw from what I have seen would be classified as a narcissistic sociopath. I believe that what he sees as right and wrong are simply how they relate to him. Something that has a negative effect on his success would be wrong, and anything that has a positive effect on him personally would be right. Physical abuse of his wife for example, he would see it as right if it allowed him to achieve his goals" said Alex.

"Sounds like a cheery chap, so John tell me how he even got past our first level of screening?" asked Chuck.

"Chuck, we have never really done any psychological profiling of recruits before" said Casey.

"Can you see why it is important?" asked Chuck

"Shit yeah, he doesn't sound like the kind of guy we want working for us" said Casey.

"What about his wife?" asked Chuck.

"Well, her profile was a littler harder to read, but so far it seems that she has a profile that unfortunately compliments her husbands. In that she would believe the abuse she may receive would be deserved." said Alex.

"Shit" said Chuck.

Everyone was quiet.

"I guess this would make it harder to get to him through his wife then" asked Chuck.

"Yes, almost impossible" said Alex.

The night came to an end and everyone went to their rooms.

They were both in bed Chuck on his back and Sarah with her head on his shoulder and arm across his chest.

Chuck woke up the next morning alone, he panicked for a second until he heard the shower on. He decided that he would see if she wanted company.

They just carefully and sensually washed each others bodies, it was intimate but didn't turn sexual they just appreciated being there with each other.

They went down for breakfast and met Alex and Casey, both Alex and Casey could see Sarah's red eyes but did not comment; they all had a large breakfast and were thinking that they would probably not stop for lunch today. There was bacon, eggs, sausages, mushrooms, tomatoes, pastries, pancakes, fruit, yogurts, cold meats and a selection of cereals and grains.

They had juice and finished off with coffee.

"I won't worry about skiing down the mountains today I will just roll, I am so full" said Chuck.

They got out of the helicopter and collected their gear, and were all set for the first trip down the mountain.

They view was still incredible, even after though this was the second day, it still felt like a dream.

Now that both guides were aware who they were they were going that extra bit to please, they obviously thought they may get a big tip and were doing everything they possibly could to increase its size.

They had completed the first run down the mountain through trees that looked more like stalagmites then trees.

The view was incredible, and they were waiting for the helicopter to take them to the next drop off point.

Sarah had finally started to settle down she knew that whatever happened in the future she would do whatever she had to do, to keep her man. And that had to start by making this holiday one he would never forget.

The Helicopter arrived and everyone was keen to get back into it.

"This is the second most fun activity I have had ever had" said Sarah.

"The second what was the first?" asked Sven the guide.

"Getting busy with my man of course" said Sarah with a smile.

"Ah but getting busy doesn't last that long, and you have to wait before you can have another go" said Sven with a smile.

"My man doesn't have that problem Sven, he keeps me going all night and the peaks I reach do more then make me breathless" said Sarah.

Chuck now went a bright red.

"Maybe you need to teach me something then Charles, on how to please a women" said Sven winking

"Sven, what he has can't be taught" said Sarah.

"I think we have heard enough about Chuck's sexual exploits to last us a lifetime" said Casey.

"I agree John, but I also have to agree with Sarah what I have can't be taught" said Chuck with a smile.

Chuck could feel the object in his secure pocket he knew it would soon be time.

They arrived at the top of the mountain got the gear on and started on the trip down through the white fluffy clouds.

Chuck and Sarah were skiing directly behind the first guide and were skiing almost next to one another, watching the scenery. Chuck noticed some fracturing of the cover below and above them, he immediately responded by talking into his voice activated radio.

"Avalanche, Chuck and Sarah heading down" while at the same time pulling Sarah down the mountain and across to the right.

Chuck made the judgment call that the avalanche had started where they were skiing and would have to go to the side to avoid as much of the snow as possible, he pulled Sarah across and started heading down and across towards the trees

"We are making a run to down slope of the big tree, maybe providing some protection" said Chuck

They were getting close to the tree and Chuck yells

"If we get caught in the snow take in a deep breath and hold until the snow has hardened" said Chuck.

Chuck and Sarah reached the biggest tree, Chuck tackled Sarah into behind the tree. Chuck pushed Sarah up into the tree, he took of his skis and Sarah's. The body of snow came around the tree quickly.

Sarah was completely in the shadow of the tree, though Chuck wasn't.

"Sarah remember what I said about taking a big breath and holding to the snow hardens, I love you" said Chuck.

"NOOOOOOO!" Sara screamed as she saw him quickly disappear in the engulfing snow, he was just pulled away with the strength of the flow of the snow.

Sarah took the breath that Chuck told her to do, then when the snow settled she released.

Sarah screamed and cried while encased in the white frozen tomb.

Even though Sarah was completely buried she had room to move and air to breathe thanks to the shadowing from the tree.

Sarah heard voices on the voice activated two way.

"This is Sarah can anyone hear me?" she said between sobs

"Sarah its John is Chuck with you?" asked Sarah

Sarah started crying.

"No …..he….got…taken away ….by the snow" she managed in between her sobs.

"Its ok Sarah, he is a survivor he will make it. He will make it you just wait and see. So where are you?"

"I'm by the big tree but find Chuck first. Without him I will be dead anyway" said Sarah as she continued sobbing.

"Do we have ID on Chuck's location?" asked Casey.

"About 200 yards down slope, looks like Sven also got caught he is another 250 Yards on " responded Tobias.

"Sarah we have identified were Chuck is with the beacon, but he is about 200 Yards below" Alex is going to start digging to you here, while Tobias and I get Chuck." said Casey into the two way.

"John is Chuck ok?" asked Sarah.

"Sarah he will be but we haven't heard from him, we will get him I promise" said Casey.

Alex got to the spot that Casey indicated and started digging from an angle into the position Sarah was, so to not cause a further collapse.

Casey and Tobias got to the location identified by the beacon, used the probes to locate his body and started digging.

"Chuck we are here and we are going to get you out, Sarah is ok" Casey was yelling but got no response back.

"You better not die you pain in the ass, not now when you have so much to live for" said Casey.

Back with Alex and Sarah, Alex was making slow progress, as she was digging and kept talking to Sarah over the two way.

"Alex, I can't lose him not now" said Sarah.

"Sarah that man of yours is impossible to kill, its like he is charmed by some witch doctor. You just wait till you are up and out of there and Chuck will be on his way" said Alex

'Come on Chuck, don't make a liar out of me' thought Alex

Alex was slowly getting through the snow but she was quickly slowing down and the only thing that kept her going was that Sarah was depending on her.

Back with Casey and Tobias, things hadn't improved that much. They were getting closer to where Chuck was buried but still no noise from him.

Casey was excavating some snow and saw a flash of color. Casey starting clearing the snow with his hands and realized it was the top of Chucks head, but he still wasn't moving. Casey and Tobias quickly started clearing the snow around his head they quickly exposed his face and they saw Chuck move and opened his eyes.

"About bloody time" said Chuck.

"You bastard you had us worried, why didn't you yell or do something" said Casey.

"John I was able to quickly make a depression in the snow to make an air pocket but my mouth and jaw where closed tight with the snow around it. The best I could do was hum and thought maybe it was better to conserve air" said Chuck

"Sarah is ok she is buried, but she has air. Alex is digging her out" said Casey.

"Yeah I heard you say she was ok, quick get me out of here so I can help get her out" said Chuck.

"Tobias I will finish digging out Chuck, you go find Sven when I get Chuck out I will help with Sven"

"Ok" Tobias answered put back on his skies and skied in the direction of where Sven was buried. it had only been about ten minutes since the avalanche.

Casey was still getting snow out from Chuck and now Chuck was able to get his arms free he was freeing himself too.

Chuck was finally free and Casey set off in the direction of Tobias.

Chuck looked up slope in the direction of the Tree and thought about his body surfing exploits as he came down the mountain it had only been seconds but he had travelled 200 yards

Chuck quickly got his breath back and started almost running up slope while wearing ski boots, it would have been a proud achievement to be able to do it for most people, even if they just weren't buried in an avalanche. But Chuck wasn't happy with his efforts, he wanted, no he needed to get to Sarah as quickly as he could, and this just wasn't fast enough.

Back with Alex and Sarah.

"Alex have you heard anything about Chuck?" asked Sarah.

Alex was breathing heavy and was really struggling.

"No, sorry I am sorry but I am going to have to take a rest for a few seconds" said Alex.

Alex was nearly hyperventilating she was breathing that hard, her clothes were covered in sweat her hands were sore and her back was killing her from bending over.

She put her arms in the air and stretched her back as much as she possibly could. She finished the stretch and was looking down slope she could see a figure running up the hill but was covered in snow and she couldn't tell who it was.

She didn't want to say anything to Sarah in case it was bad news, she started digging again and occasionally taking a look at the figure coming towards her.

She didn't know if she was imagining but it looked like the person was running up the slope, almost sprinting.

She stopped completely to look when she realized who it was.

"Oh shit" said Alex.

"What is it Alex, is it Chuck?" called Sarah.

Alex didn't realize that she still had the two way on.

"Yes its Chuck" said Alex.

"What no he has got to be ok, please tell me he is ok" cried Sarah.

"Um, yeah I think he is ok. But he is running" said Alex.

"Running what do you mean by running?" said Sarah.

"Just that he is running up the slope in this direction "said Alex.

Sarah had a huge smile but no one could see and tears of joy were streaming down her face but were quickly freezing and turning into ice tracks .

"Chuck, your ok?," said Alex"

"Well of course I am, is Sarah ok?" he asked

"Ask yourself" said Alex as she pushed her two way in his direction.

"Sarah, its Chuck are you ok?" asked Chuck

"Yes, I am now that you're here and ok" said Sarah.

"Ok let's get you out" said Chuck.

Chuck had lost his shovel in the avalanche but he took Alex's and was shoveling like a demon, Alex just watched in disbelief as she saw him shovel after shovel after shovel and the hole just seeming to appear before her eyes magically. Chuck only had his legs sticking out on the snow and the rest of his body was in the partially excavated hole.

Casey and Tobias had located Sven and were also successfully excavating him.

Chuck finally broke into and air pocket and was able to see Sarah's face smiling at him.

"Hello gorgeous, fancy meeting you out here" said Chuck.

"You sure are a sight for sore eyes Chuck" replied Sarah.

"I thought I had lost you" Sarah said was teary eyes and a sobbing voice.

"Never my love, not even an avalanche can keep us apart now. Well not for long anyway. I will always come home" said Chuck

"Chuck, I love you" said Sarah smiling

Chuck just smiled back.

"So Chuck are you going to finish digging me out?" asked Sarah.

"Oh I will, but while I have you trapped I have a couple of questions" said Chuck.

"Oh" said Sarah.

Sarah wasn't sure what the questions were he wanted to ask, but there was only one question she wanted him to ask.

"Why don't you wear red anymore?" Asked Chuck

Sarah can't believe it, of all the questions he could ask and he asks that

"Chuck I am stuck in a hole after an avalanche and that is what you want to ask?"

"Well yes, since you have been back I haven't seen you wearing anything red. You even went out of your way to not wear the red nightwear the other night." asked Chuck.

"Chuck, what do you mean? The reason I do not wear red is because you do not like it" said Sarah.

"What do you mean, I don't like it. While it may not be my favorite color you do look really good in red" said Chuck.

"Chuck, you told me that red wasn't your favorite color and that you thought I only look ok when I was wearing a red dress." said Sarah.

"When did I say that?" asked Chuck surprised.

"Don't you remember at my hotel room, I asked you and Bryce how I looked" said Sarah.

Chuck thought for a couple of seconds and his face fell.

"Sarah, firstly how do you remember things like that?" asked Chuck.

"Chuck I remember all our conversations, especially those that hurt me and have lasting effects" said Sarah sadly.

"Sarah, I am so sorry. When you were wearing that dress you looked so gorgeous I don't believe you didn't see the look on my face. I was stunned at how great you looked, the hair the dress and the gorgeous smile you had on your face my god" said Chuck.

"CHUCK!, so why the hell did you say what you did? Did you know how much that hurt and how since that day I have hardly worn red. I only wore red whenever I was angry with you" said Sarah

"Sarah, Bryce had just told me how I had to be careful not to fall for you. That it would be easy for a guy like me to fall for such a beautiful woman like you. But I had to understand it was just part of the job for you. I wanted to say how gorgeous you looked, but I felt like Bryce was watching me like a hawk" sad Chuck.

"Bloody Bryce, if he wasn't dead I am sure I would kill him. Don't ever take anyone's advice or allow anyone else to dictate how you respond to me again please Chuck" said Sarah.

"Sarah, I promise I will never allow anyone to interfere again" said Chuck.

"Chuck, do you realize that if you hadn't told me that you didn't see a future. I would have likely tried to have a secret real relationship with you. As long as we kept it a secret from Beckman and Casey" said Sarah.

"Oh" said Chuck.

"Chuck, then there would have been no way I would have left with Bryce" said Sarah.

"Sarah I wish I could kiss you now, but the closest I can do is this" said Chuck as he blew her a kiss.

"Oh before I get up, I had one more question, if that's ok" said Chuck

"Um yeah" said Sarah cautiously

Chuck reached one of his hands back to his secure pocket and removed a red box, he opened it and very carefully brought it through the hole beside his face.

At the sight Sarah had started tearing up already.

"I know that for normal couples, I would be on my knees about now but we are anything but normal" said Chuck.

Sarah was trying to open her mouth but she was speechless.

"Sarah, I wanted to do this at a perfect time, when we had a beautiful view, but after what happened I am sorry but I can't wait any longer." said Chuck.

"Sarah, let there be no doubt what I am asking you here. Sarah I love you, I always have. Everything I have done the last three years was to prove that your belief in me was not misplaced. I am nothing without you, you complete me and you make me a better person. Sarah will you make me the happiest and the luckiest man alive and marry me?" said Chuck.

Sarah still couldn't form any words.

"Sarah, um what is your answer? I will not finish digging you out till you give me one, maybe the speed of the digging will be different but I promise I will still dig you out if you say no" said Chuck.

"Um, what was the question again?... The answer is yes Chuck, of course it is yes. You and this is all my dreams come true" said Sarah,

Ok let's get you out of there so I can kiss you properly like a fiancé should be kissed.

'mmmmm fiancé, I like the sound of that' thought Sarah smiling

Chuck was now digging quickly making the whole as big as possible to pull out Sarah, Sarah passed up both sets of skis the fact that they survived was amazing.

He grabbed Sarah by the hands and pulled her up and out of the hole, they both struggled to get to the top back on the top layer of snow

They both collapsed onto the snow but Sarah still had enough energy to climb onto Chuck and give him a kiss.

"So Mr Bartowski where is that ring and were is the kiss that you promised me?" said Sarah with a big grin.

Chuck put the ring on her finger and he gave her another kiss, the kiss threatened another avalanche, there was applause from Alex.

They decided the position they were in was comfortable and were not going to move for any man or disaster.

"Sarah, do you think you would be able to ski?" asked Chuck.

"Yep" answered Sarah.

"They all got back into the ski bindings and skied down to were Casey and the Guides were" they pulled up where they had Sven lying on the ground.

"Is he ok?" asked Chuck.

"Yeah he will be, he is breathing ok, we think he hit his head during the avalanche" said Tobias.

"I am glad you both are ok" said Tobias

Casey looked up at Chuck and Sarah and saw the goofy grins they were wearing.

"Why are you two so happy?" asked Casey

"Happy to be alive, and John I have a favor to ask" said Chuck.

"Whatever as long as it doesn't involve watching you both go for it" said Chuck.

"Well I can't guarantee that, but it would involve you being my best man" said Chuck hesitantly.

Casey's face just lit up

"You bastard you nearly die and get engaged at the same time" said Casey.

"Oh so what did you do on your Holiday?,… not much, did some skiing some drinking some singing, got buried and nearly died in an avalanche and got engaged but pretty uneventful…. Chuck you know I would be honored to" said Casey he came up and wrapped him in a bear hug and went to Sarah.

"Congratulations" he said and kissed her on the Cheek.

The Helicopter had been called in to take Sven back to the lodge and everyone else had to head back in the Helicopter too, as they wouldn't allow a group to ski with only a single guide.

Casey and Alex decided they wanted to keep on skiing, while Chuck and Sarah decided it was time to go back to the lodge and hit the hot tub for some personal time.

"Lets go back to our room Chuck, I have come things I would like to show you?" said Sarah suggestively.

"Hehe, as inviting as that sounds future Mrs Bartowski, I had arranged to get access to a private hot tub so we can thaw out in private. I think my swimmers might still be wet so I think I will have to go without them" said Chuck winking

Sarah had a big smile, she didn't know what was making her happier the thoughts of naked hot tubbing with Chuck or the thoughts of being the future Mrs Bartowski. Her life was perfect, it seemed almost a lifetime ago she was frightened of losing him forever and not having the chance to be with him. Now she was on top of the world, delirious with the thoughts of being married to this wonderful man.

They got to their room and grabbed their towels and set of for the hot tub, Sarah grabbed a bag of supplies and they went off to find the elusive private hot tub.

They went to the Manager of the Lodge and he said that last night after they entertained the masses they wanted to give them the use of this hot tub. It has had all the water replaced and fresh with no chlorine and hasn't been used and has been heating all day for them.

They got in the private room and had the door locked from inside, before he knew it Sarah was stripped of and in the tub.

"Baby, what are you doing out there and all dressed while little ole me is in here waiting to ravage you?" asked Sarah lustfully.

"Hmm I just saw the most beautiful sight flash in front of me, but it happened so fast I am thinking it was just my overactive imagination. Because nothing could be so beautiful, well I guess if there was it could be a radiating, recently engaged, soon to be Mrs Sarah Bartowski." said Chuck.

"You are awfully sure of yourself there Mr Bartowski, who said I would be taking your name?" asked Sarah.

"Uh, oh um ok, well…" said Chuck but was interrupted by an impatient naked goddess.

"Shut up and get in here and ravage me. Of course I will take you name, Walker isn't even my real name and I would like nothing more then being Mrs Bartowski for the rest of my life. So stop mucking around and get naked" said Sarah.

"These are the kind of commands I am happy to follow" said Chuck as he quickly strips of jumps in the hot tub and slowly slides up Sarah's body and gives her a kiss.

As one would imagine a newly engaged couple naked in a hot tub that only a few short hours before were thinking they may not even be alive….. well the hottest thing wasn't the hot tub.

After a rather exhausting but definitely enjoyable time in the hot tub all the while replacing lost fluids with cold water. They finally decided it was time to have a shower, they washed each other carefully. After they had washed each other thoroughly, Chuck decided to bathe Sarah with kisses from her toes to her ears and everything in between.

"Chuck while I really love all this attention if we keep this up we will never leave, and I can't wait to tell the world that the most eligible bachelor is no longer eligible, and is off the market" said Sarah.

They got to their room and got changed for dinner, they were surprised at the time when they realized how long they must have been in the hot tub for.

They arrived at the table for dinner, and Alex and Casey where already waiting.

"I thought you guys would have been here waiting for us" asked Casey.

"Well no we were busy" said Sarah.

"Busy?...oh what for the whole time?" asked Casey incredulously.

"That's nothing this fella is still raring to go" said Sarah massaging Chuck's crotch slowly

"Ok we get it, you would both be gold medalist in the sexual Olympics, but can we talk about something else rather then rubbing and insertion of genitalia" said Alex.

"Ok" said Sarah and Chuck shyly.

"So how does it feel?" asked Alex.

"Being the luckiest girl in the world for having such a great guy or because that guy has asked me to marry him" said Sarah smiling.

"Both I guess" said Alex.

"It feels amazing, I am going to be Mrs Sarah Bartowski and I couldn't be happier. I never thought I could be this happy. I will dedicate my life to making Chuck the happiest man alive" said Sarah.

"Sarah, you did that when you said yes. While I wake up next to you every morning I will be the luckiest and the happiest man in the world" said Chuck.

Just then Chuck's phone rang.

"Hello" said Chuck.

"Charles its Bob, what are you up to?" asked Bob.

"Bob come and see us we are all in the restaurant" said Chuck.

They all continued their discussions and ten minutes later Bob entered the restaurant and sat down at the head of the table on a spare chair.

"Bob we have some news" said Sarah.

"Oh" said Bob.

"Well both Charles and I were buried in an avalanche but we were recovered, and we are engaged" said Sarah.

"Avalanche, you both ok?…. What engaged…. Well Congratulations I am very happy, you both stuck it out and worked it through. I am sure you both will be very happy. So what is this avalanche business?" said Bob worried.

Both Sarah and Chuck responded thankyou.

"The avalanche was a big thing while we were buried, but it kind of slipped into the background after Chuck proposed" said Sarah grinning

"Well, as I said congratulations. I didn't come over expecting to hear this news, it was more to update on some intelligence we have intercepted. Here it is, you can look over it and I will see you all tomorrow. Congratulations once again." said Bob.

Chuck opened the packet and read the updates. He saw some updates on Sarah's father situation he would discuss with Sarah after dinner. What did catch his eye were two personal interest triggers and a high profile target all in the one incident.

"Well everyone looks like Mr Daniel Shaw has risen in value as a target. Echelon has picked up a conversation between Shaw and a high profile target in what has been confirmed as a non sanctioned meeting. That conversation also involved a discussion of an operative known as Frost" said Chuck.

"Is that the legendary Frost, the super spy?" asked Casey.

"Possibly, what do you know of Frost"" asked Chuck.

"Only that she was a Super Spy and disappeared over 20 years ago. But she is a legend in intelligence circles no one really knows if she is real or not" said Casey.

"John, well both Sarah and I believe, that not only is she real but she is my mom" said Chuck.

"What?" asked Casey.

"Long story John, but I guess this moves the Shaw situation from just being a gut feel to a priority" said Chuck.

"What does that mean Chuck?" asked Sarah.

"Sarah, don't know but we need to start looking at options to get whatever information we can about these activities. But those options need to be well and truly understood." said Chuck.

A/N: Well that ends this story, Thanks you for all the reviews. This AU will now take a back seat to some other ideas I have. If I come up with any ideas that fit this AU I might revive it.

Please Review, can we make 300?