AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter's probably gonna be pretty short, just a means of tying up some loose ends and such.


"A year old already," Adrian said in disbelief, looking over at his godsons who sat playing on the floor. "I can't believe it. Babe, can we have kids someday?"

Dimitri chuckled, kissing Adrian on the top of the head. "I don't see why not."

Adrian smiled, his eyes involuntarily drawn to the ring that had appeared on his finger in recent weeks. Legislation had finally been passed in the state that would allow the couple to marry. Victoria smiled at Adrian, playfully nudging him with her elbow.

"I'm thrilled for you guys," she said. "I really am. A lot of shit had happened this year. It's good to see things starting to look up."

Adrian nodded knowingly, but didn't say anything. He knew Victoria didn't like to talk about it.

"So I'd really love it if you were my maid of honor," Adrian said, quickly changing the subject.

Victoria laughed out loud. "Ade, as far as anyone knows, I've been dead for almost two years. What would people say if I showed up, especially like this?"

"Oh, yeah," he said in disappointment. "Damn it!"

Victoria put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll be watching from afar. Just keep the box opened."

Adrian smiled. "Will do."

Adrian leaned into Dimitri, looking up at the older man lovingly. Dimitri returned his gaze and threw an arm around his fiancé's shoulders.

"So we've been discussing what to get the twins for their birthday, but have no idea what you buy for cenobite children," Dimitri laughed. "You can't exactly ask a salesperson. We figured we'd ask you."

Victoria looked down over at her sons and smiled as a loud yell tore through the room.

"Abraxas, let go! You can't have that!"

Victoria laughed at her oldest son, sitting in his father's lap laughing hysterically, one chubby hand grasping a pin and attempting to pull it out.

"I think they've already got the best gift they could possibly get."

ENDNOTE: I told you it would be short. And I just couldn't let him die! What kind of person would I be if I did? I feel like this may have been a little predictable though… Pinhead didn't die in the fall, he was just severely injured. I feel like it's gotta take a lot more than a fall from an immensely high ledge to kill a cenobite.

So marks the end of Hell Hath No Fury 2: Renaissance. Fear not! Number 3 is coming soon! I'm still not sure if it's going to be an Abarat crossover or not. This third story will most likely be the final installment in the series, but it probably won't be the last you hear of Victoria, Pinhead, and their sons. I feel like I can no longer depict Pinhead without Victoria at his side. My demented mind has been cooking up some ideas for some more humorous and light-hearted Hellraiser crossovers. Be on the lookout for those as well.

I'd like to extend a much overdue thank you to my few loyal fans that have been there since the beginning, lending their support. You guys are the best :) You make me a celebrity in my own little world…

Until we meet again…
