DISCLAIMER: I do not own Hellraiser or any of its characters and objects. They belong to Clive Barker. Victoria, Adrian, Dimitri, and any other original characters are mine.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hell Hath No Fury started out as an unnamed story I'd started writing several years ago. The whole thing was pretty much drafted out, but it needed a name and some minor plot revisions. That's why it was posted in its entirety fairly quickly. As I worked through the story and plotted the path of Pinhead and Victoria's relationship, I knew a sequel was inevitable. The beginning was mostly written out which is why this first chapter is up so fast. Be forewarned: this is probably not going to be the usual. This story's pretty much being written from scratch so it's gonna take more time. Hopefully the wait will be worthwhile and you will find it as enjoyable as its predecessor.

Hell Hath No Fury had a mature rating, but it was mostly a "just in case" sort of thing. There was some violence and swearing, but nothing too extreme, at least in my opinion (but then again I eventually wanna slice up dead people for a living). In this story, the main characters have obviously coupled up and Victoria's pregnant (and I'm sure you all know where babies come from), so there will be some sexual situations in this story, so take heed! I'm not sure how much detail I'll go into so keep that in mind as well. Remember there is a gay couple in this story, but if homosexuality isn't your cup of tea, you probably wouldn't have read the first story. This story will have its fair share of violence and bad language as well. Enjoy!

Hell Hath No Fury 2: Renaissance

Chapter 1: Reunions

"Stop toying with me, Adrian." Dimitri Tatarescu was propped up on one elbow, scowling down at the younger man lying beside him.

Adrian reached up and began to run his fingers through his lover's long, dark hair.

"It's a surprise."

Dimitri moved closer to Adrian, his hair brushing against Adrian's shoulders.

"Who came to see you? You said you couldn't tell me over the phone so you came hereā€¦and that was last night."

Adrian rolled on top of Dimitri, straddling his former teacher's hips. He smiled wickedly down at him.

"You're very distracting." He leaned forward, planting a series of kisses at the base of the Romanian's throat.

"Stop changing the subject, Adrian."

"You're saying one thing," Adrian began. "But you're body's telling a whole other story." He briefly thrust his hips into Dimitri's groin to prove his point. Dimitri responded to the unexpected friction with a low moan.

"Fine," he sighed. "You win."

"I know this is so difficult for you," Adrian replied sarcastically. Dimitri responded by pushing Adrian off of him and pressing him down against the bed, positioning himself between Adrian's legs in the process.

"You owe me," Dimitri whispered into Adrian's ear.

"So you're a whore now, babe?" Adrian chuckled.

"I guess that'd make me your whore," Dimitri snickered, his statement the precursor to taking hold of Adrian's hips and entering.

~[ ]~

Dimitri sat on the couch in his living room, now fully dressed and slightly aggravated with the fact that Adrian was still withholding the information from him. He sighed and momentarily closed his eyes, feeling Adrian plop into his lap. He opened them to see the Lament Configuration held before his face.

"Ta da!" Adrian shouted.

"Where'd you get this?" Dimitri cried, snatching the box from his boyfriend's hand. "The police never found it in the alley."

"They brought it to me," Adrian smirked.

"The Order of the Gash?"

"Why do you call them that?" Adrian inquired. "I get that it's their formal name, but it sounds too proper, like something you'd call an authority figure. Cenobites, love." He took the box back from Dimitri. "Besides, I'm the one with the power."

Dimitri raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"It would probably be easier just to show you," Adrian said.

He slowly solved the box, just to drive Dimitri mad with anticipation.

"Now what?" Dimitri asked when nothing happened. He gave Adrian a skeptical look.

"We have a visitor," Adrian replied, pointing to the armchair to Dimitri's right. Dimitri turned to look, gently sliding Adrian off of his lap. Pinhead was seated in the armchair, a slender finger resting on his pale temple.

"Salutations, gentlemen," the cenobite said, turning his head slightly to meet Dimitri's gaze. "I don't believe we've met."

"Dimitri," he replied curtly. He'd grown somewhat tense, obviously uncomfortable with the creature's presence. He felt that Pinhead and his fellow butchers were somehow involved in Victoria's disappearance, that perhaps they'd been deceiving her all along and were currently torturing her in their catacombs.

"Ah, yes. I have heard a great deal about you. You do not trust us," Pinhead said.

"I've been given no reason to think otherwise," Dimitri remarked, narrowing his eyes at the demon. Adrian placed a hand on Dimitri's knee and squeezed gently. He sensed the hostility that was steadily increasing between the two. "What have you done to her?"

Pinhead smiled menacingly.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?"

Dimitri's eyes suddenly widened. There was a flash of blue light and Victoria appeared at Pinhead's side. She reached out and took hold of his hand, weaving her fingers between his. Her other hand went involuntarily her stomach.

"Hello, Dimitri," she said with a faint smile.

Dimitri's jaw fell open and he was momentarily speechless. His eyes glistened and a few tears spilled down his cheeks. He clenched his fists at his sides.

"Babe, don't freak out," Adrian soothed, sensing his partner's surge of anger. Completely ignoring Adrian, Dimitri rose to his feet.

"You fucking monster!" he roared in Pinhead's direction. "How could you do this to her? She had her whole life ahead of her and you just snatch it all away from her! You turned her into a god damn monstrosity!"

"Dimitri, stop!" Adrian interjected, taking hold of his hand.

"Shut up, Adrian!" he yelled, shaking away the young man's hand. He took a step towards Pinhead. "How dare you! You lured her into a false sense of security, promising to protect her! You even dragged Adrian into this shit, pretending you cared enough to save him from those kids, dragging Victoria further into your clutches! Now look at her! And I suppose that is your doing as well? That fucking bastard abomination that's growing in her womb!"

Pinhead was on his feet within seconds, swinging his arm in Dimitri's direction. Chains, conjured from thin air wrapped themselves around Dimitri's neck and torso, forcing the man against the opposite wall. Pinhead was in his face immediately, a hooked blade clutched in his fist. His ebony eyes practically smoldered with fury.

"How dare you speak to me in such a manner! You know nothing of the circumstances that have brought these changes about! You make false accusations with no proof to back them up!"

"Pinhead, stop!" Victoria wailed. "Let him go! Please."

He turned to her, his eyes immediately softening at the anguished look on her face. He returned the blade to his hip and made a dismissive gesture. The chains recoiled and disappeared. Dimitri fell to his knees gasping. Adrian ran to collect him from the floor, bringing him back to the couch and examining his neck.

"You'll be fine," Adrian said mostly to reassure himself. He gently kissed the reddening skin.

Victoria was standing in front of Pinhead, looking up at him with a slightly hurt expression.

"I am sorry," he said taking her hands in his. "But he still had no right to speak in such a way, especially about our child." He placed his hands on her stomach, cradling the bump that sheltered their unborn infant. Victoria looked down, placing her hands over his.

"I know," she said. "You both overreacted." She returned her gaze to his, brilliant green meeting black. He leaned down and kissed her, the numerous metal protrusions in his face seeming to have no effect on her. They pulled away and Pinhead pulled Victoria into his arms. She rested her head against his shoulder, completely unbothered by the wounds on his torso.

Dimitri stared on at this exchange in stunned silence. Perhaps he had been wrong. The child he assumed was the result of some sort of heinous rape looked more like the love-child of Victoria and this grotesquely deformed individual. Victoria had her back to him and he could see the scarification on her back. The demonic couple broke apart and turned to the men seated on the couch. Victoria sat in the chair Pinhead had occupied earlier; he stood beside her.

"I suppose I've got a lot of explaining to do," Victoria said.

ENDNOTE: So I'm gonna try to get the next chapter up as soon as possible. It should be a good one; it'll be Victoria's recollection of the events occurring after the incident in the alley, including her transformation and the conception of her and Pinhead's child [I know you're excited for that ;)]. But don't hold your breath. It could be a little while before it's up. I've got finals coming up (Bleh :p), but I'll try to get it up before I get too bogged down with studying.