Dearest Kerry,

Since you are reading this, I must unfortunately assume that things did not turn out as I had hoped. Whether it was you or me is beside the point, there is a more critical underlying issue at hand. Some specified individuals might still be in pursuit of you. As I write this however, I await information concerning their whereabouts. My plan is to kill them; of course, I imagine you figured that much out. But, as I will not be contacting you again, I have no way of bringing the results of my encounters to your attention. Undoubtedly, I will survive, nevertheless, you must do me one final favor. Although there may be a small part of me that does not want to make you go through this, I do not feel bad. It is imperative that you go into hiding for a year. Go somewhere you've never been, be discreet, sever all ties you have and disappear. Don't make friends wherever you go, trust no one. It is of extreme importance that you don't leave any clues as to where you're going in hopes that I find them. I will not and you will be putting yourself at risk. I mean this, Kerry.

With this letter I am leaving you a debit card that corresponds to a savings account to your name. I took into consideration the many necessities that you have, and though at times I might have been distant, I know more about you than you can imagine. I have transferred a significant amount of money into this account according to this knowledge. Trust me; there is enough money for you personally to survive for a year. I believe it is way more than enough, but knowing you and how you'll have no adult supervision, well, thankfully I thought of this in advance. Further information is enclosed within the envelope.

I understand you must be less than pleased, but no matter how I weighed your situation, you don't have another option, except maybe death. If you'd rather that, be my guest and don't take my advice, donate the money or something, but I'm telling you this: these are sick people. They draw it out painfully and slowly. They enjoy torture and they don't take pity on anyone. Especially since you were involved with me. I am only returning the favor you did me by not allowing me to die all those years ago, but I am indifferent to whether you take it or not. I am truly grateful for what you did for me and I realize that this is not the most ideal way to show it.

I know we were meant to go out to dinner this evening, regrettably, obviously, it's not going to happen. Do not go to meet me like we'd planned, I will not be there. If you don't believe me and go anyway, you will only prolong the disappointment.

Although I do not regret having met you, sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to have known you in my past life. However, this does not change things; I will not be coming back and I implore you not to try to find me because you will not. This is for the best, as unsatisfying as it might be for you.

You are one of a kind, Ker. Someone will be very lucky one day to befriend you and have you in their life. I beg you not to miss me, and to lastly, not do anything stupid. I will not be there to rescue you this time, next time, or the time after that.
