
Yay Free Love! I missed these two(sad face). Sorry its a tad short, but hey at least its something. Enjoy!

Chapter Ten


I was the big spoon this time around and I held Jasper with loose arms. He had long ago fallen asleep, his broad chest rising and falling with each breath, a waft of honey washing over my face. He looked so strong and beautiful, and it shocked me that someone so small and ugly as me had actually hurt him. I reached out a trembling, pale hand and lightly traced the crescent shaped bruise, fingers dipping down into each indentation. I shuddered, Jasper following suit at the unwelcomed coolness of my hand. I drew my hand back under the duvet and allowed myself to warm against his hard body.

Sometime during the night I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up, the sun was halfway through the sky, and the bed was empty. I laid in his bed a minute longer, burying my nose in his pillow and breathing him in. I slid down and out, my foot touching paper. I stopped and picked it up, taking in the scrawly handwriting I recognized.

Read Me, it said, finished witha clumsy heart. I fought back a smile, guilty pleasure filling me and eagerly flipped it open.

Dear E,

I just couldn't bring myself to wake you up this morning, you looked too damn good nestled in my bed like that

I snickered

I have a twelve oclock class, then after I'm going to visit my mom in Brooksville. It's only about an hour's drive away, so I should be back before it gets dark.

You can wait for me here, or you can head back over to your house...Hell, who am I kidding, I really hope you wait for me.

I love you,


I sighed to myself like a love struck girl, and held the letter to my chest for a moment. I laughed at myself and gently placed the note back beside the bed before heading into the small bathroom connected to the bedroom. I quickly showered and brushed my teeth, looking into the misty mirror and almost gasping.

My green eyes shone out from my pale face, and the bags that usually lingered under my eyes were visibly faded. I touched my face with a cautious hand, sure that the image in the mirror wasn't mine. I looked easily ten years younger, and smiled at my reflection tentatively. In a moment of glee I drew a quick heart on the mirror. I laughed again for the second time that morning, and practically skipped out of the bathroom.

A quick glance at the alarm clock beside the bed told me it was half past one so I hurried out of the bedroom to the living room.

I took in all the dirty dishes and laundry thrown around and couldn't help but smile to myself and shake my head. I made quick work of the dishes and started a load of laundry. I looked again at the time, sighing when I realized only thirty minutes had passed. I sighed and sat in a comfortable arm chair next to the tv.

I woke up to an excruciating but familiar pain in my shoulder, crying out as sitting up jostled it. I grimaced and looked down at my arm, noticing with fear that my shoulder had slipped out of socket again.

"Where you goin, boy?" I screamed as a harsh tug yanked my shoulder and pulled me back to him. "C'mon, Eddie boy, lets sing a song..."

I whimpered as I grasped my arm by my elbow, struggling to fix my shoulder like I had to all those years ago. It hadn't done this in a long time, the doctor having fixed it along with the rest of my body. The living room was dark and Jasper would be back any minute. I shuddered to think about what he would do if he saw me, he would undoubtedly take me to the doctor and would hate me for ruining his plans. I gritted my teeth, pushing even harder on my shoulder and yelped when with a sick pop it jumped into place. The caustic pain was replaced with a deep ache and I trembled.

I heard the unmistakable sound of a door close and looked up through hazy eyes.

"Edward?" Jasper gasped and I flinched at the horror in his voice.

Grocery bags covered the floor around him, and his wide blue eyes stared at my shoulder. Shocked and piteous. I squeezed my eyes shut. Jasper had never pitied me.

I finally looked up, but the look on his face was indecipherable. Well, until now.

A/N: Okay, I know, I know. But it'll be okay, trust me guise. Now, reviews make me leave my schoolwork in my backpack in favor to write, so, your move. Thanks!
