I don't own anything, only the idea. Please give me feedback, I'm a first time writer looking for ways to improve.

Desert Storm

"Evie!" heedless of Rick's calls she approached the stone circle that had just leapt into life and started spinning. Rick rolled his eyes, he had a bad feeling about this. As the sixth red light flashed he dived across and pulled his wife away from the object and onto the floor. Less than a second later a wave of a blue, water-like substance exploded from the centre shortly followed by four objects which were thrown roughly onto the chamber floor.

"OW." the objects were obviously people, "What is it Carter? Where are you?" the voice sounded concerned.

"Underneath...you." a female voice this time, sounding breathless. Someone jumped back from the heap and stood up. "Sorry Carter, you OK?" two more people stood up while the forth remained on the floor.

"I think I cracked a few ribs Sir and my leg hurts."

Rick could no longer keep his silence, "Who the hell are you people?" he pointed his handgun at them and the three standing figures responded by pointing much bigger weapons right back. Evie wrenched the gun from Rick's hand, the people lowered their weapons carefully.

"I'm Evelyn O'Connell and this is my husband Rick. He thinks violence solves everything. Who are you?"

"I'm Dr. Daniel Jackson, this is Teal'c, Colonel Jack O'Neill and Major Sam Carter. We're peaceful travellers from Earth." he was surprised at Rick's reaction, he started laughing.

"Funny." Daniel looked confused, "this is Earth." explained Rick who had stopped laughing. Sam, who was now leaning on Jack groaned.

"Of course. No wonder this place didn't look like anything on the MALP." she looked at her team mates clouded faces and explained. "It's simple really," and Jack groaned as she continued, "It's exactly the same thing that happened when we went back to 1969. The MALP went through to J29 BV6, but when went through there must have been a solar flare. We're on Earth, just in the past."

Rick swore and kicked at the statue of Ra on his left hand side, "Why the hell do we always get involved in this stuff?" Evie stopped him from taking another swing. A noise from the nearby opening made them all swing there weapons around. Alex O'Connell stopped abruptly at the armoury that was pointed at him.

"Woah, I know opening that...thing wasn't a good idea but I don't think I deserve this." his arms, that had been in the air, lowered to his side as SG1 and the O'Connell's put their guns on the floor. "Alex, what did you do?" questioned a stony faced Rick.

"There was this chamber with a sarcophagus in it, I only brushed away the sand to read the hieroglyphics but the whole thing opened, and there was this body inside."

"A Mummy?" he shook his head, "no, it looked like it was just asleep...fresh. Come and see." he lead them all to the side chamber he had mentioned.

"Oh crap!" said Daniel, while Jack offered his opinions in the form of a 'For cryin' out loud!' the sarcophagus was there but the body wasn't.


"I can't read these symbols." Evie said brushing away the sand and dust. Daniel blew to reveal the 'glyphs "that's because it's Goa'uld. A language that wasn't...isn't going to be deciphered for several decades." Evie stepped back, not used to being outsmarted by anyone.

"It belongs to Sekhmet, Goddess of war and sickness, she was supposedly part of the Memphite Triad with Ptah and Nefertem. She must have been here during the reign of Ra. Alex, can you describe this woman to me?" asked Daniel.

After looking to his father for guidance he began to describe her, "She had a white cloth draped over her body, up to her chin. I thought it was a shroud. Either side of her there were objects, a long staff, like the one he's carrying," Alex pointed at Teal'c's staff weapon.

"She had red hair, bright red and a gold tiara thing with a gem in the front. There were canopic jars around her and on her chest was something with a big crystal in the middle, it was spread out. It looked kind of like a hand."

Daniel drew something roughly in the sand, "that's it!" said Alex, "A Goa'uld hand device." clarified Sam who was turning paler by the minute. "Sir, I think I'm gonna pass out." her speech was slightly slurred and her breathing a little shallow. She gave one last attempt at staying conscious before going limp in Jack's arms. He laid her down and Evie ran her hands expertly down Sam's right leg.

"Broken, she blacked out from the pain. She has broken ribs too. Rick, how far away is Ahdeth's camp?" he made a quick calculation.

"We arrived yesterday and it was a couple of hours after we left Jonathan with them." as if reading her thoughts he picked up his pack "if we leave now we'll get there all the faster. They have a healer." he explained.


Jack stomach hurt from all the laughing, as there were only four camels three had to take a double load while one took a single load. Jack was sharing his camel with Sam who was sitting in front of him still unconscious. Evie and Rick were also sharing, Teal'c, being quite heavy was taking a camel to himself. The hefty Jaffa trying to mount a camel was not the only source of Jack's amusement. Alex was sitting on his camel still waiting for Daniel to balance behind him.

"I'm on!" he yelled in triumph "but I think I'm allergic!" he gave an enormous sneeze and rolled off the other side. Jack, Alex and Rick were doubled up with laughter while Daniel lay helplessly on his back looking, in Jack's opinion, like an upside-down turtle. When he finally got up he decided to sit in front of Teal'c with the man's huge arms wrapped around his waist. Despite the situation, as they rode off, Jack was still laughing helplessly.


"Where are we?" Jack adjusted his arms around Sam as she came too leaning on his shoulder. "According to Daniel we're in the middle of some Egyptian desert back in the 1920's." she was still leaning against him, eyes closed against the hot sun.

"My chest hurts." she complained, "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Broke a few ribs when I landed on you, also your leg." she mumbled something that sounded like water and he shouted out for everyone to stop. Daniel moaned and fell off as the camel knelt down.

Evie dismounted gracefully with Rick's help and went over to Sam and Jack, still sat on the camel. "Dehydration. I don't have anything for the pain." she said, but grasped her water bottle. Jack reached into his fatigue pocket and pulled out some painkillers, taking the bottle off Evie he gave one to Sam. "That should kick in soon, Dannyboy, do we carry any sedative?"

Daniel rummaged about in his vest and pulled out a bag of white pills, "mild sedative. Should be enough." he was rubbing his backside tenderly which prompted a small grin from Sam. "Sleep now." said Jack as he gave her the pill.

"Ready now." Daniel moaned as he climbed back in front of Teal'c who raised an eyebrow. "I have always hated Camels." Rick broke into a broad grin, "A man after my own heart."


"We're here!" Rick called out and Jack was jerked out of his twilight zone doze. He was faced with a nomadic camp of sorts. Animal skin tents surrounding a fire, although it had a homely feel as though it had been there for a while. The inhabitants were mainly men that he could see, wearing Arabic clothing - black with some kind of head veil. One of them approached, he was obviously the leader with the same black clothes but no head cloth and a sword attached to his belt. Another man in a white suit, who looked nothing like the rest of the camp, accompanied the leader, a swagger in his step. He greeted Evie with a hug.

"Sis, how nice of you to stop by. I thought you were coming back in a few weeks not hours." she hugged him back and shook hands with the leader.

"Hello Jonathan, I'm afraid we're here on business. We found a stone circle in the temple, it came to life - it looked a bit like a puddle. Anyway, these four people came from its centre with much force and this girl's hurt. We thought you could heal her."

A thunderous look crossed the Magi's face as he looked over Sam and Teal'c. "I would not heal one of these monsters, those that would enslave humanity." Jack held out his hand, in no uncertain terms asking for silence from the younger man whose sword was drawn.

"I assume you know about the Goa'uld. Well then you'll know it would take a lot for one to save a human's life. Teal'c went against his God, risking his life to save us. He now fights against the false Gods. Yada yada yada!" he then related the Jolinar incident.

"Can we now get some help for Carter?" Ahdeth placed his sword back at its rightful place and led Jack to a tent across camp. A young woman who Jack assumed was a healer placed Sam on a rough bed and instructed Jack to leave. He joined the others around the fire to talk to Ahdeth.

"This is grave news, the canopic jars contained infant Goa'uld. Sekhmeth will find hosts for her children and do what Ra failed to do." Daniel groaned, "But we stop her, right? I mean this hasn't happened in our time?"

"I'm afraid you may have influenced this. You will have to help us stop her." Rick stood in front of Ahdeth challengingly, "there's an us?" Evie placed a calming hand on him, "Of course we'll help stop her, and then we'll get you home." Rick sighed.

"I hate when you do that." he said giving her a quick kiss, "alright, we're in. Jonathan, you're staying here to look after Alex. No arguments."

"Great, time to hit the hay kids. Ahdeth, anyplace near Carter for me?" the tall Magi gave a fleeting smile to Jack. "Of course, follow me." he led Jack to the tent next to Sam's.


Jack woke up for some reason he couldn't quite place, everything was silent, for a moment. As he closed his eyes he heard again the sound that must have woken him, a scream. He was immediately alert, grabbing for his gun. Daniel also stood, trying to climb out of bed, he remembered too late that he was in a sleeping bag. His feet were tangled and he fell, collapsing the tent around them.

Jack threw the heavy material off his head and ran to the healer's tent. Sam was sat up on her 'bed' a shaking hand holding a revolver at the healer. She didn't register his presence but continued to hold the wavering gun now devoid of a target. The healer had moved slowly out of the tent and fetched Ahdeth who was carefully assessing the situation.

"She's having another flashback." said Daniel coming to stand by Jack, "She's been having them for months." Jack looked surprised that she hadn't shared this news with him. He moved slowly over to the bed and sat next to her a while. Eventually her hands dropped with fatigue and the gun fell to the floor.

She looked at Jack with tearful eyes before closing her eyes and falling asleep on top of him. Rather than move her he lay down with her and, after everyone left, extinguished their only means of light. 'Hope she doesn't snore.'


Jack was jerked from his sleep by a panicked voice. "Keep it down." he ordered rolling over further and promptly falling off the bed. "I'm turning into Daniel." he grumbled.

"Sir? What happened last night?" he was suddenly fully awake. "Nothing." She looked at him and weakly raised her eyebrow. "I don't believe you." He sighed. "OK so you had another flashback and when I saw you, you were sat bolt upright pointing a gun at the...er... healing woman."

"What?" He nodded slowly, "yes, but apart from me being used as a pillow...nothing." with a last look behind him he left in search of food. He walked among the Magi muttering to himself "Be vewy, vewy quiet I'm hunting bacon." which earned a few curious looks from the Arabs and Teal'c's eyebrows found themselves several metres off his head.

"What?" Jack asked in all innocence sitting down and helping himself to some meat off the fire.

"Mmmmm, I love bacon." he said through a mouthful. "Actually Jack..." began Daniel. With a feeling it had something to do with his breakfast Jack stopped chewing and motioned for him to continue. "It's a mixture of Scorpion meat and Snake innards. The juices from the stomach help to bind the... but you're right, it tastes a lot like bacon, I..." Jack smacked him over the head to shut him up before tossing the rest of the Snake burger into the fire.

Jack stood up and went to confer with the O'Connells. "erm...you guys are from England...right?" they nodded, "Well, would you happen to have some proper food? I can't stomach Scorpion and I don't think Carter can either."

Rick chuckled while Evie's face remained impassive, "Here," he handed Jack a biscuit. "Thanks," but he looked unimpressed. "Don't worry there's a whole pack of em in my bag." He gestured toward their gear. "Thanks alot...Rick?"

"Yes, he's Rick my name's Evie." She jumped in. "Maybe later we could talk, you know about your time on Earth...you know what I mean." Jack looked confused, but he nodded in the same way he did when Sam technobabbled.


Suggestions for the next part anyone?