Love always finds its way

Summary: Various pairings and various genres. Little challenges between me and Nebiza, check out her fic 'Loving you is easy' too!

A/N Okay, Nebiza is a friend of mine, and we were bored, so we decided to play a game. Give the other a title, a couple, 3 words and a word limit and write away.

My first challenge was:

Title: SEVEN?
Couple: Molly and Arthur Weasley
3 words: glasses, kids and mountain troll
Word limit: 400



"Molly, Molly dear, I can't find my glasses!" Arthur Weasley called out to his newly wedded wife, "Molly, where are you?"

"I'm here Arthur, in the living room!" Molly replied to her new husband, "and your glasses are here too! You left them on the coffee table,"

"Oh, thank you!" the red-haired man said, while he entered the living room and sat down on the couch, grabbed his glasses and placed them on his nose. "Everything is so blury without them,"

"That's why you can't take them off, remember," the tiny woman smiled, looking op from her knitting. The tall man folded open the new Daily Prophet and started reading.

"Arthur," Molly said after a few minutes, lying her knitting on the table beside her, "can we talk for a moment?"

"Did I forget to pay the Prophet owl again? I'm so sorry,"

"No, no it's not that, though I would be nice if you wouldn't forget to do that all the time," the woman smiled, "I wanted to talk about kids," she added nervously.

"What about kids?" Arthur asked, not really being the brightest person in the wizard world.

"Well, I would like to have some," the red-haired woman explained, her eyes watching her husbands face intently.

"Oh, of course! I love kids, of course I want one!" the man replied happily.

"One?" Molly answered nervously, "well, I was more thinking about seven, that being my lucky number and all,"

"SEVEN!" The tall man squeaked shocked, "Seven kids! But so many kids make more noise than a full grown mountain troll!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you also wanted a big family, but it doesn't matter, 2 kids is fine with me too," Molly said, though she didn't sound like she was fine with it at all.

"No, no, no! I love a big family! I was just shocked, nothing to worry about," the man hastily replied, not liking to see his wife sad at all. He stood up from were he was seated and walked over to his wife, sitting down next to her on the small couch. "Seven is perfect," he whispered, and kissed her softly on the lips.