Roxas: One question

An-Chan: Ne?

Roxas: What went through your mind when you made us be chased around by a bunch of coppers? If I had a car I could out-drive them

Sora: Don't give him the car! O.O

Roxas: Oh? Then how about a doughnut and coffee to give to them. A bribe never hurt.

Sora: That either! .

Phlyx: Welcome to Fall Into Your Sunlight, minna! =3 Boring warnings no one listens to but An-Chan makes me say: ShounenAi, don't like? Don't read. The red X at the corner is very nice to people like that. SoRoku, which is SoraXRoxas, SomebodyXNobody (Omg ain't that just fantabulous? XD) whatever you wanna call it. Nothing too severe or too... dirty for innocent eyes in this chappy, probably not for a while =3.

Fall Into Your Sunlight


Chapter one


"Can you explain this to me, Rodgers?" The gruff, slightly-too-obese-for-his-uniform man asks the other man who is standing in front of his desk, shitting buckets of bricks where he stands.

"A-about w-what, s-s-sir?" He stammers, not blinking, back straight.

"How hard can it be to catch two teenagers on the run?" He shouts, pudgy hands slamming onto the mahogany wood of his desk as he gets to his feet angrily. "It's been two and a half damn months! How much longer do you need?"

"We-we're thinking t-that the boys a-are going to try and go at least a long way away, headed west. We're trying our best, s-s-ir."

"Well, your best isn't good enough! The government is pulling at my ears, I'm running out of options, Rodgers! You have three weeks!" He brings his sweaty, large face close to the other officer. "Three weeks, or your job and your neck. I'm not giving you an option."

"Roxas!" The cheerful, wide-eyed, cerulean-eyed brown haired boy shouts back behind him, looking happy despite his predicament. Another teen, eighteen like the gravity-defying-haired boy near the shoreline of the forest lake, looks up from his resting spot, head once having been resting on his arms. He raises an eyebrow. "I found a really pretty one!"

"Another rock?" Roxas asks, sitting up. "You've found quite a lot." He gestures to the pile of fifty or so rocks beside him. "I hope you'll put them back afterwards."

"Of course!" He smiles, holding the quite flat black rock in his hands, coming to kneel beside the blonde-haired boy who is the older of the two. "Look! It's really pretty."

He blinks cerulean eyes as he takes it from his younger twin's hands, examining it in the limited sunlight streaming through the canopy of trees above him.

"It's flat." He nods. "You want to know what we do with these?"

"What?" He asks cheerfully – all he's missing is a tail and dog ears.

"May I?" As the younger twin nods, Roxas stands to his feet, walks to the edge, and brings his arm back behind him. Grunting, he throws it onto the smooth water of the afternoon.

It skips over the edge, once, twice, thrice, the brunette gaping, eyes shining as he watches it skip.

It finally sinks down into the clear water three fourths of the way to the other side.

"Fifteen leaps. Huh." He looks to his brother. "That was an amazing rock, Sor." Using his pet name for his brother always makes Sora smile. Said brunette beams.

"When do we have to get going again, Roxie?" Using his own pet name for his brother, he stands to his feet, still wearing the same clothes he'd worn all those days ago, when they officially became fugitives, condemned by the law. Only this time the back had a small tear.

Roxas looks to the sky peeking through the trees, spotting the sun.

"You have time to swim if you want." He says, walking back to the shade of his trees. He never really liked the sun, since he burns, unlike his brother, who tans at nothing.

"Yay!" And with that, Sora jumps into the water, creating a ripple in the water, clothes and all. "Are you coming too?" He asks, head poking out of the warm water, spiky hair still somehow managing to stand up erect, defying gravity. Roxas looks at him from where he rests.

"Do I have an option?" He asks in return, sighing when the persistent brunette shakes his head. "You are so damn lucky we're not like regular brothers, ne?" He gets up, leaving his shady Haeven in favor of joining his brother.

"I know!" He bubbles with laughter, making the blonde smile in return, his happiness contagious.

"Damn you! Let him go!" He fights, struggling the arms that hold him to where he stands. "He's done nothing wrong!"

"Those are the words of a sinner!" A big, obese man shouts at him, striking him across the face. "Your very existence is a sin!"

"Shut up!" The blonde yells, struggling further. "You don't have the right to say such things! Who are you to tell us we can't be together?"

"Roxas!" The brunette cries, followed by the sound of a very hard slap, some whimpering, and a laugh.

"Damn you… don't you dare lay a hand on my brother!" Roxas snarls. "Sora!"

"Or what, little prince?" The fat man sneers, aiming a gun to the teens forehead. The cool metal felt ominous, reeking of death to the blonde. "You can't save that damn pussy, nor can you save yourself. I pass judgment, in the name of Her."

"Fuck you!" He snarls, bringing his elbow back abruptly to slam into the man's stomach holding him from behind. He ducks as the chief fires his gun, the sound loud, piercing the silence of the rural area. Lights from the houses and apartments nearby flash on, confusion and panic filling the residents. He sweeps his leg to trip the overly fat man, grabbing the gun as he drops it. "This isn't justice, it's murder. You have no right to take away our lives just because it's incest, a 'sin,' in your God's eyes." Roxas spits on his face, an action which makes him feel better. "If he truly was a God, he'd let people love whomever they damn well pleased, and he wouldn't judge them for it."

"Drop the gun, kid." The third cop says dangerously, evenly. "Unless you want your buddy here to die."

"And if I fell to your demands, dear asshole, that wouldn't be protecting him."

And, making sure his brother would not be hit by it, he fired the gun.

"Roxas!" He snaps from his nightmare/dream with small, gentle but firm hands shaking his shoulders, making his teeth rattle.

Roxas blinks lazily, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes. His eyes meet cerulean orbs, which belong to, quite literally, his entire world.

"You were crying out in your sleep." Sora tells him, sitting with his legs crossed beside him. The blonde sits up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Nightmare, is all." Voice still heavy with sleep, he looks to the sky. "We've stayed a long time here. We should keep moving."

Sora nods, getting up and helping his sleepy brother to his feet.

And they set off once more, continuing into the routine that has become familiar to them.

Axel paced the room, muttering profanities as he hears the voices in the adjoining room.

I can't believe they're making us search for them. Manipulative bastards. He clenches his teeth. Polyester pigs. Bet if I gave them a coffee and doughnuts they'd leave me alone. That, or I'd get incarcerated.

What the hell, I won't let them find Sora and Roxas. Damn brats, can't let two guys live their lives. If they knew about Kairi and Namine, or Dem and I…

This goes on for a while, until Namine comes out, hands clenched into fists.

"They're talking with Kairi, she says to go on ahead, and that she'll meet us at the apartment." He follows her out of the police station, but not before hearing hands slam onto a desk, the police chief giving a bucketload of shit to an officer for some reason or other.

"I wish we could help them." She sighs when they get into Axel's car.


They sit in silence, staring out of the window a while.

"I wonder if they're enjoying themselves a little, at least…"

And their eyes betray what

Words cannot say.

Is this alright for a first chapter? No? *Is shot*

The words in bold at the end make something at the end, keep it in mind. As the chapters go, more is added on. You'll see.

But aren't they mean? Chasing the best ShounenAi couple of all time like that =(

Oh, and sorry about the thingy in Roxas' dream about the Christians. If you're Christian, I meant no offense. It's just how I feel about the matter... (Atheist, don't ask) But I meant no disrespect, and I didn't mean to diss the religion, either. And if this helps, I'm technically a Christian, since I was baptized, but I don't believe in the religion, so I call myself Atheist. Again, sorry! No disrespect meant!