I felt like someone had literally ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it a million times. It was not a lovely feeling at all. But I had to remain calm and collected. It's not like Kevin and I were an item, we were far from it... So why did it hurt so much?

I put on a bright smile and lied through my teeth. I honestly don't recall a time when I had lied so many times in so little time.

"It's lovely to meet you, Beverly." Lie. "Kevin's told me so much about you." Lie. I glanced at Kevin who was beginning to turn a little pale. "I would love to stay and chat," Lie. "but I have to go find Nikki. Bye." Lie, again.

I gave the couple a small wave before treating off to the hallway outside of catering. Why did I have to be so stupid and think that he might actually like me? As if he would. I felt stupid, naive, lonely and idiotic.

"I'm so stupid!" I told myself once I was alone in the hallway - at least I thought I was. I let out a frustrated huff and folded my arms over my chest, pouting slightly. I wasn't paying much attention, which was how I found myself in a head first volition with a certain WWE Superstar.

"Wow, ease up there a little bit Brie." I heard a solid voice tell me as I stumble back slightly. My eyes followed up the figure until I reach the face of an always cheery John Cena.

"Oh god, sorry John. " I told him as I noticed a split some of his coffee on his bright red shirt. "I'm such a klutz, sorry, again, I didn't mean to get it all over your shirt." John waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Don't worry about it, I can get these babies anywhere." John chuckled as he pinched some of the fabric. Brie smiled at him. "Are you okay, B? I am talking to Brie right, or else this would probably be kinda awkward." I laughed at his remark before giving him a small nod.

"The one and only, in the flesh. I'll give you props for actually being able to tell myself and Nicole apart, you're one of very few." I told him, avoiding his previous question.

"Ah, well I'm glad to hear I'm good for something. But you didn't answer my other question." John told me, giving me a knowing look. Although myself and John were never 'close' John considered every one of the talent to be his friends and whenever he saw someone looking down, he was the type of person to see if they were okay. I gave a nervous chuckle.

"I've, uh, been better, but it's nothing a goodnights sleep can't help." I lied as I forced a smile, The superstars' travel schedule was known to be hectic, so it wasn't out of the ordinary for people to feel a little "off" every now and then; however, jet lag wasn't my problem.

"Oh I've been there. Well I hope you feel better. I have to go talk to Orton about our match tonight - speaking of matches, good job out there in yours." John told me, which caused me to almost blush at his compliment. Instead, I just shot him a bright smile.

"Thanks. And I'm pretty sure I saw Orton in catering. Anyway, I best be off. It was nice talking to you Cena." I explained to him as I shot him one last smile before walking off.

"Oi, Bella one." Brie heard a voice call out from behind her.

"Nick, do we really have to go through this again?" She sighed as she turned around the face the person. Lucky for Nick, or Dolph Ziggler for anyone who's reading this and isn't aware of his name outside of the ring, Brie knew it was him and she was aware of the little joke he thought they shared. Brie however, didn't find it funny.

He shot her a grin. "Relax B1, you know I'm kidding. I know it's you Brie." He explained to her.

"Would you quit with the B1 stuff, this isn't an episode of Bananas in Pajamas, Ziggles." Brie folded my arms and mocked seriousness, if she didn't play along she knew would get on my back about being too uptight and whatnot.

"Alright, Alright, Brianna." He put his hands up in defeat. "Anyway, why were you talking to Cena?" He asked as he too folded his arms over his chest.

"Why were you watching me talk to Cena?" She retorted with a cock of her brow.

"Dude, you're making me sound like I was creeping or something. I was just casually walking into catering and saw you talking to Cena. That's hardly creepy or anything." He reason, but Brie just smirked at him.

"Whatever Ziggles." She told him, hearing him sigh at the nickname. "Have you seen Nikki?"

"Yeah, she was with Kelly last time I saw her." Now it was her turn to sigh. She wasn't exactly Kellys biggest fan, however Nikki and Kelly were somewhat friends, as Nikki put it. Whatever that meant. Brie heard rumors about Kelly, some she could've gone without hearing, which would later be confirmed by Nikki.

Kelly was nice and all to Brie, but she just felt Kelly as a bad influence on her sister. And again, she didn't appreciate the things she heard about her backstage.

"Which probably means Nicoles going out clubbing tonight. Great." Brie rolled her eyes.

"Which probably means her and I will make-out again." He shot Brie a wink and flashbacks of the previous week played through her head. But although they started off with Nikki and Dolph somehow they ended up on her and Kevin.

Brie shook her head. "Please, don't remind me." She joked, which caused Nick to chuckle. If only he knew the seriousness of he words.

"I'm just messing with you. Zack and I are actually going to grab some food after the show. You're free to join us I'd you'd like?" He offered with a genuine smile.

"Sure it beats watching Nikki and Kelly grind on each other while a bunch of Superstars drool." Brie made a face and Nick couldn't help but laugh.

He knew that Brie and Nikki were basically polar opposites. He knew the girls for a good 5 years or so, back when they first started FCW. He considered them both to be good friends of his. His friendship with both of them was about as different as they were to each other. While Nikki was the loud and outgoing one, Brie was the quiet, shy one. Him and Nikki often hooked up, but for some reason it never hurt their friendship.

Brie on the other hand, he could joke about with her and at the same time they could talk to each other about anything. Although he found her ridiculously attractive, he would never go there.

"Oh now that mention it, maybe we might stop by the club." He winked playfully at the brunette who just rolled her eyes. "I'll go get Ryder, and then we'll meet back here in 10?" Brie nodded and the two went their separate ways.

I'm sorry for the extreme lateness on the update, I hope this can sorts make up for it? Because I have serious Bella and Dolph inspiration at the moment, I'm going to work on the next chapter. You should all drop a review. :D