Thanks for all the reviews!

Reid woke in Garcia's arms with a slight moan.

"Easy there Spencer," she said softly. "You just had a panic attack." He groaned softly as he registered his surroundings.

"Are you all right?" He asked. She gave a sad smile.

"I should be asking you all right." He tried to sit up but sank back into her arms.

"Don't try and move just yet," she advised him. He nodded weakly and winced when he did. She winced also, as if feeling his pain.

"I'm so sorry, Spence," she sobbed. "I couldn't stop him, he was so ruthless.."

"It's okay, Garcia," he said in a raspy voice.

"What...did they ask you?" She asked softly. "They said that they questioned you..."

"They wanted to know stuff...about us...about Hotch..."

"Hotch?" She was stunned.

"I wasn't very helpful...that's why my face looks like this."

She closed her eyes.

"What kind of questions?"

"Odd how long Hotch had worked there...if he ever made a mistake on a case, accused the wrong person...What the next case was..."

She frowned, they were odd all right.

Reid groaned but managed to sit up. He winced and rubbed his ribs.

"I think they're broken," Garcia said softly and he groaned. "You shouldn't have talked back to him!" She added, for some reason angry. He looked at her.

"I couldn't have him treat you like that!"

"You should have!" She shot back. "I can handle it. Please, Spencer, don't GIVE them reasons to hurt you."

Reid bit his lip.

"I can't promise you that-" he said honestly and she sighed.

"I wonder if anyone knows we're missing," she said suddenly. Reid gave her as mile.

"I'm sure they do. And Morgan especially is working aroudn the clock to get you back."

"AND you," she added sharply and he said nothing, she opened her mouth when the door opened. She stared at Reid.

"Remember what I said," she hissed as the footsteps came down the stairs. She tensed when she saw Jim.

"Come with me," he said quietly. "It's your turn."

"What?" Reid said sharply, his face filled with fear. "No, take me again, do what you want with me, leave her alone!"

"Reid stop!" Garcia cried out. She stood up with shaking legs. "You'll leave him alone? If I go?"

"If you cooperate, yes."

She nodded.

"Leave him untied," she begged. "He's too weak to go anywhere." Slowly Jim nodded.

"No! Garcia! Don't! Please, sir!" Reid started to beg, really beg. He knew what awaited her up those stairs. "No, please, don't do this! Take me instead!" He shouted as Garcia let tears roll down her cheeks as she bravely walked up those steps, knowing her fate.

"Garcia! Please sir! Please!" Reid begged as the door slammed. He continued to shout helplessly until he broke down in convulsed sobs.

"I'm so sorry Morgan," he sobbed. "For not protecting her. So so sorry."

Morgan saw JJ's shoulder shake with her back turned to a corner.

"Here." He gave her a tissue. She smiled at him.

"I wish I was back here under different circumstances," she said softly, her voice trembling. He nodded.

"Same," he said softly. She closed her eyes.

"Who would want to hurt Garcia?" She whispered. "Or...or Spence?"

"I don't know but whoever it is I'm going to kill them," Morgan promised sincerly. He meant it too. He didn't want to arrest this bastard, or whoever is doing it. He wanted them/him dead.

"It's been over 24 hours," she said, her voice shook. "We know with kidnapping cases the longer they are held the less chance we have..."

"Don't think about that," said Morgan softly as he squeezed her hand. "I'm not going ot rest until we get them back. Neither is Hotch, Rossi or Emily. You know that."

JJ nodded and sniffed.

"Just...tell me what to do,"she whispered. "I have to do something, I have to help." He nodded with understanding and led her over to Emily for assistance. Breathing heavily he walked into his office and then punched the wall with his fist after closing the door and before sinking into his chair.

There suddenly he became unglued as he thought of his two closest friends, one of the few people he truly trusts, in mortal danger like this and started to sob. Hotch listened as he walked by but decided not to say anything.

He knew Morgan needed this release.

With pursed lips he walked into his own office, determined to do whatever it took to find Garcia and Reid, even if it meant breaking protocal.