A sharp pain had Hermione doubled over in pain on the soft duvet of her bed. The early morning light streamed through her window and caught on the planes of her face as she clutched her stomach. She fell back against the pillows dejectedly and continued to hold her stomach in an effort to lessen the pain. Her face contorted with the effort of not making a sound, but she soon lost the battle and a soft groan hissed through her teeth.

Two levels below her, in the house of number twelve Grimauld place, Sirius' dog-like ears heard her. He glanced up from the book in his lap and stared confusedly at the ceiling above. He set his place in his book and placed it gently on the table beside him.

He took the stairs quickly and opened the door to find her in the fetal position above the blankets on her bed. He quickly crossed the room and bent on one knee to get a better look at her face. The small twitches told him she was in pain, but not where. He looked down at her questioningly; his reading glasses perched precariously on the tip of his nose.

"Cramps," was her muffled reply as she dropped her head onto a pillow.

He smiled in understanding and rubbed her back soothingly. He closed the space between them and kissed her forehead gently. He shifted to walk away but her sudden grip on his shirt had him reeling back to her.

Her lips crashed onto his. Her was tongue not requesting entrance but demanding it, to which Sirius gladly complied. His mouth opened in an easy and practiced move and his tongue greeted hers like an old friend.

Their tongues battled briefly for dominance until Hermione shifted them so that she straddled his waist and hovered above him. She locked her arms behind his neck and her lips kissed a soft trail up his jaw bone until she was nibbling gently on his earlobe. His fingers threaded though her smooth chestnut hair and left searing trails down her back. He breathed softly into the hollow of her neck and made her shiver in delight.

Hermione leaned in for another hard and passionate kiss before pulling away and apologizing. "Hormones do the craziest things to me," she said by way of apology. She smiled gently and turned over in her bed, once again clutching her stomach.

Sirius left the room in a haze. A smirk contorted his face and his thoughts turned very thankful towards Mother Nature.