Hey everyone, back again with a new chapter. I have no reason as to why it took so long, I guess everyone understands that life gets in the way and people have families, work, school, themselves to worry about and I just can't make it on the computer sometimes. I does not mean that I have forgotten, I do take time to calm done and escape life by writing some chapters on the computer I just can't find the time to upload them but I will attempt my best. I hope you enjoy the chapter, I surely loved creating it.

For those who like my crossovers, and love twilight, I am rewriting my Charmed Life, please go check it out and give me some feedback on what you thought. I'll leave you to enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight nor NCIS

Warning: Nothing!

The sun came up to o quickly for her taste, she could feel the rays start to warm her surprisingly cold skin, oddly enough it wasn't the sun that woke her up, she had waken her self up which hadn't happen in the last 5 years, she felt awake, she didn't feel tired, the gaping hole in her chest, didn't return like it would every morning. She sat up and looked down to the covers, blinking she realized they weren't hers, this wasn't her room, this wasn't her house.

"Good you're awake, I was about to wake you up myself." The voice she knew all to well, turning her head up her eyes widened as she looked over to a boxer clad Jason leaning against the doorway of what seemed to be his bedroom.

"Oh my god" she whispered, as she looked down but she sighed when she found her self still in the clothing she had on yesterday.

Jason frowned, "Did you honestly believe I would take advantage of your state Bella" he asked slightly offended.

Bella sighed, "I'm sorry Jason, I don't even remember the state I was in" she said shaking her head, she pulled the covers off of her and pushed her self up in a sitting position her legs reaching the floor. "God I have a headache." She whispered.

As in cue, Jason came over to her handing her a glass of water and two aspirins, "I didn't think you were going to show up last night, so around 11 I locked up the house and sat in front of the TV for some late news you came knocking around 11:30, Bella I've never seen you so upset. When I opened the door you just crushed into my chest and started crying, you stayed like that for about 2 hours until you cried yourself to sleep. I lifted you up and placed you into bed and crashed on the couch. Are you all right, do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

Bella shook her head her face flaming, how could she have lost it like that, and especially in front of Jason, she could understand landing in Abby's house, Ziva and even the Directors but Jason. "I should get going, Gibbs must be wondering where I am," she said getting up, she was still a little dizzy but she could get to her car and maybe to her house.

"I'm not letting you leave, not like this, look I'll call in Gibbs and explain what's happening you could have the day off," he said standing up.

"No" she said strongly, stopping him, "there is no day offs with Gibbs, especially when there is a case. I'm going to be chewed out as it is, there's no need for him to find out there's a relationship going on between two co-workers" she said her hand going up to her forehead as she sighed.

Jason frowned, "Rule number 12 or something" he said slightly annoyed.

"Rule number 12" she repeated flatly, then gave him a soft smile, "Look Jason I appreciate what you did for me last night and for crashing on the couch, I'll make it up to you I promise" she said looking around the room for her shoes.

Pursing his lips he frowned but kneeled down slightly and got her black heels handing them over to her, but before she grasped them he grabbed her hand and pulled her close, "Dinner tonight," at her pained glance he nodded, "Alright what about breakfast tomorrow morning, the café in front of NCIS" he said, her lips twitched upward into a smile and he smiled back pecking her lips. "Breakfast it is" he officiated.

Placing the key into the ignition she leaned back closing her eyes, what was she thinking, Jason and her self wasn't exactly a couple. They weren't seeing other people either but it had been such a long time since she had felt anything, glancing at the time she knew she didn't have enough time to make it home, groaning she placed the car in reverse and pulled out, missing the pair of gold eyes watching her from the corner of the parking lot.

For human wishing to be dead was so easy, dying was so easy, all they had to do was pop back a few pills, jump off a building or even stop breathing but for them, all they could do is, nothing. Vampires don't attack each other unless threatened, and it was rare that you would come across one in the same state; they usually tend to stay away from one another, especially if they caught unto each other's scents.

But all he wanted was the pain to stop; he deserved it, to watch his plan work so effortlessly. That is what he wanted, didn't he? For her to move on? To be happy with someone else? He just never expected to be watching it while it happened, he always believed he would be miles away when Bella was falling in love, when she was with another man, yes he always planned to come back, to see what had happened to her life. Maybe even catch a glance of her children, but never this. To love her, to having her so close, feeling her warmth and her amazing aroma were too much.

He new it was his fault, her anger, and her avoidance, all of it fell on his shoulders. All he wanted for her, was her safety, and he knew, well he knew at the time staying wasn't smart it wasn't practical. What good did it do for her though, if in the short time he was away she found herself back in dangers way, sure it was human dangers but nonetheless it wasn't safe. Not for his Bella.

His Bella. She wasn't his anymore she was Jason's. Swallowing back the venom that came to his throat he closed his eyes as he felt the anger and anguish rise. Clenching his fist he stops the need to punch at the cement block in front of him, he needed to leave he couldn't stay. He knew it was cowardly, he new he was running but watching her slip away, watching her hate him was too much.

Taking a breath he took the phone from his pocket and placed it to his ear, "Hello" his said dryly.

"Edward, where are you? We need to be at work in less then 10 minutes" his fathers voice spoke, Edward didn't have to be in the room with him to know how he was feeling, how all of them were feeling. Edward's pain was due to the loss of the love of his life, Carlisle was the loss of a daughter, and a daughter Carlisle believes hates him.

"I can't," he said pained, "Tell Agent Gibbs I apologize but NCIS isn't right for me" he whispered.

There was a pause, "You can't keep running Edward, this is what you wanted remember" he said, Edward winced, he knew Carlisle would never hurt him intentionally but he didn't miss the accusation in his fathers voice.

"She was at his house," he said, his voice breaking. "She spent the night".

"Oh Edward" Carlisle said tiredly, "Son I'm sorry, did they-"

"No" he quickly said angrily, "No his a gentlemen, she feel asleep and he placed her in his bed and slept on the couch" he said sourly, he truly wished he had a reason to kill the human, but he knew even if Jason had touched Bella, Bella would never forgive him for harming Jason.

"Edward, I'm not leaving her again. I learned about what happened to Charlie, a story that is not my place to tell. You have to either fight for her back or come with the terms that Bella is not yours anymore. That she is not the same Bella, anymore. Right now the priority is to gain her forgiveness slowly" he spoke, "I want you at work in 5 minutes, or I will come find you" the dial tone was all he heard at the end.

Growling under his breath he lost his self control and threw his phone across the parking lot, a flock of birds at the end scattered in fear a few coming back to see what had disturbed their feeding only to find pieces of broken glass and metal. Passing his hand through his hair he stabbed his hand into his pockets and pulled out his keys unlocking the door to his Volvo, if Bella was paying attention she would have noticed it.

Arriving at work in the same clothing you had on yesterday had to be the most humiliating moment in someone's life, to men it probably not, it tended to mean you stayed behind to either to work but for woman people always thought the worst, especially of some of the co-workers saw a man invite you to their home the night before.

Blushing at the winks and snickers she rushed into the elevator and grimaced when she realized her father was inside, one look at her and he narrowed his eyes but didn't speak just took a sip from his coffee, if she could call it that.

"Long night" she muttered and dashed out of it as soon as it reopened grabbing Ziva's arm as she passed her desk and ignoring the look Tony sent her.

"Calm down Isabella" Ziva said surprised when Bella finally dropped her arm when they were at a safe distance, "You look like a dish out of water" she said.

Bella sighed, "Its fish Ziva, fish out of water" she corrected but the mossad just rolled her eyes, "I need a favor, I need to borrow some of your clothing I know you keep some in your drawers for emergency's." she said putting her hands up in a praying formation and mouthing please.

Ziva looked at her then her clothing and smirked, "I take it you were with Jason" she said, then chuckled, "Of course, wait right here" she said, walking back to her desk, Bella groaned closing her eyes as she leaned her head back against the wall, she never did this and if she did she was always smart enough to place her phone a few hours early to make it home and clean up, Ziva returned a few minutes later, with a set of clothing pilled on her hand handing it to her silently, "Your father would like some answers" she said, "as well as Tony, I told them I wasn't privileged to share" she added gave her a wink then turned to leave back.

Taking a deep breath she left from her hidden space and turned to the bathroom but as she glanced at the team, the others entered, eyes locking with gold for a solid second causing her to look away, she wasn't cruel she knew they could tell, they had photographic memories, they could clearly see she hadn't changed clothing since the night before and they were at ear distance when Jason had asked her to come over, she stopped for a minute as her heart broke softly inside, she wanted to make them sweat, she wanted to hurt him. But not like that.

Shaking her thoughts away she walked towards the bathroom ignoring looks from other agents, going into the stall she stripped from her clothing placing Ziva's on she knew she should have asked Abby for clothing, Ziva had more curves while she was more lean, but the clothing Ziva had given her were easily adjustable. Tying the kaki pants tighter she pulled the sleeves from the white cotton sweater up tied her hair back into a ponytail and placed on her holster.

Looking in the mirror she looked like crap, tired, though she had one of the best sleeps in a long time that night, splashing some water onto her face she rolled her clothes up into a ball and walked out. Noticing that Gibbs, Tony, and Ziva were missing, ignoring the others she placed her clothing in a drawer and sat on the edge.

"Where are the others McGee" she said slightly dull.

"At the car waiting for me" he said, "I stayed behind to give you a heads up, Gibbs wants to follow any leads Abby has, as well as look through all of Officer House's information" he said as he got his credentials and weapon as he passed her he stopped his hand going to grab her arm softly as his body shielded himself and Bella. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine Tim," she said softly.

He frowned, "You stayed at Jason's?" he asked, she groaned giving him a look that made him continue quickly, "I'm not Tony, so I won't act like him but I do care for you Isa, he didn't do anything?" he asked, he may not look like it but he had a younger sister, he would do anything for Sarah.

"Tim" she admonished, "Of course not, now go, you know how Gibbs is when you keep him waiting" she said, Tim nodded, "Wait, Take Cullen with you, he needs experience" she said, she couldn't deal with Edward not at the moment, she didn't look back but she heard Tim direct Edward of what he needed and the light noise of the elevator opening before everything was silent, closing her eyes she rubbed her face then stood up, turning she smiled at the other two. "Lets get working, now assuming that you know what you are doing and no one printed out fake degrees, Hale I need you to find me every information you have on Petty Officer House, credit card information, leases, loans, family members anything you find, discover I want to know about" she instructed.

Jasper glanced at her a look she could not fathom to understand pass his features before he blinked it away, "On it boss" he said, typing away onto the computer.

Bella stopped blinking then chuckled slightly, "Its not boss Jasper" she said, "You can call me Isa," she said giving him a sincere smile; Jasper and Emmett were the least she was angry with. "Gibbs is boss," she said. "McCarty you're with me, we're going to give Abby a little visit," she said turning to the elevator, Emmett right on her trail.

The elevator ride was stiff, awkward, silent, but she stayed firm, the one moment she showed any weakness her wall would fall.

"What happened to Charlie?" Emmett asked, they have been dying to understand why Bella had called Gibbs her father, Carlisle had some information but he felt it wasn't his place to share.

Closing her eyes at the mention of Charlie she swallowed, looking over to the elevators key pad she flicked it up and stopped it from moving, she felt Emmett's gruff noise of shock before she turned to him, "A few days after you guys disappeared, something happened in forks" she said shaking her head, "Nothing happens in forks but, Charlie was called out at midnight, something about a body being discovered in the docks, I thought it could be one of your kind but I learned quickly that he was shot, Charlie was on the case for weeks and more bodies were being discovered, until one time, Charlie got a lead and it was a trap, he was shot right in the chest" she whispered.

"Bella" Emmett said softly moving forward but she shook her head sharply.

"I always feared that something would happen to him, but when I arrived to forks, it was such a mundane town nothing ever happens and if it does, it was always supernatural. I rushed to the hospital and he was in surgery, the bullet had pierced his lung and it was filling with blood. Charlie never made it off the table" she said her voice cracking.

"I didn't know what to do I was devastated. The Funeral was short but the department showed up, they all felt guilty for how Charlie left, Renee tried to convince me to go with her to Florida but I couldn't Forks had become such a black omen but the idea of leaving, hurt more. I couldn't sale the house, I still haven't Billy Black is keeping an eye on it for me. When I declined going with my mother, she told me the truth" she said chuckling humorlessly.

"The truth?" Emmett asked.

"Charlie and Renee aren't my biological parents, Renee is the sister of my real mother, while Charlie was her best friend, you see Gibbs is my real father he was married to my mother Shannon they had Kelly before me, I came 7 years later, Gibbs was a marine, when Kelly was 8, I was one she and our mother were instantly kill in a car accident, that was intentional, the driver was shot which caused the car to crash, instantly killing them. I had stayed behind in the house. When my father learned that they were dead, he did what he thought would be best, giving me to Renee and Charlie. They were recently married, Charlie and my father got along well, and he trusted him as well as my mother sister." She explained leaning back against the wall.

Emmett blinked the information more then he expected to hear, "Why did you move with Charlie, I mean, Renee would have known he wasn't really your father?" he asked.

"Gibbs told them he wanted me to grow up believing they were my parents, so when the unavoidable happened and Charlie and Renee had a divorce, I was still young, so my Aunt took me, but Charlie was my father she had no choice but to continue the charade and send me to Forks during the summer, as for moving in with Charlie, it was more easier to convince her but that was because she had married Phil" He said, "I was introduced to my real father a few years back, Renee had notified him that I knew the truth, and he flew out to Forks to meet me at first I wanted nothing to do with him, I was angry and hurt. But when he told me what happened to my mother and my sister, I understood, well at least part of me did" she said.

"Bella I'm, I'm so sorry" he whispered, his hands shaped in fist, all he wanted to do was hug her, she was his little sister, but he grimaced when she turned sharply her eyes narrowed as she looked at him.

"For what?" she ordered.

Bowing his head in shame, he sighed, "For everything, I'm so sorry for everything" he said his voice sadden.

Pursing her lips tightly she flicked the elevator on, the doors opening a few minutes later, as she got off she stopped, "I never blamed you Emmett, it wasn't your fault" she said then walked towards Abby's lab, "What you got for me Abs" he heard in the distance, a smile passed his features before he caught up with her.

Well, there you have it, I hope I'm giving you guys a good chapter and I hope this time Bella doesn't cave so easily as my original story. Edward and Bella will happen eventually but I do want to see him sweat. What are your views on Jason, do you want him to stay, as a character? Do you like him? Do you hate him? Why? Please give me some feedback on what you want to see, do you want Jason to remain good, become a jerk, be killed off? Please review and let me know!

Love ya! Camy