I should probably be working on a paper right now... especially since next week is finals week... but this plot bunny just wouldn't leave!
I churned out a one-shot in forty-five minutes and now I have to go write my paper. Hopefully the one-shot is better than the paper. LOL :P
I own no teenagers, mutants, ninjas, or turtles.
A rather ordinary night in the New York Police Station breakroom until…
"Hey Roger! We got another one!" Sally said.
"Really? That's the third this week! What is up with these girls?" Roger said, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Nobody knows, they won't talk about it. In fact, last time Bill asked one of 'em, he got a shoe launched at his head. Says the girl yelled "I won't tell you anything about them, and you can't make me!" Nothing to do but charge them with trespassing on city property." Sally said.
"This is just bizarre." Roger stated the obvious.
Sally nodded. "And as if that's not enough, you've got the way they get caught."
Roger raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" he asked.
Sally smiled, relishing the chance to disseminate some previously unknown bit of gossip.
"Well, there's always a 911 call. But it comes from a pay phone. And it's always the same. 'I've found a girl trespassing on city property. She was lost in the sewers and would like someone to come and take her home.' Then they give her location."
"Someone takes the time to turn in a bunch of girls for trespassing on city property? Wait how would he know the girl was down there unless they were too? This is just plain weird." Roger shook his head.
Sally laughed. "Tell me about it."
Just then a police officer and a girl struggling against her handcuffs passed the break-room door.
The girl was yelling loudly. "No! You can't do this! We were meant to be together! You have to let me find him! He doesn't know what he's doing! This is true love! True love! Nooooo!"
Sally just looked at Roger.
"They're looking for love in the New York City sewers?" Roger asked incredulously.
"Okay, even I have a hard time buying that one." Sally said.
Leo dropped onto the couch, exhausted.
"You get rid of her?" Raph asked, tossing his fatigued brother a box of Chinese take-out.
"Yeah. She was the most persistent one yet. I almost had to knock her out. She kept trying to run to other manholes and get back down here, shouting about 'true love'." Leo shivered. Raph just smirked.
"Maybe I should take the next one." He said, hitting his palm with his fist.
Don rolled his eyes. "You know why you're banned Raph. The last one you chased out will probably be needing therapy."
"Well she's gone ain't she? And I guarantee she won't be coming back. Did you hear her scream when I jumped out at her? Man I wish I had a video camera!" The red-banded turtle chuckled.
Mikey poked his head out from the dojo. "Is it safe yet?" he asked hesitantly.
Leo nodded. "Yeah Mike. She's gone."
Mikey sighed in relief and flipped over to the couch. "Hey watch it!" Leo said when Mikey landed next to him on the sofa and almost made him spill his egg-foo-young.
"I can't believe she actually made it past the outer alarms... I'm sorry Mikey." Don said.
"Don't sweat it bro. She's the cops' problem now." Mikey said.
"Hmmm, I wonder what the police are thinking of all the 'trespassers' that have been roaming the sewers lately. It's a far cry from the usual 'packages' that we leave for them." Leo said.
The four brothers looked at each other.
All was quiet.
Then laughter filled the Lair.
Well, now I have appeased the plot bunny. Back to work. *Sigh*
After finals are over and I'm on break I'll have a chance to sit down and write a couple more chapters of Weirdest Pizza Delivery Job. Yay!