A/N: Hulloo! This is the final instalment! *tears* Thanks to everyone that has stuck by my little project! This is my first fan fiction and I would truly like to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Apologies for the late update – I was engrossed in my newest story "London Stayed out All Night". It also seems like these letters have taken a more serious turn! I hope you do enjoy our favourite couple in these little snippets.

Part 4 –T to Z

T is for Tears

"Though we were never close, I still felt he was right beside me. And... And... I..." London looked towards the expecting crowd. "I'm sorry," she ran down from the podium and towards the entrance of the church.

Zack stood up from his seat and followed her. He nodded to the guests, friends and family who had come.

When they both made it outside, Zack went up to London and held her tight. "It's ok," he said as he cupped her head. London was sobbing on his shoulder. "I can't believe he's gone," London cried, "and I didn't even get to say good bye... he didn't get to walk me down the aisle."

London's body dropped to the ground. Luckily Zack was holding her, so she didn't make contact with the grass. "He's gone" she cried louder, "Daddy's gone... he's gone..." London kept repeating the words out loud – she believed if she said it enough, she might be able to accept what happened.

"London, look at me," he held her face, "He's not gone, he's in here." Zack pointed at her heart, "And he always will be." London smiled slightly, "really?"

"I promise you he is," Zack said as he hugged London again. London closed her eyes and allowed herself to drown in Zack's warmth. "You're right Zack, he will be," London breathed in and pulled away. "I'm ready," she said with conviction.

London took hold of Zack's hand and marched back into the church. She walked proudly down the aisle with Zack beside her and made her up onto the podium.

"My daddy, Wilfred Tipton, was a man of few words." She smiled at the crowd. "And I'm sure," she continued, "That if he were here among us today he would be so grateful that so many people have come to celebrate his life. So thank you all for coming." London took out an envelope from her bag. "This here," she revealed to the crowd, "is a letter my father wrote on his death bed and one that he wanted me to read when he..." London sniffed and a tear drop fell from her eye, "when he passed away."

She opened the golden envelope and cleared her throat, "To my friends, family and guests." London's eyes were not the only ones becoming teary. Mr Moseby, a few of Mr Tipton's ex-wives and some body guards were crying too. London wiped her eyes and continued, "If London is reading this letter, then it seems that I have kicked the bucket." A few members of the crowd laughed. "If London is reading this letter, then my final wish is almost complete." London tried to hold back the flow of tears escaping her eyes. Zack who was still beside her, put his arm around her and whispered to her ear, "Don't cry, he's counting on you to read this."

London cleared her throat again and decided to read the whole letter with no breaks. "If London is reading this letter, she is probably up on stage next to her fiancé, my son-in-law, Zack. To any of you who don't know, it is my final wish that my daughter, London, is happy for the rest of her life. I have never told her this but; I know that she is making the right decision in marrying that troublemaker Zack. The change I have observed in her in enormous and I know I can only attribute it to the boy beside her. I don't want to write much, but what I do want all of the audience to hear, is that I am so proud of you, London, and all that you have become. My one regret in life is not being close enough to you to tell you this. But I know that Zack will fill the void I have created and probably overfill it. I will always be in your heart, as you will always be in mine. Live a happy life with no regrets. With Love, Wilfred Tipton."

The crowd remained quiet, everyone stopped crying and looked towards London. She stood there, next to Zack, smiling at him. Then she turned towards the crowd and smiled at them.

U is for Umbrella

It was a terrible day. The clouds were grey and the downpour of rain seemed like it was going to go on forever.

Zack and London were ready for work and having breakfast. "Mmmm, pancakes," Zack smiled. "Yeah! They're a little burnt, but I think it will still be good," London said happily.

At the same time they both took a bite from their pancakes... and at the same time they spit it out. "Are you trying to kill me London?" Zack joked. "They weren't that bad when I tested it," she said glumly.

Zack looked at his watch, "Oh, I think I'm going to be late." He scrambled up and kissed London, "See you later." London smiled and said, "Bye Zacky. Come home early!"

London got out her phone and called room service, "please clear up the table." Then she got up and collected her bags. She still had half an hour till work, so she decided to go to the hotel cafe.

When she made it down, she looked out the window and saw that it was still pouring. "Oh, sparkles! My hair will be ruined," she stomped. "What am I saying! My hair? What about Zack! He'll get sick! He never brings umbrellas!"

London raced to the gift shop and bought an umbrella. Then she ran outside and tried to catch Zack before he got too wet. With all her bags in tow and her high heels, she was going pretty slowly.

As she turned the corner, she saw Zack at an umbrella stand. "Oh, I think he's going to buy one!" London was excited to see Zack taking care of his health. She decided to watch him instead.

After Zack bought a rainbow umbrella, he began walking towards London's direction. Wrong way Zack, London thought.

She stepped up from behind the sign she was using to hide and stood in front of Zack. "Zack your job is that way!" She pointed towards the other end of the street.

"I know, I know! It's just that it's raining so hard... and knowing you, you'd forget your umbrella. I was just going back to pick you up and bring you to work," Zack said.

London was surprised. "Gasp! I was going to do the same! We really are telepathetic!"

Zack was just too happy. So this is what fate feels like, he thought, oh yeah! Feels pretty damn good!

His umbrella twirled to the ground as he threw it down and grabbed London. As he did so, London let go of her umbrella and bags.

He held her face then kissed her passionately.

Even with all the people surrounding them he kissed her.

Even with the rain was drenching them he kissed her.

Even when they were completely wet, he kissed her.

And she kissed him back.

V is for Vast

Mr Moseby looked at London, "Look, London, I can't write your vows for you but here's a tip. Think of one word that describes how you feel about Zack and use that as a starting point..."

"One word... One word," London filed her nails as she tried to think. "One word... well I think our love is... big... huge... I need a more poetic word... ginormous... no! I got it! Vast!"

London got out a pen and began writing a poem on a tissue.

Vast, by London Tipton (my vows for my Zacky!)

Though not long I have searched,
Though young I have fell,
And though I may never take my eyes off of you,

It is the ever beating feeling that burns within the vast of my mind,
We will never recall the troubles,
We will both forget the problems,
We will look past the darkness,

I can only see love,
And though I may never take my eyes off of you,
It is the ever beating feeling that burns within the vast of my mind,

Looking for you was inspiring,
Finding you was completing,
Losing you will never begin,
For our love spans past the unfathomable and holds its place,

And though I may never take my eyes off of you
It is the ever beating feeling that burns within the vast of my mind,
The vast that holds a single place,

"Yay me!" She clapped, "I hope it makes sense! I know! I'll get Moseby to proof read it!"

London skipped to his office and handed the letter over. Mr Moseby looked at the poem, his eyes widened and then he fainted.

"Moseby..." London said wearily, "Is it that bad?"

"No London," Moseby said in a daze, "It's that good!"

W is for Wedding

The doors flung open to reveal a beautiful church. It was antique in its furnishings and trimmed with elegant bouquets of white roses. In front of me were London's bridesmaids, in sparkly, baby pink dresses of course; they were sugared up and ready to walk down the plush aisle.

But most importantly (not including London) were Bailey and I, her two maids of honour. Why two? Well it was London Tipton of course... That needed no explanation.

We were both excited with the unlimited amounts of cash we had to plan the wedding and also relieved that these two lovebirds were finally tying the knot. It was truly a night to remember.

"Maddie, Bailey!" London cried behind us.

"Yes," Bailey and I said at the same time.

"I'm scared! What if a trip or mess up?" She was utterly nervous; she broke into a slight sweat.

"You will not," Bailey smiled as she dabbed London's face with a hanky. I took her hand and told her, "You're London Tipton for Pete's sakes! Where's that rich airheaded heiress who will be the star attraction?"

"Ooo! Right here," London said as she giddily raised her hand.

Before I could say anymore, the music began. We walked uniformly down the aisle. Past dignitaries, presidents, actors and actresses – and oh! A prince... I better get his number later.

No matter how beautiful we bridesmaids were – and we were – we were no match for the sparkle that was London. She was absolutely radiant. And if I do say so myself, Mr Moseby cleans up quite well. He walked London down the aisle. When they looked at each other and smiled, I swear they could pass of as father and daughter. He was extremely blissful yet a little heartbroken that he was giving away his adoptive daughter.

I looked to Zack, standing next to Cody. There was something different about him today. He looked so... so... ready. My, my, that boy has changed... and for the better.

I looked around and I'm pretty sure I saw all the single women swooning over him. I would too, except that the Prince sitting over there is just as swoon worthy – and not getting married today! I winked at him – hopefully he saw me.

Whoops! Back to the wedding... Zack looked at London like he was about to burst if she wasn't near him.

We made it to the front and wow, it was such a sight. The moment Moseby handed London to Zack, I was about to cry, Carey already was. It was just a beautiful moment. Who knew that one touch could send the electricity passing through the crowd? We could see the glow on their faces when they stood next to each other.

This wedding was hardly the beginning of their lives, no; they had begun that long ago... this was simply the next volume in their book.

X is for XOXOXO

Dear Zack,

By the time you have read this letter, I will have gone...

...Gone to the bathroom!

I know you are waiting in our honeymoon suite right now... excited just like me! But for now I want to tell you things that I might not be able to tell you once I come out of the bathroom and we... you know...

Ok. First, I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really like you! And second: I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really love you!

I know I don't say this a lot but I do! I also think that you're really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really cute and handsome.

What else? Oh yeah! You looked great at the wedding! I'm glad I was the one marrying you! Did you see how some of our guests looked at you?

I don't know why I wrote this letter. I just wanted for you to do something while I got ready... for you know... our first night in our honeymoon suite... and... ok I'm probably ready now...

Love from your lovely, loving wife London Martin

PS. I love putting Martin after my name!


Zack put down the letter as he waited on the bed. He couldn't help but smile... maybe it was the millions of butterflies fluttering in his stomach or was it the anticipation of seeing his beloved wife on their first night together? It could be the thought of spending forever with London by his side... or maybe the honeymoon jitters.

He decided that it was all that and more.

London slowly emerged from the bathroom. She smiled shyly at Zack. She waved at him and whispered, "Did you read the letter?"

"I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really love you too London", Zack declared, "Now come here!"

Y is for Yes

"Zack! Be a dear and get me a snack," London said as she watched Confessions of a Shopoholic. "Sure, London," Zack called out since he was on his way to the kitchen anyway.

"Zack! While you're at it, can you giving me sparkling water?" She called out again. "Yes, London," he called out from the kitchen.

As he entered the living room, ready to watch the movie with London... "Zack! It's finished! Can you rent a new movie... I have nothing to watch." "Ok... but we do have cable," he reminded her.

"Oh yeah! Can you pass the remote Zacky?" She asked. "Ok," he replied, but he was getting a bit tired of the errands he was constantly getting.

"Zack..." London began... "Yes London! Whatever it is... YES!" Zack replied rather angrily.

A little shocked, London said, "Well, I was going to say it's your turn to boss me around but I guess I'm the only one playing."

London skipped to the bedroom and left Zack alone. He sighed then thought, I wanted to have a go.

He went to the bedroom ready to beg London for his turn to boss her around. When he tried to open it, it was locked. He knocked on the door, "London," he yelled quietly, "Let me in!"

London opened the door slowly and let her head out. "Zack, I thought I was the only one playing," she smiled. "Ok, ok I want to play too," he gave in, "is it my turn?"

"Nope! It's still mine!" She smiled. London opened the door to reveal a room lit with candles.

She dragged Zack inside... "Oh, Zack! Come here and..."

Z is for Zack jr

Age 0

"Congratulations it's a boy!" The nurse held the crying baby in front of his adoring parents. London turned weakly towards Zack, "He's beautiful." "Zack Wilfred Martin Jr, our little man," Zack said as he kissed London's head.

Age 1

"WAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAHHHHH." Zack jr cried and cried in his cot. He was hungry but London was exhausted. She needed to take care of him but also be at work. Zack, on the other hand, slept like a log.

"Uuuuuuhh," London said as she shook Zack awake, "please, take care of him..."

"Uhhhhhhhhhh," Zack rolled over, "I have work tomorrow..."

But they both gave in to each other and rolled off the bed at the same time. London and Zack both got up and headed for little Zack's cot.

They were now accustomed to sleepless nights.

Age 2

"Poopy-poop-poopers," Zack said as he tried to potty train his son but he just sat there doing nothing. "London, this isn't working."

"I don't know what to do!" She panicked, "What about poopy-pee-poopy-peepoop?"

"How is telling him these things going to make him poo?" Zack said sarcastically.

"I don't know!" London cried.

"Well, it's worth a shot," Zack said as he rolled his eyes, "Ok son, poopy-pee-poopy-peepoop!"

Zack jr simply laughed.

Age 3

"Momma, dada, I'm hungry," Zack jr said as he clapped and bounced in his high chair.

"Here comes the airplane... veeeeeoooooooorrrrrooooommm," Zack said as he ran around the kitchen holding a spoon.

London had just returned from work and was on the phone with Bailey, "Yeah, we'll be there for Cory and Zane's 5th birthday!" She put down her bags and slipped off her stilettos, "Oh hi boys! How are my two favourite men?" She put down the phone and kissed Zack.

"Sorry ma'am but the pilot is busy flying a plane, you may kiss him later," Zack winked at London, "Veeeeeeeeerrrrrooooooommmmm." He flew around again with another spoonful of food, much to Zack jr's delight.

Age 4

"Look momma! I know my ABDs!" Zack said as he jumped around. "Yay you," his mother bounced with him, "Why don't you sing it to me?"

"Ok..." he settled down and began, "A, B, D, T, R, U, V, A, B, D, T, X, Y, Z..."

Zack entered the room, "London are you singing the ABCs?"

"No Zacky, it's our son. And as a matter of fact he takes after me in the smarticle department," she said proudly.

"Oh no! Let's hope not, he already gets a lot of his looks from me, at least I contributed something useful... lets hope Bailey and Cody can lend him some brains, it coming from me wouldn't sound to good o his resume too," Zack said.

Age 5

"First day of school! First day of school!" Zack jr said as he ran around the corridor of their spacious home. "Let's go mom and dad," he said as he dragged them out of their home.

Zack and London dropped Zack jr off at Boston Primary school, waved good bye and blew him kisses. He met up with his older cousins Zane and Cory. The three of them were best friends. Sweetpea (Woody and Addison's son), the same age as Zack jr, tagged along.

"Our little man is growing up," Zack said as he put his arm around his wife.

"Yes he is," London said as she snuggled on her husband's shoulder.

As they closed another chapter in their lives, they began a new one...

And truth be told... they lived happily ever after!





A/N: Finally! I have finished! What was your favourite letter? Mine is probably "U" I thought it was sweet. But I like "I" too!

Thanks for reading! I really hope that you enjoyed the experience as much as I did! Until next time...