Jack traveled for almost a hundred years and for the first time in his life he didn't flirt with anyone. He still couldn't forget Ianto. What was first meant as a distraction to forget Gwen became real, true love. And just as he realized that, Ianto had to die.

And that was his fault, too. He had killed his sweet, innocent grandson and Ianto had to die as well, because of him. If he hadn't provoked the 456, they wouldn't have released this damn virus that killed this wonderful man.

The other man, the immortal one, had seen so many planets and time periods in the last hundred years and still he hadn't found peace, he didn't stay longer than a few days. His thoughts were at Ianto's side all the time. Once he was in London, a few months before the battle of Canary Wharf, and he saw this younger Ianto, but it broke his heart even more.

But one day Jack finally met the Doctor. He didn't search the Time Lord, he didn't plan to meet him, but it was comforting him. They both had the same problem. They both were cursed to see everyone, they ever cared for, die.

They traveled together for a few months, but it wasn't the same anymore. Jack wasn't the same. He had become silent and sad, he lost his fire and most of his charme. And he didn't love the Doctor anymore. Once he loved the Time Lord, but now all he could think of was Ianto. His beloved coffeeboy, his partner, his lover and friend. No one could ever replace him.

One day the two men had an argument. Jack, moved by a tiny touch of madness, wanted to persuade the Doctor to travel back to Thames House on the day Ianto died, but of course the Time Lord refused. Angry about this Jack left, and finally got back to Cardiff. On his first day with the Doctor the alien had told him about Gwen searching for him and Jack finally had decided to ask her, what the bloody hell she wanted and why she couldn't respect that he just didn't want to see her or anything else that could remind him of Ianto even more.