Title: The Reason for the Season
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Twins/Bluestreak
Warnings: None.
Summary: "Don't the humans normally give each other gifts on this holiday too? I mean, I'm not sure, I mix their holidays up all the time, but I remember Spike and Carly talking about how much they'd been shopping recently with their family, so I thought maybe that was right..."
This was a Christmas gift for Art in 2009. c:
Sunstreaker had initially not wanted to do this ridiculous thing. It was Sideswipe's idea, and despite how much he loved his brother, Sideswipe's ideas tended to get him (or both of them) in trouble, and end in processor aches for himself. He first warmed up to it when his twin said it wasn't a huge party (that he usually threw), just a little gathering. In fact, only himself, Sideswipe, and Bluestreak. Something to do with the humans' "Christmas" holiday.
The golden warrior wasn't sure what it was all for, just that the humans got simultaneous more insane and more mushy at this time of year. And watching his brother prepare for it, he silently hoped it wasn't contagious. Whatever sanity the red mech had managed to keep, the entire Ark probably needed.
But no, the sealer on the deal had been when Bluestreak got so excited about it. Sunstreaker found he had a hard time denying the little Datsun, and when he looked so happy and hopeful over something, he had no chance of it. Somehow he suspected that Sideswipe had figured on such, but no matter.
And so near the end of the month called December, Sunstreaker found himself sat upon a berth with his twin, Bluestreak curled between them, babblilng happily as they shared little energon goodies.
Suddenly, the younger mech paused, and then swiveled his head to look at Sideswipe. "Hey Sides?"
"Don't the humans normally give each other gifts on this holiday too? I mean, I'm not sure, I mix their holidays up all the time, but I remember Spike and Carly talking about how much they'd been shopping recently with their family, so I thought maybe that was right... but I still wasn't sure, so I thought I'd ask you, since you planned this and everything."
Sideswipe smiled. "Yeah, that's one of the customs. But don't worry, you didn't have to get anything," he added, chuckling.
"O-oh no, that's not what I meant at all, I was just wondering is all!" Bluestreak immediately chirped. "I also didn't want to have not gotten you two something if you'd gotten something for me because that wouldn't really be fair and I-"
The red twin cut him off with a finger pressed lightly to his lip. "Blue, it's okay. Don't worry about it; we didn't get anything either." The Datsun stared at him wide-opticked for a moment.
Sunstreaker wrapped his arms around Bluestreak's waist and pulled him back lightly. "What he is trying to say, is that this is the real point of the holiday," the golden twin mumbled, resting his chin on the smaller mech's shoulder.
"O-oh. I get it. I think."
Sideswipe laughed, leaning forward to place a small kiss on Bluestreak's cheek.
"Merry Christmas, Bluestreak."