I'm sososoosoosososo sorry that this took so long! I'm hoping the smut is good enough that you will forgive me for my unacceptable lack of updates for this story. I will keep you no longer from chapter four! Please read, enjoy and review!

Luck was on his side it seemed because he could hear them untangling from each other and three sets of feet following after. Alfred smiled widely abandoning the camera idea and heading up the stairs instead.

"Alfred, You need to go back downstairs and help clean up that kitchen it's a mess!" Arthur insisted when he made it to the top of the stairs, a grinning Frenchman and a red faced Canadian behind him.

"Awww" Alfred whined taking both his lovers hands in his own and putting on his best pouting face. "But I thought maybe we should all clean up first. In that new super awesome shower I got." He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively making Arthur sputter. "You are insufferable!" the Englishman protested even as he allowed himself to be drug into the bathroom.

"Wow Alfred when did you get this done?" Matthew asked as he and his lover followed him. The bathroom was simply huge. "Look at this!" Alfred said happily stepping into the shower and turning on the faucet. Water poured down from above him in over the entire length of the glass incased walk in shower. "So no one gets left out!" He said obviously pleased with himself. Arthur rolled his eyes having seen this all the second it had all been installed.

"You spend too much money on frivolous things." He complained and Alfred pouted at him. "I thought you liked it Arti." He said reaching out for the brit and tugging him under the spray. Arthur blushed hyper aware of Matthew and Francis being in the room but allowed the American to hold him anyway.

"Francis could you reach under the sink for me please?" Alfred asked and Arthur went to look but his lover pulled his face up for a kiss, which he relaxed under immediately. As fun as it was to play with both Francis and Matthew he loved Alfred more than he was willing to admit and it was good to have a moment for the two of them. Pressed together as lovers should be, just enjoying their bare flesh pressed intimately together. As Alfred kissed him Arthur forgot about the rest of the world. The fact that Fance and Canada where in the room didn't matter. The fact that Alfred had spent an unimaginable amount of money on this bathroom wasn't a problem. The mess they had 'strategically' made could wait. That Alfred had, again, forgotten another important event was already forgiven. Just from one kiss.

Arthur sighed blissful against the taller nation's mouth when he felt large calloused hands start to trail up his back, rubbing and easing out any stress. He in return wrapped his arms around Alfred's waist holding him close. The American chuckled into the kiss before pressing his forehead against Arthurs. "You love me." The Brit wasn't sure if was a question or a statement so he just kept his eyes closed and 'humed' softly in reply. Strong hands ran across his upper shoulders then slowly slid down his arms before pulling his arms away from the Americans own body before their fingers laced. "Arty." Alfred whispered against his ear making him shiver despite the heat of the water pouring down around them. "Don't be mad." Arthur opened his eyes at that frowning but it was too late. By the time he did his arms arms were pinned against the wall and Francis was strapping his wrists to something on the wall. "What the bloody hell is this?" Arthur snapped trying to jerk away but finding he was truly stuck.

"Thank you Francis!" Alfred said happily leaning out of the waters spray to give the other a sweet French kiss, their tongues twining in a flawless kiss that made everyone in the room blush.

"I see you did keep some of my French influence tucked away all this time mon cher." Frances purred once they separated and Alfred smiled that smile that would allow him to have his way with anyone. "Try not to tell anyone. I save it for special occations." The American replied running a gentle hand down France's check before pulling his glasses off Arthurs face. "Put these on the counter Allez-tu veuillez?" (Will you please.) The long haired blond laughed taking the spectacles and walking away.

"Now where were we?" Alfred asked turning back to his trapped lover.

"Alfred so help me God if you don't release me this instant I will make you regret it for…for…O~oh." Alfred smiled around the cock in his mouth chuckling as Arthurs legs shook. "A-Alfred for the love of the Queen I have just had an orgasm. It cannot be healthy t-to ah-"

"Iggy, Love just shut up and enjoy it." Alfred teased offering the Brit his right hand. England narrowed his green eyes but took the fingers into his mouth anyway. Alfred hummed appreciatively eyes falling half-mast and using his free hand to rub at his slowly growing erection.

"Mon cher you don't look happy." Francis said softly to Matthew wrapping his arms around the bilingual country. Matthew blinked quickly tearing his eyes from Alfred and Arthur to crane his neck backwards to look at his own lover.

"Non Papa, I am fine." He said forcing a smile to which the Frenchman raised an eyebrow to making him blush guiltily. "Pardon…" (Sorry) He muttered looking away eyes going back to Alfred who had one of Arthurs legs hooked up over his shoulder and was slowly teasing his lovers entrance with his fingers.

"He's not better than you you know." Francis said gently against Matthews ear and the Canadian stiffened. "Francis don't." He said firmly and felt the other tighten his hold to keep him from escaping. "Mon cœur, look." (My heart/term of endearment) Francis turned them away from the walk in shower to the bathrooms vanity. "You and your twin aren't really twins at all."

"I know that." Matthew muttered staring at the floor until Francis gently eased his face up so he was looking at himself in the mirror.

"Do you mon amour?" Francis asked pushing his messy locks over his shoulder before his hands slid southward. "Then why do you look at him so longingly if not because or wishing you were like him? Not because you desire him over me I hope."

"No! Francis No you know better than that…" Matthew said quickly eyes meeting Francis blues in the mirror. "You are right I suppose. I am envious of him…We are twins but everyone only ever sees him no matter which one of us they are actually with."

"Matthieu you aren't Alfreds shadow. I see you." Francis said gently before his hands ran southwards. "You are bigger here for starters."

"Francis!" Matthew epped as the taller man chuckled. "Well it's true." The other insisted before his hands left there and went to the younger nation's face easing the glasses down to the tip of his nose and forcing the other to lean forward onto the counter so he was close to the mirror. "Your eyes are the most beautiful I have ever seen and that includes Alfred's sinful baby blues." Matthew looked into the face of his refection studying it and Francis's hands slipped up into his hair and massaged his golden locks. "And your hair, it is just like moi's so how could that even compare to Amérique?" Matthew chuckled softly at that before he was suddenly lifted up onto the counter top so he was kneeling hands braced against the glass to keep from toppling into it. "Francis what on earth do you-"

"You have no sense of fun Matthieu!" The Frenchman teased bracing him from behind. "I want you to actually look at yourself. How perfect you are just the way you are and as no one else but Canada." Matthew blushed at that before he forced himself to look at his refection, who was looking right back at him.

In the corner of the mirror he could see Alfred had Arthur's legs hooked up around his hips, the Brits arms still handcuffed to the wall leaving Alfred to support both their weights as he got ready to lower the Englishman onto his cock. The words spoken between them were so soft that with the sound of the shower they couldn't be heard but Matthew could read their lips just fine.

"I love you."

Matthew gasped when he felt a mouth latch onto you sensitive side. "A-ah Papa." He whined softly not wanting to draw attention to himself and away from the pure moment Alfred and Arthur were having.

"Be loud mon cher. Be loud as you are when we're alone. I want you to see yourself as you truly are." Francis purred as he lubed up two of his fingers with a bottle he'd found in one of the drawers.

"A-Alfred!" Arthur's howl filled the tiled room making Matthew flush before his own moan followed as Francis pushed his fingers inside. Alfred laughed hearing the two of them.

"It's like being in the room with porn stars." He said teasingly, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Maybe that should be my next add on to the house. A porn room where I can tape my own stuff."

"Belt up prat!" Arthur snapped at him before his head fell back against the wall when Alfred hit that perfect spot.

Francis chuckled before turning back to Matthew who was red as one of Spain's tomato's. "Ah that's not what I wanna see. I want you begging for more." He said tisking before reaching around and grasping the Canadians hard on and thrusting his fingers in at the perfect angle for hitting his prostate. "Ah-Francis!" Matthew cried out surprised leaning forward more giving the man behind him better access to him as he slid down so his legs were in a 'w'. Before he knew it he had his face pressed against the coolness of the mirror before him crying out for more with abandon as Francis forced his own shaft inside the Canadian. France's smooth hands left his weeping prick to trail up Matthews abs drawing his eyes to his refection so he could watch the way his body trembled under those hands he knew so well.

Licking his lips nervously Canada lifted his own hand and touched it against the glass image of himself tracing Francis path. Glancing up he caught his own eye and gasped softly at the lust looking back at him. Feeling daring he leaned back a little from the glass so he could get the full view of his body as France thrust into him and pumped him in sync. He placed quivering hands against his own thin hips before slowly trailing up his body and his image copied him. Biting at his lip Matthew allowed himself to tweak his own nipple watching at his 'other' self did the same. He head Francis groan appreciatively behind him. "Mon cher you are too much. I will not last much longer if you keep that up."

"I'm just appreciating myself as you told me to Papa." Matthew said breathlessly feeling a little daring. He felt Francis thrust quicken and he moaned one hand going to his throat feeling his pulse pounding under his fingertips and his other going to the glass to support his quaking body. Three more firm tugs and his essence covered the mirror spraying across his images chest. Matthew chuckled softly at the sight before leaning forward to lap at the mess, purple eyes meeting blue.

That was the final straw for Francis. He finished with a loud groan panting as he held tightly to the side of the counter to stay standing. "Pour l'amour de Dieu!" (For the love of God!) He gave Matthew's rear end a playful swat. "You are a naughty, naughty boy."

"I was just doing as you said Francis." He replied easing himself down so he was sprawled across the countertop on his stomach. France laughed softly brushing a hand through his hair. "You're so cute mon Canada."

"Merci Papa." Matthew said closing his eyes feeling sleep tugging at him. France smiled placing a gentle kiss against Matthew's temple before sliding to the floor resting his back against the vanity to watch Alfred and Arthur.

Arthur jerked at his restraints for the umpteenth time trying to free himself so he could cling to Alfred's broad back. So he could get close enough to sink his teeth into the Americans shoulder.

"Alfred!" It was half moan half snarl.

"Arthur you look so fucking good like this though." Alfred purred thrusting mercilessly into the smaller body. "Like my captive of war. Your body is all mine for the taking."

"You would have made a splendid pirate." Arthur muttered gasping before moaning again.

"Fucking hell Arthur." Alfred groaned leaning forward to nip at pert nipples before abandoning them to suck at the dirty blonde's neck. "You" He growled directly into Arthur's ear "are far too attractive for your own good, you know that. I can hardly stand it. I just want to tie you up to my bed and never let you go. Then I could fuck your tight little ass whenever I wanted."

"A-ah until I-I broke your bloody nose brat." Arthur growled back nipping at Alfred's exposed neck. "You know I can't let you get away with topping all the time Alfred." The American moaned at England's words and the way he purred his name. Gripping the man's hips tightly he slammed in twice more before cumming inside. Quickly he dropped to his knees and swallowed Arthur whole making the Birts eyes roll back and practically scream with his release.

Alfred swallowed him all down before pulling back and looking up at his older lover. "So…what do you think of the handcuffs?" He asked playfully.

"I think if you don't take them off now I'm going to kick you in the balls." Arthur replied eyes half-lidded as he ran his foot against Alfred's exposed privates. The other man smiled leaning up and finally freeing the Englishman so they could both sit on the floor under the relaxing waters spray. "We wore them out." Arthur said nodding his head towards France and Canada who had fallen asleep. Alfred smiled pulling Arthur close. "We should clean them up." Alfred said wiggling his eyebrows and Arthur rolled his green eyes. "You are insufferable." The British man replied before sighing. "Though I suppose you are right. We can't put them to bed dirty like that."

"We get to take them to bed after this?" Alfred asked looking like an excited puppy. "This day seriously just keeps getting better!"

Arthur shook his head again wondering how he put up with the American as he stood up to go get Francis and Matthew. "Come on git. Do try and be of some use." Alfred merely laughed at his insult and happily went to retrieve the other half of their foursome.

Review! Any Ideas or suggestions for the next chapter would be awesome. This story should only have a chapter or two left so anything you would like to see let me know now so I can try and fit it in!