Cha 25: Finding End

Roy sat in the dining room, his paper work untouched, he glared at the opposite wall. Why? Everything had finally been looking up, today he'd gotten a call telling him indirectly he'd won the candidacy it wouldn't be announced until tomorrow, but he'd finally won, this being due to the fact that he'd said he'd use the stones as special cures in hospitals, training Alchemists to use them for good and for the people. And Envy was supposed to be better by tomorrow, but now he didn't think that would happen. This Envy knew about it all, about them, about what they were to each other, for each other and he felt everything the guilt and regret but it was Envy and he wasn't stable. He was still that childish lost little homunculus.

He sighed and stood he wasn't going to get anything done right now, he walked out of the dining room and past the den where Mei and Al were working, they didn't notice as he went into the living room. His face fell slightly as he looked upon his lover, he was frowning in his sleep and gripping the armrest, Roy walked over to the couch and kneeled next to it his hand was at the edge of the cushion, he didn't know if he should touch him despite how desperately he wanted to.

He briefly wondered if this was how Envy had felt before, when Roy had hated him, when he wanted to be accepted by him so badly, he wanted to be with him so desperately but knew he couldn't. Because it wasn't reciprocated.

Roy sighed letting his eyes roam over Envy's body from head to toe. His hair was loose right then spilling over the side of the couch like a black waterfall, his skin was as smooth and pale as ever, Roy looked at his furrowed face wishing he could smooth out those wrinkles, his eyes moved down his black clad arm to see a clenched fist, the same hand he'd touched earlier. He wanted to hold it and make him relax, he wanted his legs to be less rigid in their black jeans, he wanted him to be smiling at him, sweet and kind, like he'd have been if he'd been a real human, he scowled in frustration and gently placed his hand over the clenched fist. His other hand went to his face and ran it along the wrinkles in his forehead, trying to smooth them out as he gently pried the fist loose and entwined their fingers so he could lift the hand and kiss it gently before placing it back down. He sighed and stood with a last brush of his finger to Envy's cheek before turning and heading back to the dining room. He didn't notice the hand reach out for him again.

"Please..." a small voice said, he turned to see barely open glazed black eyes staring at him as well as the outstretched hand. "Please don't..." he whispered and Roy took a step towards him again. The hand grabbed his pant leg when he was within reach.

Roy kneeled down next to him again and placed a hand on his cheek, Envy made a face, like he knew he liked Roy's touch, he'd been dreaming of it, but he didn't want to like it. It disgusted him, that he craved this man's touch, that he needed it so badly. He turned his face away from Roy but into the hand. The hand brushed past his ear to cup his jawline while the thumb rubbed his cheek.

"Envy..." Roy said and Envy shook his head, the hand that had gripped his pants was now on his uniform top, his fingers tightened and pulled the man closer despite his dislike about knowing he wanted it. He felt a kiss being place to the top of his head, and frowned. Why? Why was this man acting this way, why did him? He was awful, he knew he was an ugly embodiment of an ugly sin. He was a monster, unworthy of second chances and of this feeling that he shared with this man.

"I love you," he whispered into Envy's ear, who shivered as he felt the statement roll through his whole body, sending warmth even down to his toes.

"Why?" he said after a moment, and then a hand turned him over, midnight eyes gazed at obsidian.

"Do you really need an explanation as to why I do?" he asked back sounding somewhat amused and Envy frowned before huffing in anger.

"Yes, I do," he snapped, and Roy rolled his eyes then stood, he grabbed Envy's hand and then yanked his upper body up for a moment so he could sit down, then Envy's head fell on his lap.

"The first reason is probably because you're gentle," he said and there was a snort from his lap and a cynical black eye looked up at him.

"Oh yes, I do so enjoy slaughtering innocents oh so gently," he sneered, and Roy sighed, and placed a hand on the long hair.

"Do you really slaughter innocents?" he asked and he looked down at Envy to see him smirk up at him, but then caught his eye and his mouth closed.

"Yes!" he snapped then frowned, "...No...I only killed those who got in the way, actually that was Lust's job, she was the attacker, Greed was the defender." Envy said, a small light glittered in his eye as he spoke of his siblings, he missed them, Roy could tell.

"The Ultimate Spear and the Ultimate Shield," Roy said and Envy nodded absentmindedly.

"Yeah, and I was usually back up or reconnaissance or I carried out the...harder tasks," he said, smirking slightly.

"Oh like what?" Roy asked, a little curious despite himself.

"Like placing hints or evidence or stuff, or getting people to do what I want, one face can be disarming, and once someone is disarmed I can make them do whatever I want." he said and Roy nodded, he knew that, he knew that very well.

"And what did Pride do?" he asked and Envy rolled his eyes up at him.

"Did you ever really meet Pride?" he asked and Roy shook his head, not really, he was pretty sure they'd been in each other's precesses but that was about it.

"Well if you had you'd know he was the eyes and ears. Sloth was the worker, Gluttony was the mistake and Wrath was the pawn, Ironic huh?" he smirked and Roy nodded once, it was a bit ironic that the 'King' was actually a Pawn.

"I see, but you're still gentle," Roy said after a small pause and Envy frowned up at him, disbelieving.

"You still cared for your family. Tell me, how mad were you that I killed Lust?" He asked and there was a furious flash of fire in his eyes for a moment before he turned his face away.

"She wasn't strong enough," he said slightly muffled into Roy's uniform jacket and Roy grinned, he was right.

"Let's see, and then I love you because you smile at me every time you see me," he grinned down as he saw pink appear on the visible parts of the boy's face.

"Next!" he demanded and Roy laughed, beginning to pet his hair and gently run his fingers through it.

"You're sweet, and kind, considerate and sensitive, forgiving and calm, and very compassionate. But most of all you're mine," he said and Envy peered up at him, his gaze piercing.

"I'm really not, those are all things...the...the weaker me is." he said and Roy shook his head, running a finger down Envy's cheek.

"Not weak, but I think that without Father's influence, you would have been all those things, it was natural to you when you got your second chance if it wasn't what you were then it wouldn't have happened," he said and Envy blinked before looking away, rolling over, his hand clenched onto the butt skirt of Roy's uniform.

"Maybe, not like we'll ever know, and it doesn't matter, you hate me, you just love the face now, you hated it when I killed that man, but now you love it. This face is manipulating you," he said trying not to sound bitter and then he was turned over gently.

"No." Roy said and Envy's eyes widened as Roy's hand went onto his chest, "It was this heart, this soul, the one that belongs to you, and you alone, that is what manipulated me, what made me fall in love." he declared and Envy stared at him wide eyed for several heartbeats before he turned bright red.

"You're disgusting," he said, "I think I might puke..." he said turning his face away and placing his hands over it and Roy threw his head back and laughed.

"Okay," he said and Envy grumbled something into his hands, before turning his face into Roy's uniform again, Roy ran his fingers through the slightly tangled hair until it was smooth, before skimming his fingers over any visible pale skin he could reach.

"Why do you like touching me so much?" Envy asked, and Roy cupped his cheek and turned his face up.

"Why do you like being touched by me?" He asked back and Envy glared at him before huffing and attempted to cross his arms.

"I don't remember you being this congenial," he snorted and Roy smiled, he was pouting like a the child he was, it was pretty funny.

"People change, especially with help from others," He replied his hand caressing the young man's face gently.

"Yeah, well whoever helped you should commit suicide," Envy sniped, and the hand stopped moving. Envy's eyes slowly rolled up to look at the man's face and flinched when he saw the pain there.

"I couldn' on...if I knew I was the...reason you killed yourself again..." Roy whispered, his eyes shut tight. Envy swallowed silently, then slowly he raised his hand and placed it on the man's cheek. It felt strange...but also very...right. He sighed.

"I didn't mean it," he said and the midnight eyes opened, gazing at him like he was making sure what he saw was real. His hand moved up to set on top of Envy's.

"I know you don't," he said but didn't sound very convinced, and Envy felt the guilt pool in the bottom of his gut. His hand tensed slightly on Roy's cheek the man was surprised as he was pulled down to meet Envy's lips. It only took a moment for Envy to pull back and look elsewhere, panting and blushing.

"You're so cute," Roy snickered, and Envy glared at him, still blushing.

"And you're old." he said and Roy puckered his lips.

"Nu-uh, you're older," he replied pouting petulantly, and Envy's lip twitched before he turned his face back into Roy's uniform, and he started shaking. Roy was worried for a moment before he realized he was laughing.

"Oh? Laugh at me will you? I, Roy Mustang the all powerful Flame Alchemist of the State and future Fuhrer of the country of Amestris, refuses to be subjected to being the butt of a joke!" He declared and then Envy yelped and started dying of laughter as Roy's fingers danced over his sides and ribs.

Envy writhed in laughter rolling as much as Roy would allow, making sure he wouldn't fall off of his lap, at last Envy sat up, straddling Roy's lap and pushing at his chest as he laughed and struggled for air. Roy smiled, seeing him laugh after all this time was so relieving. He stopped tickling just so he could wrap his arms around the teen and pull him close.

And before either of them knew it, they were kissing, gently and tenderly, lips moving so slowly it was like a slow, sad dance. And then Envy pulled back and took in a deep breath, their eyes opened to gaze at each other, and then Envy's fingers went up to Roy's face cupping his cheek before his glistening eyes spilled, tears fell slowly down his cheeks as he brought Roy's lips back to his own, kissing him almost desperately, needing the contact, the reassurance that this was real and not some sick trick his mind was playing on him, a dream. He feared that if he awoke he'd be back in that cold dark room in Father's lair. It was hell compared to what he'd experienced here, what he'd felt and held. He didn't want it to end.


Roy seemed to sense this and didn't want to break away afraid he might hurt the teen, he knew at the moment he was very fragile. He kissed him back, just as desperately just as needy, to show him this was real, he was here, and under no circumstances would he let him go. Never again.

A cough from the door way had them jumping and breaking apart to gaze at the door where a giggling Mei and an amused Alphonse stood.

"Not to be a mood breaker, but we really should get the final transmutation done, and it wouldn't be good to waste any more of Envy's energy with uh...other activities." He said and both black haired males went pink, Envy turned his face away quickly to wipe away the tears, he scowled at himself for allowing himself to cry.

"Um, right," Roy said and gently pushed the teen from his lap. Envy got off and walked passed the others without looking them in the eye and straight into the den, he walked over the circle and then sat in the center.

"And here I thought it'd be hard to get him there," Al said amused, and Mei giggled.

"Who knew he just needed to be embarrassed?" she said and Envy scowled at them.

"Just get on with it!" he snapped and they broke out into laughter as they took their places, they reeled in their amusement, then looked at each other, focused and started the transmutation.

It felt no different from the times before but also different, Envy's eyes closed, all of the markings on his body disappeared.

Envy felt himself rescind and then meld, he was back to normal but also one with his old self, he could feel it all and remember it all but it wasn't as bad as before. The warmth reformed in his chest then moved to his stomach, he felt nauseous and then a moment later he was bent over and the stones came spilling out of his mouth.

He fell back onto his butt and let out a whoosh of air.

"Ew," he said, and then he felt arms wrap around his shoulders.

"Welcome back," a voice said and he smiled and leaned in to the warmth that was Roy. His head rested against his shoulder, his hands came up to be placed on Roy's arm.

"I'm back." he sighed happily he was back and he wasn't going any where ever again. This was where he belonged and nothing could take him from Roy. Which was good because he certainly had no intention of leaving and by the feel of Roy's arms around him, he didn't seem like he'd let him go. Envy smiled, he knew who he was, he had been found. He was Envy, Roy Mustang's lover, he was a friend to anyone that was willing to be his friend and good with kids. He was also a mass murderer but knew he had been wrong and was sorry and now he was going to help others to make it up as best he could. He was a human and he was in love, he had a second chance and was going to make it the best chance of his life.

THE END's so corny...someone shoot me in the foot...gotta change that. There may or may not be a sequel I have yet to decide. But i'm pretty sure there might be a little epilogue. So yeah... Okay whatever just review.

*points at review button*