My newest instalment, RoyxEnvy. CRAZY I know. Buuut, I think you'll like it. So anywho, READ REVIEW, make me happy. THANKS!

Find Me

Chapter 1: Return

Major-General Roy Mustang was dozing at his desk when the phone rang, he opened a bleary eye and glared at it before shrugging then snuggling deeper in to his arms, if it was important, whoever it was would call back. He smiled when after the fourth ring it stopped, he was about to fall back to sleep when his door was opened and Major Hawkeye walked in she looked at the man almost in resigned exasperation before saluting.

"Sir, a call for you from an outside line, I think you might want to take it," she said sounding serious, Roy's eyebrows furrowed, who could it be? Not Fullmetal- No, Edward, as the young man insisted. He hadn't been Fullmetal for five years now, and he usually kept in touch merely for lack of anything better to do, but he'd called the other day so it couldn't have been him.

He raised an eyebrow at the Major who gestured to the phone, he picked it up still wondering who it could possibly be.

"This is Mustang," he said into the receiver and heard a voice reply on the other line he didn't recognize.

"Hello Mr, Mustang, this is Dr. Joseph Shepperd, I need to ask a favor of you," The man said and Roy blinked. A civilian doctor? What did he want with him? His medical care was provided by the military, so why..?

"And what would that be Dr. Shepperd?" he replied and the doctor sighed tiredly.

"I need you to confirm the identity of a patient," He said and Roy looked even more confused, it was getting weirder and weirder.

"Why me?" he asked looking at The Major who was standing idly by watching in mild interest, but Roy knew her better than that, she was just as curious as he was.

"You're the only person the patient can recall, if you could come by in a few hours it would be appreciated," the man said and hung up after Roy agreed to go to West Central Hospital within the next hour. He put the phone back in the cradle and leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful frown. Who on earth could the patient possibly be? Maybe a past lover, or a victim? He didn't know but he was most certainly going to find out.

"Well Sir?" Hawkeye asked a tint of curiosity in her voice. And Roy stood then grabbed his great coat.

"They want me to confirm a patient or something," he mumbled, then waved his hand at her, "I'll tell you more when I get back," he said and he could see the woman was about to protest but then she sighed and then looked at him with an almost evil glint in her eye.

"Your work will be waiting at home for you sir," she said and he held back a groan.

"Thank you Major," he mumbled reluctantly before escaping the torturous hell hole he called work.

Roy walked into the front lobby of the hospital and was immediately ushered to an office, he assumed he was recognized by the military uniform. The man in the office stood up at the sight of him and held out his hand, Roy took it and shook it briefly.

"Mr Mustang, I'm Dr. Shepperd, before I let you see the patient I'd like to talk with you about a few things," the man said and Roy nodded.

"Of course," Roy said and the doctor nodded then gestured for him to sit down, Roy did and the doctor took a deep breath.

"This is an interesting case I must say first," he said as introduction before delving right in, "The young man was found four weeks ago in an abandoned warehouse, with no identification and no memories of what happened to him or of who he was, the only thing he could remember was your face," the doctor said and Roy's eyes widened in surprise that was unexpected. "We assume this is due to a close emotional connection he may have had to you, perhaps he looked up to you, a father figure maybe, he does in fact look a little similar, he has black hair and black eyes, ringing any bells?" the doctor asked and Roy shook his head, the other man smiled before standing. "We can go see him now, he must be sleeping now, we don't want to shock him so you can just look at his face first," and Roy nodded as they left the office and headed to the extended stay patient ward.

"You know it's by luck we knew he was talking about you, one of the nurses was present when I was examining him and heard the description he gave, she was rather adamant that 'eyes as dark as pitch' was you," the man gave Roy a look that Roy didn't know whether he should blush at or be smug at. So he settled for looking pleasantly surprised. The doctor shook his head in what Roy was sure was amusement, but he didn't comment.

They came to a stop outside the door and the doctor put a finger to his lips before opening the door, Roy had to strain not to roll his eyes, then he stepped in and had to narrow his eyes to see in the dark, he saw a lump with a head of long black hair under some covers, nicer than normal issued hospital sheets, Roy was trying to think if he knew anyone with long black hair like that but couldn't think of any one. And then the male turned over and Roy's heart stopped, the long hair fell into the boy's pale face, one Roy was very familiar with.

It was Envy.

"Holy..." he breathed and the doctor gestured for him to come back out but Roy was too stunned to notice so the man gently pulled him out by the arm.

"I take from your reaction you know him," He said and Roy nodded then looked at the doctor like he wasn't really seeing him.

"But he should be dead, hell I was there when he died!" Roy ran his hand through his hair, then he realized he didn't have his gloves on him, and he desperately wished he did so he could kill that little... He took a deep breath. No, he had already exacted his revenge. He took another deep breath.

"I believe I do, but it might be better to get a second opinion." he said and the doctor looked curious.

"And from who is that?" he asked and Roy tried not to smirk, boy was this going to be a fun phone call.

Ed groaned miserably as he waited in the front room of the 'Elric Automail' shop, he couldn't stop the smile from coming to his face when he thought that, he and Winry had been married for four years now, had two kids and were happy and well. He was smug and full of pride at having his family, only at the current moment Ed was bored.

Winry was off with the kids at the moment, another thing Ed couldn't help but smile about, Winry was such a good mom, and Ed was supposed to take care of the shop, since he couldn't use alchemy anymore he'd learned about automail, he was nothing compared to Winry and Pinako, but he was okay, he could even do small repairs on his own leg if he needed but he preferred his wife to do it, just so he could get a little attention. He was roused from his thoughts by a small figure climbing up his pants and onto his lap.

"Hey kiddo," he said and brilliant gold looked up at him under a blond head of hair, the little boy beamed.

"Hi Daddy!" the boy chirped and Ed grinned at him then pat his son's head with his right hand.

"What are you doing?" he asked and the little boy, who's eyes widened a little, and began to chew his bottom lip.

"Nothing..." he said in that voice all four year olds use that let's you know they're lying. Ed raised an eyebrow at his son.

"What did you do?" he asked sternly and the little boy looked at him with big innocent eyes Ed knew he'd learned from his Uncle. He raised his eyebrow further and the little boy knew he couldn't get away with it anymore.

"I took a toy from Trisha..." he muttered and Ed sighed, his oldest child was so much like him it was ridiculous.

"Nicholas, you know what Mommy and I said about that. You need to share with your little sister, she's much younger than you she can't understand that yet okay? You need to protect her because she's precious, I protect you because you're precious too. I want you to apologize, will you?" he asked and the little boy nodded, Ed smiled then grabbed his son in a tight hug before kissing him on the forehead. The little boy wrapped his small arms around his father's neck and squeezed.

"Okay little man go say you're sorry," he said and set the boy down on the floor and gave his backside a pat to urge him to go, the boy went, albeit reluctantly.

Ed sighed then leaned back in his chair with somewhat of a groan, his eyes had slipped closed but they opened when he heard the soft chuckle from the doorway, he looked to see his wife leaning against the door frame looking at him with a pleased expression.

"That was handled well, I was sure you were going to let him get away with it when I saw him come running to you," Winry said as she sauntered over to her husband who smiled.

"I would have, if I hadn't done the same thing when I was his age and my dad gave me the same speech," Ed said then grabbed his wife's hand and pulled her onto his lap.

"Oh who would have thought, you took toys from your precious little brother?" she asked mockingly as he pulled her close.

"It happens, where are the kids?" he whispered against her lips and she smiled against his, she put her arms on his shoulders.

"With your precious bro-" she started but was cut off by an abrupt kiss, she moaned happily into it and her eyes slipped closed. She moved further up Ed's lap just as he asked her mouth for entrance and their tongues got acquainted. And it was interrupted just as the phone rang, Ed groaned against his wife's lips, he hadn't been alone with her since before Trisha was born.

"Just let it go," he murmured but she shook her head and reached for it from his lap.

"It might be a customer," she said and Ed groaned then buried his face into her chest, she made an irritated huff and pushed his face away so it was on her shoulder instead.

"Elric Automail!" she trilled and Ed smiled at her enthusiasm, but then he heard her tone drop when the person on the other line introduced themselves. She held the phone to him after a moment, a sour look on her face.

"It's for you, it's the Major-General," she said and Ed blinked, Roy? He'd just talked to the man what could he possibly want. He took the phone from her with a confused look.

"Hey Roy, what's up?" he asked and the other man on the line sighed.

"Hello Edward, I have a favor to ask of you," he said and Ed didn't think he sounded all that enthusiastic about it.

"And what might this favor be?" he asked, his free hand was rubbing Winry's hip absentmindedly, though she didn't seem to notice as she was too intent listening to Ed talk to Roy.

"There seems to have been an...incident and someone turned up, someone from the past," the man muttered and Ed could tell now the man was either very distracted or very disturbed, he leaned towards the latter.

"Who?" he asked and there was another sigh, Ed sat up straighter when the man muttered something Ed couldn't hear. "Who was it Mustang?" he asked forcefully and Winry got off of him looking concerned.

"Envy," Roy said and Ed almost dropped the phone, but Roy was still talking. "At least that's what I believe, he's in the hospital and according to nurses who take care of him, he's kind and gentle and helpful, he also appears to be human, whatever he's doing here, his acting has certainly improved, I'm not sure what to think about it, I want you to come and see him, and tell me if you think it's him too," he said and Ed sighed then leaned back again, running a hand through his bangs.

"Um yeah I'll be there on the quickest train I can," he said and then Roy thanked him before they hung up and then Ed looked up to see the furious eyes of his wife.

"Did I just hear you say you're going to Central?" she growled and Ed flinched, she wasn't happy that was for sure.

"Winry...I have to go, it could endanger the kids and you if I don't," he said but that didn't stop Winry from stomping her foot.

"There you go again! You aren't telling me anything! You're just going to walk off? Never come back just like your father?" she yelled and Ed saw tears start to stream down her face, he looked at her wide eyed. Winry had never brought that up, ever. It hit him like a ton of bricks to understand that that must have been one of her biggest fears, he wouldn't deny that that hurt a lot. But he knew he never, in all his life, would ever consider leaving his family. He stood up and in a second had his arms around her in a tight embrace.

"Oh Winry..." he said into her hair, he stroked her back slowly. "I will never leave you, I can't, it would break me to leave you and the kids, I thought you knew that," he whispered and he felt his wife shake a little.

"I d-did! I do! I'm j-just so scared you'll leave for some stupid reason and get hurt!" she sobbed into his chest clutching onto his shirt.

"I won't get hurt I promise, Roy just wants me to go see if I know this guy..." he muttered and sighed, he'd told Winry everything about his and Al's time on the search for the stone but it was still ingrained in him to keep things from her to protect her, he kicked that aside.

"You remember the Homunculi? Well Roy thinks one of them came back and he wants me to confirm it," he said and Winry looked up at him and wiped her eyes, then smiled.

"You told me..." she muttered before she smiled brilliantly at him. "I love you," she said and he laughed.

"I love you too," he said then kissed her briefly before she pushed him back.

"That's right, which is why I'm going with you," she said and Ed blinked. Of course.