Summary : "Welcome to the VOCALOiD Household, Mikuo! I'm so happy your joining us little brother!" Mikuo looked at his sister with weary eyes. "There's not gonna be any creeps here right?" "Uhm.." "MIKUU! MY BRAIN! ITS FROZEN!" "..Maybe?"
Starting from today, You are a VOCALOiD!
Hikiyosete MAGNET no you ni
Tatoe itsuka hanarete mo meguri au
Fureteitemodorenakute ii
Sore de ii nodare yori mo taisetsu na anata
Mikuo took a deep breath and let his eyelids flicker open. His sister had wrote that song.. could he live up to her legacy? He squeezed his hands tightly together as he watched the man in front of him. "Another Hatsune, hmm?" The blonde man mused, chuckling. "Yes sir." Mikuo mumbled. "You look ever so alike." "Twins.." Mikuo answered. "That was a difficult song you just sang there." "I know, Sir." "Leon." The blonde man interupted him, his eyes flickering back to the paper of information on his desk.
"Says here you used to sing before.. but you quit?" Leon said, confusion in his voice. "Yes." Mikuo said quietly, his eyelids drooping over his aqua orbs. "If you don't mind me asking.. why?" "Family problems." Mikuo interjected quickly. "Hm. Okay." Leon mused, rubbing the stubble on his chin. "Now.. before I make a judgement of whether I want you.." Mikuo grimaced "Or whether I don't.. Explain why you came to me today." Leon ordered whisle propping his feet up on the mahogany woodtop.
Mikuo shuffled his feet before speaking. "I've wanted to sing my whole life.. It runs through my veins, Si - Leon, As you can see with Miku..I want to be able to.. just sing. Sing to people who want to hear my message." Leon nodded with a satisfactory grin on his face. "Take a seat, Mikuo." Leon ordered. Mikuo nodded obediently and sat on the edge of a plushed chair. "Truthfully Mikuo, you need some work on your vocals.." Leon said, taking a pen out of his desk. "But with some training I can offer.. I'll make a VOCALOiD star out of you yet." Mikuos eyes shot up from the floor to the laughing man. "Sign here." Leon smiled and tapped the biro against a contract in front of him.
"Really? Really Mikuo? Really Really Really REALLY?" Miku squealed from the other end of the phone. "Yeah.. I really did it." Mikuo answered with disbelief in his voice. "YES!" Miku cheered. Mikuo laughed and fell back on his bed. "Oh my god, we have to wear matching uniforms okay? Oh, Oh, and headphones! don't you dare not go for teal! okay? OKAY?" Miku ordered. "Yeah, yeah.." Mikuo laughed again, the realization finally settling into his brain. "Oh and then I can introduce you to the others! They've been dieing to meet you! Well.. Luki and Taito seem a bit on edge about a newcommer but, ya know.." "Breathe Miku. Deep breaths." Mikuo instructed, fully able to hear Miku hyperventilating over the connection.
After a few minutes when Miku regained her composure she continued. "So when are you comming to the VOCALOiD household?" She asked. "Tommorrow, according to Leon." Miku seemed to be able sense the smile in Mikuos voice because she giggled happily. "They'res a lot of us but you'll fit right in Mikuo, it'll be better then hanging out in that empty apartment of yours all day." Miku said nodded slowly before realising Miku couldn't see him. "Will you be able to come pick me up tommorrow Miku? I'd rather drive with you then a stranger.." "Sure thing Mikuo! Miku, dinners ready! Be right there, Meiko! Sorry Mikuo I gotta go, I'll pick you up at twelve! Night!" "See you tommorrow Miku." Mikuo waited for the dial tone before ending his call connection.
Mikuo sighed and gazed up at his cielling. "Luki and Taito?" He mumbled to himself, shrugging. He slowly crawled off of the small bed and dragged a suitcase out of his closet. 'I'm getting a uniform right? so I don't need that many normal clothes.." Mikuo thought as he unzipped the large black suitcase. 'I'll also be able to meet up with Luka again..' Mikuo felt a small smile creep onto his lips. Miku had introduced Luka to Mikuo as her best friend and least to say Mikuo had approved of her greatly. He was glad his sister had such an honest and kind person as her friend.
Mikuo began humming under his breath and swinging his hips as he folded his pyjamas, nodding his head to an invisibile beat in his head. His toiletries, brush, shoes, some casual wear and sunglasses, the lot ended up packed neatly into the large black suitcase. Mikuo scanned his possesions and nodded with a staisfactory smile on his face before crawling under his bed covers. He slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.. He was going to be a VOCALOiD.
Mikuos eyes fluttered open at the buzzing of his doorbell. He glanced at the alarmclock next to his bed and let out a very un-Mikuo like shriek. "It didn't go off, it didn't go off!" He wailed as he stumbled and skidded across the hardwood flooring of his apartment. "Mikuo? MIKUO!" He could hear his sister yell through the door impatiently."I'm comming!" He shouted back, flinging the door open breathlessly, revealing the one and only, Hatsune Miku. "Mikuo!" Miku squealed, flinging her arms around her twins waist. "H-Hey Miku, come on in.." Mikuo welcommed, squeezing the girl back.
"Wow Mikuo your such a clean freak.." Miku giggled nervously as she stepped inside. "Uh huh.." Mikuo yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Mikuo your not even dressed! Doesn't look like you've had a shower either.." Miku added playfully, nudging her brother into the bathroom. "You get washed, I'll take Del your suitcase and pick out your clothes m'kay?" Miku said in a motherly fashion. "Dell?" Mikuo asked, his eyebrow raised. "Yeah, you know Dell, He's a Voyakiloid.. Well he was but then he was a success but he stuck with Voyakiloid to prove they all have talent, It's pretty damn noble!" Miku chirped happily. "Oh okay.." Mikuo answered.
He waited for his sister to close the door behind her, before he shrugged himself out of his clothes and stepped into the small shower. Mikuo could faintly hear his sister rummaging through his clothes as the water drizzled down his body. 'Wouldn't that make me a Voyakiloid.. I quit didn't I?' He wondered as he scrubbed his body with the bubblegum scented bodywash. "Don't forget to wash your hair!" Miku called right on que, Mikuo laughed and shouted back a "Yes, Miku." Before reaching for his bubblegum scented shampoo. The two had come as a set, a gift from Miku when he commented on how nice it smelt.
Mikuo climbed out of the shower once he had washed all the soapy suds off of his body and wrapped a towel around his waist before stepping foot outside the small bathroom. "Mikuo!" He heard his sister call from his lounge. Following her voice, Mikuo stepped into the small living space, only to freeze and feel his face flood red. Sat on his sofa was Miku and 'Del'. Del's red eyes seemed obvlivious of Mikuos reaction as he took a long drag from his cigarette. One look over from Mikuo decided that Del was undeniably handsome. He could clearly see the shadow of insomnia under his eyes but that didn't make him any less attractive to Mikuo. Mikuo didn't have time to continue his observation before he came to his senses. "MIKU!" He yelled in embarrassment, running into his room and slamming the door behind him.
He cringed as he heard a deep laugh followed by Mikus' giggles. 'That wasnt funny!' Mikuo glowered before he noticed the clothes layed out on the bed for him. 'Those are my best clothes.. She must really want me to make a good impression..' He thought and let a small smile seep onto his face. Drying himself with the towel, Mikuo pulled on the shirt she had picked out for him. It fitted his torso tightly but comfortably, It's design was large black and white checkered squares. Mikuo froze when he noticed Miku had even chosen his underwear. "NOT FUNNY MIKU!" He shouted loudly before pulling them on. He then hopped around as he pulled the black jeans up his legs. He slipped on his socks and shoes before walking out of the room.
"Eheheh your hairs still wet Mikuo!" Miku pointed out. "Thanks Miku, I hadn't noticed." Mikuo gritted out. "Hey, Kid. Come here." Del ordered, pointing to inbetween his legs. Mikuo's nose wrinkled in confusion. "He's just gonna sort your hair out Mikuo, he's a wonder with it.. geez calm down." Miku giggled. Mikuo nodded and sat inbetween Dels' legs. "Smells nice." Del commented idly as he dryed the youngers hair with a fluffy white towel. "Thanks.." Mikuo sighed. "Miku. Brush." Del held out his hand expectantly. "Yes Del~" Miku sang as she dug through her handbag and pulled out a pink brush. Mikuo was surprised how Del managed to tug the tangles out as gently as he did and still manage to style his hair.
"Your done. Lets go." Del ordered, taking a long drag from his cigarette. The Hatsune twins followed obediently into the sleek black car. "Agh, Del why did we have to use this car?" Miku whined once they were all buckled and ready. "I don't like paparazzi distracting me when I drive so I chose this one." Del replied as he pulled out of the drive. "Whats wrong with this one?" Mikuo asked cluelessly. "It's the one without the new stereos we got installed!" Miku wailed. "Ignore your sister, Mikuo. These stereos are perfectly fine.. She just doesn't like this one because its not as loud." Del sighed.
"Could we.. listen to some music then?" Mikuo asked. "Alright, Kid. What music did you have in mind?" Del asked. "Maybe.. one of Del's?" Mikuo asked nervously. Miku squealed and hugged Mikuo tightly. "Sooo cute! Luki and Taito don't deserve to share a room with you!" Mikuo cringed and pryed the clingy girl off of him. "Alright, Mikuo. One of mine it is.. any requests?" Del asked, one hand placed on the steering wheel, the other fumbling with the switches of the stereo. "Butterfly on your right shoulder!" Miku cheered.
"I've never heard of that one.." Mikuo said confused. "Feel honored then kid. We're releasing the song to the public in our next concert. Len wrote it, pretty impressive if I say so myself." Del said as he pressed the play button. "Hear the voice in the background? Thats ME!" Miku gushed. Mikuo nodded his head to the music. "Wow Del.. this is amazing." He breathed. "Thanks, kid." Del chuckled. "a bit upbeat for such a sad song though.." Mikuo noted. "That's the thing about the Kagamines, Mikuo! They can pull off anything!" Miku declared. "Alright you two, heads down." Del ordered as he pulled on a pair of sunglasses. "Why?" Mikuo asked as his sister forced him to duck down. "The papz, Mikuo, The papz!" She exclaimed. "What she means is our home is constantly surrounded by photographers and babbling journalists." Del explained.
Sure enough, Mikuo found himself surrounded by flashing lights and screaming. "Miku!" He cried out as a man banged on the window of the car. "Hold on tight kids." Del ordered as he beeped the horn and revved the engine threatningly. A small clearing appeared and Del took the oppertuntity to drive straight through, the gates slamming shut behind them. "Whoo you go Del!" Miku cheered before hopping out the car, dragging Mikuo behind her. "M-Miku wait no where are you taking me!" Mikuo yelped as his sister dragged him over to the large metal gates. There was a hush as Miku raised her hand for silence.
"Ladies and Gentleman, I introduce you to Mikuo Hatsune, The newest VOCALOiD!" She yelled. The flashing and screaming went to overdrive and Mikuo clamped his hands over his ears painfully. "Miku. Inside now." Del ordered. Miku nodded and pulled Mikuo by the hand into the large complex."Welcome to the VOCALOiD Household, Mikuo! I'm so happy your joining us little brother!" Mikuo looked at his sister with weary eyes. "There's not gonna be any creeps here right?" "Uhm.." "MIKUU! MY BRAIN! ITS FROZEN!" "..Maybe?" She giggled nervously.
Mikuos jaw dropped as he watched one of his idols, Kaito Shion, hopping around the hallway whisle clutching his head. "How has my respect for this guy all of a sudden dropped?" He mused dryly. "Kaito drop the icecream!" Miku ordered, snatching the tub from the blue haired mans hands. "Jesus, Kaito." Del sighed before he began tugging Mikuos suitcase up the stairs. "Come on, Hatsune. I'll show you the room your in." Mikuo nodded, no longer willing to watch Miku mother his idol. "Your staying in the quarters near the Voyakiloid dorm." Del said idly. "Voyakiloid?" Mikuo asked curiously. "Voyakiloids are VOCALOiDs that weren't a success.. Leon keeps them because he believes in them. He knows they're all going to amount to something one day.. got it?" Del asked, stopping outside a door. "Oh.. shouldn't I be in there then?" Mikuo asked. "Leon obviously doesn't think you need to be. We all train, don't worry. You just don't need to as much as them." Del said. Mikuo nodded in understanding.
Del rapped his knuckles against the door and waited for an answer. "Come in.." A quiet voice said. Del pushed the door open and dragged the suitcase inside, beckoning for Mikuo to follow. "Mikuo.. meet your roommates, They'll introduce themselves. See you later." and with that Del left whisle shutting the door behind him. Mikuos mouth opened to call him back, his arm outstretched. "A Hatsune.." The quiet voice said again. Mikuo turned on his heel to see a purple haired teen with an eyepatch sitting by the window. "ah- yes. My names..M-Mikuo!" Mikuo blustered, his cheeks reddening. "Oh.. hello Mikuo. My name is Taito.." The quiet singer said. "Are you a Shion?" Mikuo asked tentatively. "Mhmm.." Taito hummed.
"Taito, I found the bandages." A voice called from a door located on the side of the room. "Okay Luki." Taito said cheerfully. Mikuo watched and twitched in anticipation as his other roommate entered the room. Mikuo felt a large dampener to his ego. The two were undeniably attractive. Taito gave off an aura of sensitivity and gentleness and with combined with his frail figure, pale skin, thick hair and calmness he was undeniably beautiful. Luki gave Mikuo the feeling of insecurity, he instantly became self conscious. Luki's light pink hair fanned his face and draped over his eyes, He was pale and slim, yet he was well built. "Oh.. the new guy." Luki said in an awkward tone.
"My names Hatsune Mikuo." Mikuo mumbled, bowing his head. "Megurine Luki..." Luki mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. Mikuos mouth stayed agape as he tried to think of something to end the awkward silence. "Bandages..?" He murmured. "Oh. Bandages. Right. Yeah.. Bandages." Luki laughed nervously. "Those are for me, Hatsune-san.." Taito smiled softly. "O-Oh no please, it's just Mikuo!" Mikuo blustered. Taito nodded and then returned his gaze to Luki. Luki nodded in an instant and hurried over to Taito and began unwrapping the bandages wrapped around his frail arms.
"Are you injured?" Mikuo asked. "Ah.. Luki that hurt.. No Mikuo.. I just.." Taito turned towards Luki pleadingly. "What he's saying is he doesn't want to talk about it." Luki snapped at Mikuo, his stance over the other teenager undoubtedly protective. "I'm sorry!" Mikuo apologised, cowering at the glare he was recieving. "Luki, calm down.." Taito comforted the angry Luki, and rubbed Luki's arm. "Sorry Mikuo.. I'm not feeling up to sharing a story for a while.. I don't mean to be rude but.. Do you think you could leave us for a while?" He asked gently. "Yeah.. I don't mind..so.. bye." Mikuo ran out of the room, not caring to spare a glance of behind him.
"I.. don't know where I am." Mikuo admitted to himself after ten minutes of wandering around the overly large household. He slumped against a door painted red and sighed. "Well this just bites.. Roommates who couldn't wait to see the back of me and then I get lost.. just perfect.." Mikuo grumbled under his breath. "Sucks to be you." A voice replied from behind the wood. Mikuo let out a yelp of surprise, backing away from the door immediately. He could hear laughing and then the creaking of the door as it was opened.
"Your a Hatsune.. whattaya doing in our quarters midget?" Mikuo looked up to the taller man and trembled. He was in trouble by the look on the mans face. He had a passive stare, golden eyes and blue hair. "Aido. Leave him alone he's lost, as you heard." Mikuo let out a sigh of relief at the familiar voice. "Del!" He said happily. "Hey kid." Del greeted him, smiling wryly."Del.. about Luki and Taito.." Mikuo started uncomfortably. "Come inside and tell me all about it." Del sighed. Mikuo nodded and shuffled into the room, sitting next to the older man.
"Didn't think mothering was your forte, Del." Aido sniggered. "Aido, just because your dating my sister doesn't mean I wont kick your ass, beat you to death with a baseball bat and piss on your face. Got that?" Del shot back, smiling in satisfaction when Aido rolled his eyes but stayed quiet. "So you were saying?" Del asked. "Uhmm.. Yeah. to put it straight, I really don't think they like me. Or need me there." Mikuo said, hoping Del would get the hint. "Your not moving rooms." Del said simply. Mikuos face fell and he could heard Aido laughing from his bed. "Why not?" Mikuo asked indignantly.
"Because theres no more room you freaky little squirt." Aido offered. Mikuo shot Aido a glare, his hereditary Hatsune temper flaring in. "Well what about here?" He snapped, sticking his tongue out at Aido. Aido opened his mouth furiously to snap back before Del silenced him. "We have another roommate Mikuo, and frankly I don't think Akaito would appreciate you sharing a bed with him." He chuckled and let out a breath of smoke. Mikuo sighed and let this head droop. "Okay.. then.. perhaps you could show me where the practicing rooms are." He sighed. "Need to vent?" Aido asked. "Yeah pretty much.." Mikuo mumbled. "Well I don't know where the VOCALOiD ones are.. But I do know where the Voyakiloids are." Aido offered helpfully.
Mikuo thought for a second before declining politely. "I think I'm okay actually.. Maybe you have a garden?" He asked. "I would just stick to the practice rooms for a while if I were you Mikuo." Del advised. "Okay.. then could you show me the VOCALOiD room Del?" Mikuo asked. "Sure. But this is my relaxation period. I'll just give the Kagamines a call.. They'd gladly rehearse with you." Del said as he began lazily tapping away at his phone. "Gee thanks." Mikuo said dryly. Aido laughed and placed a pair of headphones over his ears and hummed along.
"Len. I'm in my room.. No, I'm not lazy. Because I couldn't be bothered. How does that make me lazy? Oh yeah pass me onto Rin, can't face me like a man?" Mikuo cleared his throat loudly. Del glanced at Mikuo. "Anyways. You two met the newbie yet?" Mikuo grimaced. "He's Miku's little brother.. yeah twins like you two. Cept' older. and with fashion sense. Face it Rin yellows last season." Miku cleared his throat again. Del continued oblivious of Mikuos interference. "Bring some cough sweets. He seems to have a sore throat.. Oh right. Yeah I called you because he wants to find the training rooms.. thanks." Del hung up the phone and fell back lazily into his pillows. "They'll arrive shortly." He answered Mikuos unasked question. "Okay.." Mikuo said awkwardly. 'Great, more new people to meet..' he thought bitterly.
A hurried knock and a swung open door informed Mikuo that his tour guides had arrived. "DelDelDel where is he?" A blonde haired girl screeched. "Chill it Rin, He's right there, duhhhh!" A replica of the girl replied. "Mikuo, these two blondies are Len and Rin Kagamine.. Len there is the one that wrote Butterfly on your right shoulder." Del explained, pushing Mikuo towards the two. "Now you kiddywinks leave old man Del in peace." "Del. Your twenty-one." Len pointed out. "Still older then you." Deall reasoned, herding them out of the room before closing the door.
"S-So.. your Rin. Your Len." Mikuo said nervously, expecting another strange reaction. "Yupperz~." The girl sang cheerfully. "And your Mikuo." Len smiled warmly. Mikuo nodded, already sensing that he'd most likely establish a strong relationship with the twins. "Well off we go, Miku-ohh~!" The Kagamines simultaneously announced, linking their arms in both crooks of Mikuos elbows. "Nani? WHAA!" Mikuo cried out as the hyperactive twins ran down the hall, dragging Mikuo with them.
"So whats your favorite food?" "Do you like Roadrollers?" "How old are you?" Mikuo felt his head spin at the onslaught of questions and desperately tried answering them all at once. "Leeks, Uhm whats a roadroller? and sixteen!" Rin and Len exchanged looks, nodding before opening a room with a silver star on the door. "This is the training room, Mikuo!" Len announced. Mikuo looked around, impressed. "Not bad.." He murmured. The room was large and split into four different cubicles, each with walls of glass. One of the cubicles seemed to be occupied by a purple haired man who Mikuo was then informed was stage-named 'Gackpoid' but whom they just called 'Gakupo'.
"We'll go in this one!" Rin announced, pushing the two boys into a glass room on the far right. Mikuo cleared his throat nervously, looking around. "So Mikuo.. have you written any songs?" Len asked in a friendly tone. Mikuo smiled. "Just one actually.. But It's meant to be a duet." Mikuo frowned. "Haven't found the right voice for it?" Rin guessed, grinning. "Yup." Mikuo sighed. Len and Rin laughed. "Singers block eh? Well we've all been there!" Mikuo laughed with them. "I'm amazed by you two, how do you produce songs so often?" He asked curiously. "Oh thats simple Mikuo." Rin said, entwining her fingers with her brothers. "We sing from the heart." Len smiled. "Lately we've been working on a storyline called Synchronocity!" Rin said. "Synchronocity?" "It's about two twins seperated at birth... The brother goes out on a journey to find his sister to hear her voice, her song. It's kinda epic and dramatic.." Len said bashfully, red flooding his face. "Sounds really good." Mikuo complemented. "Heh yeah it is." Rin bragged before walking to the microphone stand in the middle of the room. "Some basic voice excersizes so something simple.. how about Black Rock Shooter?"
"Oh I know that one! Miku's been humming it a lot lately.." Mikuo smiled. "Well she would be!" Rin giggled. "Black Rock Shooter is an upcomming anime, Mikus been given the honor of singing the opening for it.. seeing as the main character looks exactly like her!" Len explained. "Ohhhh.." Mikuo hummed in understanding. "Well then, shall we start?" Rin asked. "I'll turn on the music!" Len chirped as he skipped over to the music system inplanted in the wall. He typed in the song and pressed play before hurrying over to Mikuo and Rin as the melody started. "Okay the order of singing will be Me, then Len, then Mikuo okay?" Rin ordered. "Got it." Len replied. "I second that order." Mikuo laughed. Rin shuffled the paper with the lyrics on it and took a deep breath before singing softly:
kikoemasu ka?
ato doredake sakebeba iin darou
ato doredake nakeba iin darou
mou yamete watashi wa mou hashirenai
itsuka yumemita sekai ga tojiru
makkura de akari mo nai kuzurekaketa kono michi de
aru hazu mo nai ano toki no kibou ga mieta kigashita
Rin backed away from the microphone grinning widely, gesturing for Len to go. Len nodded and moved closer to the microphone, commensing the chorus.
BURAKKU ROKKU SHUUTAA natsukashii kioku
tada tanoshikatta ano goro wo
BURAKKU ROKKU SHUUTAA demo ugokenai yo
yami wo kakeru hoshi ni negai wo mou ichido dake hashiru kara
kowakute furueru koe de tsubuyaku watashi no namae wo yonde
yoake wo daku sora kyoukaisen made no kyotai
ato mou ippo todokanai
koraeta namida ga afuresou nano
ima shita wo mukanaide
tomatte shimau
mirai wo ikite itainda wakatta no omoidashite
tsuyoku tsuyoku shinjiru no
sou yo
Mikuo stared dumbly at the twins, oustanded. They were truly amazing singers. "Go on Mikuo!" Ren ushered. Mikuo felt his bottom lip quiver before taking a deep breath and singing the words on the paper before him.
itai yo tsurai yo nomikomu kotoba
BURAKKU ROKKU SHUUTAA ugoite kono ashi!
sekai wo koete
saisho kara wakatte ita koko ni iru koto wo
watashi no naka no subete no yuuki ga
hi wo tomoshite
mou nigenai yo
koe wo agete naitatte kamawanai
ima kara hajimaru no watashi no monogatari
wasuresou ni nattara kono uta wo
utau no
Mikuo found himself clutching his hands together as he sang the last note, softly but strongly. The music faded to silence. "You need to relax when you sing Mikuo.. on the chorus you were trying to hard.." Len said gently, rubbing Mikuos shoulder comfortingly. "Oh.. thanks Len." Mikuo smiled. "Ah take no notice of Lenny-berry, Mikuo! Of course your tense on your first day!" Rin said cheerfully. Mikuo laughed as Len spluttered at the childish nickname. "Rin don't wanna practice anymore. Rin says she's hungry!" Rin announced, patting her stomach. "Me too, I want a banana." "Banana? PAH! I want some Lemon icecream!" Rin retorted. Len stuck his tongue out at his sister and turned to Mikuo instead. "What do you wanna eat Mikuo?" "Leek!" He announced cheerfully. Rin and Len mimed throwing up. "Geez do all Hatsunes have a wierd ability to stomach gross food?" Rin exclaimed as they began to leave the room. "Pretty much." Mikuo grinned.
Mikuo, Len and Rin carried on chattering animatedly about the foods they liked as they made their way down the stairs. "So your rooming with Luki and Taito?" Len asked. "Yeah.. but they don't seem to like me very much." Mikuo sighed. "Oh they'll come around." Rin waved it off, leading Mikuo into the glistening kitchen. "Meiko!" Rin called, bouncing up to the red eyed woman. "Hey you two.. three? Ahh so your Mikuo, Miku's told me so much about you!" Meiko smiled widely, pulling Mikuo into a gruff one-armed hug."Uh-Uhm nice to meet you!" Mikuo flustered. "No uniform yet?" Meiko raised her eyebrow. "Ah.. no. I'm getting one tommorrow." Mikuo muttered. "Alright.. so why did you little terrors come down to bother me then?" She asked playfully. "Food!" The Kagamine duo announced.
"Knew it! I was prepared." Meiko tapped her nose and winked at the three before rummaging through the fridge. Mikuo watched curiously as the elder woman brought out a plate of diced banana dipped in chocolate and multicoloured sprinkles, of which she handed to Len. "Hooray!" Len cheered, placing a kiss against the womans cheek. Meiko laughed and then brought out a tub of icecream, scooping generous amounts into a bowel before handing it to Rin. "Yahoo!" She sang, placing a kiss on her other cheek. "Google." Meiko replied playfully, successfully making the others laugh.
"But you.. I don't know what food you like." Meiko frowned at Mikuo. "He's just like Miku, Meiko! Freaky tastebuds!" Rin accused, giggling. "This one has a leek obssession too? Oh dear lord. Mikuo promise me You wont start doing the leek spin to llevan polka!" Meiko said urgently, gripping his shoulders tightly. "I..promise?" Mikuo answered uncertainly. "Speaking of my sister.. do you know where she is?" Mikuo asked curiously. "Last time I saw her, her and Luka were tugging poor Kaito out shopping." Meiko shrugged. "Oh okay.." Mikuo said sadly. "Hey cheer up Mikuo! Look.. What I got!" Meiko pulled a leek out of the vegetable crisper with a flourish. Mikuos eyes lit up as he took the leek gratefully.
"Now run along you three, I have some drinking to do!" Meiko ordered, shooing the younger VOCALOiDs out of the kitchen. "I'm bored." Rin announced. " I second that." Mikuo sighed. "Me three." Len said. "What can we do.." Len tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Joy ride in the roadroller?" Rin suggested. "Uhm actually I feel a little tired.. I'm just gonna go take a nap ok?" Mikuo said, he truely wasn't lieing. "Okay Mikuo, see ya!" The twins waved wildly as Mikuo made his way back up the stairs and slowly trudged towards his room.
Not bothering to knock, Mikuo opened the door and fell back on his bed exhaustedly. "Mm Luki stop he's ba- mm.." Mikuo shot straight back up. "T-Taito.. L-Luki?" Mikuo yelped loudly in disbelief and terror at his roommates actions. Luki was straddling the bare chested (lest for bandages) Taito and placing soft kisses over all the exposed skin he could find. Mikuo had never seen such intimacy before, it scared him. "Luki!" Taito insisted, pushing Luki away from him firmly but gently.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Mikuo chanted repeatedly, hiding his face in his pillow. "Keh. Lil' Mr Innocence is he?" Luki muttered scornfully. Mikuo felt himself grow angered at the words and tore his face from this pillow furiously. "Listen here, Luki, I've done nothing but try to be polite to you, I expect you to do the same! I know what kind of household you were raised in, I know you were raised to have manners! So don't you go criticising me because I don't do such things as..as..that!" He ranted. "Hush, Hatsune." Luki replied, looking vaguely amused. "I'm very sorry Mikuo.." Taito apologised shyly. Mikuos expression softened. "I-It's fine.. I just came in for a nap. Sorry for disturbing you." Mikuo stammered, covering his head with a pillow and squeezing his eyes shut.
"So this one has a bite, ne Taito?" He could hear the two laughing softly. Mikuo felt his face redden dramatically. "Being a VOCALOiD is this dramatic?" he thought exasperatedly. "I don't think we've made a good impression on Hatsune-san.." He could hear Taito mumble in worry. "Aw he's fine, don't worry about it." Luki seemed to be waving off the subject as nonchalantly as possible. "Can you two quit talking about me already?" Mikuo insisted, throwing the pillow covering his head at Luki. "Oh your asking for it now." Luki growled and pounced onto the smaller boy with pillow in hand. Mikuo shrieked and pushed at the boy but it was no use, he outdid him in weight hieght and definitely strength. "Prepare yourself. Super-Special-Awesome-Megurine-Luki-Attack!" Luki roared, bringing the Pillow down violently onto Mikuos head continuously.
"T-Taito HELP!" Mikuo cried out desperately, unale to escape Luki's passionate pillow attacks. Taito smiled before picking up a cushion and throwing it playfully at Luki's head, successfully knocking his headband out of place. "Get him Mikuo while he's distracted!" Taito yelled. "Pah! That wont wo- mmph!" Mikuo rammed the cushion in Luki's hand into his face before scrambling out of underneath him. "Euck! definitely not my favorite taste!" Luki spat, scraping at his tongue. Mikuo and Taito exchanged smiles.
"Alright Hatsune I'll admit your alright.. I don't mind sharing a room with yah after all." Luki grumbled. "What he's trying to say.." Taito crawled over to grasp Luki's hand tightly "Is that we're very glad to have you as our new roommate, Mikuo." Mikuo let out a long sigh of relief and smiled widely. "Thanks.." He breathed, the relief washing over him in waves. "Oh..Taito I was meaning to ask!" Mikuo said in realisation. "What is it?" Taito answered curiously. "Does your brother and my sister.. you know." Mikuo said awkwardly. "I'm not sure.. I don't talk to Kaito-nii that often." Taito smiled sadly. "Oh.. I'm sorry." Mikuo repeated. "If you were really that interested you could ask Akaito you know." Luki pointed out. "Akaito?" Mikuo asked. "He's the eldest brother.. He''s a Voyakiloid." Taito murmured. "Ohhh.. He's the one that roms with Del." "Thats the one."
"So.. seeing as we didn't get off on the right foot.. Wanna tell me about yourselves?" Mikuo suggested and sat crossleggedly on his bed. "Sure thing, I guess." Luki shrugged. "You first Taito!" Mikuo smiled at the shy boy in encouragement. "Okay.. My names is Taito Shion and I am seventeen..;" Luki sniggered and muttered a quiet "Naww really?" before Taito continued. "I have three brothers.. Kaito, Akaito, Nagaito and Kikaito.. One sister called Kaiko.. Uhm.. My favorite colour is purple.. and I like to read." Taito smiled in relief. "Whoa, that's a big family you got there." Mikuo whistled lowly. Luki laughed and nodded in agreement.
"You next Mikuo." Taito insisted. "Sure thing! My names Mikuo Hatsune, I'm sixteen, I've only got one sibling, My twin sister Miku! My favorite colour is red.. and what I like to do.. hmmmmm... Well I just like singing." "Keh.. boring." Luki droned. "How so?" Mikuo shot back in protest. "Just is." Luki shrugged. "Well then Sir Excite-A-Lot, you go next!" Mikuo huffed. "Will do, lil' man. Name's Luki Megurine, obviously. I mean do you know any other family with pink hair? Anyway. I'm eighteen and I'm the big brother to my sister Luka, She's only sixteen. Favorite colour eh? Right now it's purple. Differs on different days. What I like to do is play video games. Drink. Sleep." "-So basically just be lazy." Mikuo cut in. "Pretty much." Luki grinned.
"So you two...sing." Mikuo said casually whisle toying with strands of his hair. Luki rolled his eyes replying with a "No, really?" His voice dripping with sarcasm. "Ah- no I mean have you wrote any songs?" Mikuo tryed covering up his mistake, aware that he wasn't fooling anyone. "Well I wrote a song with my sister recently, maybe you've heard it? It's called 'Just Be Friends'" Luki yawned boredly. "You wrote that?" Mikuos jaw dropped. Taito laughed quietly. "Luki likes to give most the credit to his sister but truth is, She only wrote the chorus." Taito explained. "Hmm.. Miku was going on about us making a song together soon." Mikuo nibbled on his bottom lip. "A Hatsune tribute?" Luki sniggered. "Shush." Mikuo snapped back.
"What about you Taito?" Mikuo turned his focus the to the purple haired boy who instantly looked down at his hands in embarrassment. "Ah..yes." He said meekly, whisle brushing some hair out of his eyes. Lukis expression softened and he pressed his lips against Taitos cheek. "Really? Can I hear it?" Mikuo blinked. "I..uhm.. have a sore throat.. I don't think I can sing it right no..ahemahem.." Taito blustered. Luki rolled his eyes and smiled at the younger teen fondly before taking off his headphones that hung around his neck and passed them to Mikuo.
Mikuo put them on without hesitation.
mitsumeau sono shisen tojita sekai no naka
kizukanai furi wo shite mo yoi wo satoraresou
yaketsuku kono kokoro kakushite chikazuite
toiki kanjireba shibireru hodo
arifureta koigokoro ni ima wana wo shikakete
wazukana sukima nimo ashiato nokosanai yo
miesuita kotoba dato kimi wa yudan shiteru
yoku shitta gekiyaku nara nomihoseru kigashita
sabitsuku kusari kara nogareru atemonai
hibiku byoushin ni aragau hodo
tatoeba fukai shigemi no naka suberikomasete
tsunaida ase no kaori ni tada okasaresou
arifureta koigokoro ni ima wana wo shikakeru
wazukana sukima nozokeba
tatoeba fukai shigemi no naka suberikomasete
tsunaida ase no kaori ni tada okasareteru
"It's called 'Cantarella'" Luki murmured against the skin of Taitos forehead. "W-Wow.. Taito that was really.. well I gotta admit you wouldn't seem like the type.." Miku said partly in disbelief. "Taito has a rape complex." Luki laughed as Taito thumped his chest in protest. "Wanna know whats gross?" Luki purred. "Whats?" Mikuo asked cautiously. "Taito wrote that whisle he was asleep. He doesn't wanna perform it live.. so guess who will be instead." "Wait hold up. In his SLEEP?" "I do that sometimes." Taito mumbled. "Oh...oh..okay? Whos performing it live then?" "Your sister and Kaito." Mikuos eyes bulged out of his head. "Miku. doing a ..rape..song with.. Īeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Mikuo screamed, his fingers digging into his scalp.