Author's Note: I do not own Monochrome Factor and its characters. My original character for this series is the girl introduced in this chapter. Enjoy!

How long has it been? Will he recognize me like this? I'm not the little girl he used to know anymore. The girl thought to herself as she looked outside her window. She shook her head and went back to reading Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

"Good morning everyone, this is your Captain speaking. We will be landing at Narita Airport in 10 minutes. Please remain seated until then. Thank you." The other passengers fastened their seatbelts as they heard the announcement from the pilot.

"It's time. I will finally meet you again, Onii-sama." The raven-haired girl closed her book and sat quietly until the plane landed.

Just as the pilot had announced, they arrived at the airport on time. The cabin crew assisted everyone as they got off the plane. Some people took their luggage from the compartments above their seats while others just carried what they had on hand. The girl waited until most of the passengers had left before she stood up. She tucked the book inside her backpack and took her other luggage from the compartment.

"Thank you for flying with us. We hope to see you again in your next flight." The flight attendant thanked them with a smile.

"Thank you but you won't be seeing me again. I'm not planning on leaving ever." She smiled back at the attendant. She knew her response would surprise the woman but she couldn't care less. She dashed down the staircase and made her first step to her homeland, the place she unwillingly left for 11 long years.

The airport taxi stopped right by the gate of a two-storey house. As it left, a girl was left standing before the Nikaidou's residence. Pulling her suitcase on her right hand, she went towards the gate and rang the doorbell.

"Good morning! Is anyone home?" She shouted.

"Guess not. Hmm. What should I do now?" She murmured to herself. The girl looked around her. Seeing as no one was around, she breathed deeply and closed her eyes.

Where are you, Nii-sama?

She concentrated on every single memory she had of him. His hazel brown hair that turns raven black just like hers. His gray eyes that turns to a crimson red just like hers. And the strong and wide back she always admired. He turned around. He had a gentle smile on his face and his hand outstretched towards her.

"Let's go, Reina."

She reached for his hand then opened her eyes. She knew exactly where he was.

It didn't take her long to find it. The school was only a few blocks away from his house. Their house.

"What time do classes here end? Should I wait for him here? No. That would make me look like a stalker or even his girlfriend. No, I definitely don't want that." She murmured to herself. Both her hands were on her cheeks as she daydreamed about her brother right in front of the school gate.

"But what will I say to him when I find him? Hi. I'm-"

Out of nowhere, someone came crashing to her. Her monologue was cut short when she fell on her back, and so did her luggage.

"Ouch. That hurt you know! Who in the world-"

Time stopped for her at that moment. She couldn't believe what she saw.

"Nii-sama?" She said with her shaking but gentle voice.

"Uh. Sorry about that. Here." He had that same smile he always had in her memories. And he was offering his hand, the one she had longed to hold all these years. The girl slowly reached for his hand.

"A-KI-RA! Come back here!" A girl shouted from the school gate.

"Tch. Aya." He quickly took the hand of the girl he bumped then looked back to the one inside the school.

"You can't leave the grounds during school hours, can you? I'm off." He teased and gave her a smug look before running off.

"Akira! I'll get you for this!" He faintly heard Aya scream at the top of her voice. He could even imagine her giving him that murderous stare with a sword on her right hand.

"Now. Maybe I should buy that new CD." He thought to himself. When he tried to reach for his pocket, he realized that he was holding something in his left hand. He felt soft and slender fingers. A girl's hand. In his surprise, he quickly let go and jumped back.

"Who are you?" He plainly asked as he shook his left hand. He looked at the girl before him. She had a beautiful black, shoulder- length hair. Her fair and smooth skin looked good with her cotton blue dress. He could see her blushing with her two hands covering her mouth. But what caught his attention was the pair of crimson red eyes that was staring back at him.

For some reason, he found her strangely familiar. His heart started beating fast. He suddenly clutched his head as he found himself in pain from trying to remember. The last thing he heard was the girl's sweet voice calling out to him.

The next thing he knew, he was already on his bed. When he tried to sit up, he found a girl sleeping soundly beside his bed.

"I'm glad you're awake Akira. And it seems that she finally made her way here." The silver-haired guy in black overalls said as he walked inside Akira's room.

"What are you talking about Shirogane? Do you know this girl? Are you still hiding things from me?" He shouted to Shirogane, annoyed at his own ignorance.

"Well…" Shirogane looked away, holding his top hat to hide his eyes.

"Please don't get mad at him." The girl awoke from Akira's voice. She rubbed her eyes then sat properly beside his bed.

"As to your question, I'm sorry I wasn't able to answer you at once. I am…" She glimpsed at Shirogane who nodded to her in return. She cleared her throat and looked back to Akira with steady eyes.

"Reina. Reina Nikaidou."