This is a really late update O_O so of course there is a story: the laptop I wrote this last chap on had some sudden serious problems and had to be sent away to fix (which took forever), then it was returned to its rightful owner (my dad) and it seemed to take me just as long to remember to transfer this chap to my current computer when I visit him. I sincerely apologize to those that were holding their breath in wait of this concluding chap (yay you can breathe now!…..if you're still alive ^^)
So if you're still interested in this fic, please enjoy ^^
Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto-sensei
Naruto's Uke
Chapter 4
"Boy's love." Sakura confirmed it, her face flushed from excitement as she grabbed up a random manga from a shelf, "It's written for girls but lots of guys read it too. Here" Sakura opened the glossy, colorful book and turned it around so that Sasuke could view the page. The Uchiha paled.
"See, the one on top is the seme, and the uke is the guy under him."
Sasuke's eyes, which were involuntarily glued to the sinful page, flicked up with anger in them, "Under?" he asked sounding almost disgusted.
"They could be on top too; it's according to how you like it." Sakura smiled, "Look." She said as she turned the page, then the next page, and the next, soon Sakura had selected another three copies from the shelf and was showing the tensely silent Sasuke all her favorite parts.
"So, uke," he finally spoke up, "it is-"
"The submissive in a guy x guy relationship." Sakura finished it quickly for him, she really just wanted to get that area of Sasuke 'orientation' over with so that she could get to the good parts (good parts being her inviting Sasuke to join the Yaoi fan club she built with Ino, Ten Ten and Hinata, and then all five of them spending the rest of their days in this hidden room reading manga as they giggled like happy little pervs), so when Sasuke's chakra began to barrage her like cold spikes as his anger suddenly flared, she was a little caught off guard. "S-Sasuke-kun, what's wrong? You think it's disgusting?" she asked as she stepped back, the Uchiha standing so still like that made her uneasy.
But it wasn't that he found Sakura's weird obsession repulsive, he didn't think anything of it at all. Sasuke just had the most animalistic urge to beat Naruto to a pulp at the thought that the blonde had put him, Uchiha Sasuke, in the position of someone subservient to him. Why did Sasuke have to be the uke! He much preferred being a seme- or whatever it was that Sakura had called it. Did Naruto lose his mind? What in the world had possessed the idiot to make him believe that Sasuke would allow him to be the dominant in anything. He should hold the blonde down and brand 'uke' onto his head. Sasuke smirked suddenly at that idea and the way his eyes darkened sinisterly as he contemplated made Sakura shiver
"Erm- Sasuke-kun?" her cautious voice crept into his thoughts of where he could find a farmer nice enough to make him such a branding iron without asking too many questions…. "Are you okay?"
Sasuke didn't answer; he'd just realized something else. He knew that the answer to all of this would have lied within the meaning of that 'uke' word. But now that he'd finally found out what it meant, then the reason Naruto wrote that on his forehead, and why he had kissed Sasuke, and the look in his eyes, it was because—no, he was drunk, he was definitely drunk! Sasuke almost shook his head furiously at the possibility that had erupted before him, but he couldn't prevent the anxious tickle in his stomach or the soft blush on his cheeks.
"Sakura." He said trying to make his voice as emotionally detached as possible, "Do you think Naruto wants to do these things to me?"
Sakura looked surprised at the idea at first but then she frowned as she thought about it, "Well, he did write that on you, so it could be possible, but then that would mean that Naruto likes you." Sakura said the last part like the thought of Naruto feeling that way about Sasuke made her mouth water, which it did, but Sasuke didn't need to know that. But the kunoichi still grabbed hold of Sasuke's shirt and practically shouted into his face, "You like him back right? Please like him back! And oh kami let me watch!"
Sasuke brow crinkled at being almost lifted off the ground by the very strong girl, "Watch what?" he asked and Sakura seem to have recollect herself.
"Um- nothing." She smiled nervously as she let go of him and gave Sasuke back his space. "But-um- you know Sasuke; if Naruto seriously feels this way then you should try to give him a serious answer."
Sasuke closed his eyes as he tried not to cringe, I'll seriously kick his ass before I'm uke.
"Sakura! Sasuke-kun!"
Sakura jumped up and ran to the door so she could stick her head out and shout downstairs, "Yeah mom!"
"A message just came for Sasuke-kun, they need him at the Hokage's office right now!"
"I leaving now, thanks for everything." Sasuke told Sakura and he gave her back the manga then headed for the door.
"Well come back soon, you still have a lot to learn until you're a great uke!" Sakura shouted and Sasuke almost tripped.
Sasuke could tell that it was going to rain, it had been a hot morning and now as he made his way to the Hokage tower the temperature had dropped, ashen clouds were beginning to slump over the sky choking out the light and making it appear later than it really was.
As he made his way through the doors of the Hokage's office Sasuke was wondering if this was about a mission outside Konoha but his thoughts halted when he sensed a certain person in the room in addition to Tsunade and Shizune.
Naruto stiffened when the Uchiha stepped into the room, and he felt a cold shiver when Sasuke stopped near him, the young Uchiha clenched his fist in an obvious attempt at controlling himself. Naruto released a silent sigh of relief when Sasuke found his calm center and walked on up to Tsunade's desk.
"You wanted me?"
Tsunade, who had watched the entire situation with a little smile on her face nodded as she picked up a scroll, "This was sent to us from Sunagakure, apparently a missing ninja from our village has been causing some trouble there, I'm sending the two of you over to help them catch him and bring him back. You have the rest of today and tomorrow to get to Sunagakure, so get moving."
Naruto and Sasuke both nodded seriously to this. Tsunade held out the scroll with the missing nin's report for the raven to take, which he stepped up to do, but the Hokage wouldn't let go, "No killing Naruto outside of our borders Uchiha." She told him sternly and Naruto sighed in relief again. "It'll make a bad impression of us; you can do it only when you return."
"Wh-" Naruto began surprised but his voice cut off when Sasuke turned to glare coldly at him, the blonde gulped as he franticly went through in his head all the available exits in the room.
After a quick stop at their homes to pick up weapons, the two boys left the village making swift progress through the tree tops on their way to the Land of Wind. Naruto kept behind Sasuke, for many reasons most of which concerned how he felt about his physical safety, but his mind was racing with all types of burdensome thoughts.
He thought kissing Sasuke was a mistake, at the time it had made sense, he thought that if Sasuke wanted to know why he called him his uke then maybe this was it, he could open up and speak out loud all the feelings that had been slowly choking him for years. Then he realized that his best friend was actually completely clueless. But he couldn't help but kiss him, he had felt strikingly hopeless and Sasuke's naïveté was sort of cute in its own way. But besides pure Uchiha wrath, what did he expect to happen when he kissed his best friend out of nowhere?
A possibility suddenly approached the blonde and Naruto almost missed the branch he had leapt for, he stopped to catch his breath. Sasuke ignored the sudden scream from his partner, he shrugged without looking back leaving Naruto behind.
What- what if he hates me… the words rung a quivering pulse of panic through the blonde's world. He couldn't encompass it, Sasuke being disgusted with him and abandoning him, it would kill him. Naruto bit down on his lip as his frantic eyes bore into the bark of the tree he was standing in, he couldn't let that happen, he'd rather live with unrequited love.
As night fell so did the rain, big heavy drops that soaked through the two ninjas clothes within seconds. Naruto thought that if it got any colder the forest temperature might actually start to give Sasuke's mood some competition; the Uchiha had perfectly ignored his existence for the past few hours, which didn't help the blonde's nerves.
Finally after another hour Sasuke stopped on the ground, Naruto followed, and without a word the Uchiha started pulling the tent equipment out of his bag. Naruto scratched his head as he fidgeted.
"Sooo, I guess we're camping here?" he asked and Sasuke didn't reply, to which Naruto glared. " Okay, well I'll just go find some dried wood then." The blonde said before he leapt away. When he returned Sasuke had the tent up and was inside, his ANBU suit hanging under the awning where he had also set up a circle of rocks for Naruto to build the fire in. After the blonde got the fire up and had also hung his suit to dry, leaving only his boxers and a dried t-shirt on, he went inside too.
Sasuke was sitting on his sleeping bag reading the missing nin's profile, he was also just in his underwear and t-shirt, the quiet inside only being tainted by the sound of the rain beating down on the tent. Naruto glanced at him as he laid out his sleeping bag, then he went into his back pack and pulled out two bars.
"Are you hungry?" he asked Sasuke as he held one out for him, but the Uchiha didn't even look up. Naruto frowned; he shuffled a little closer to the silent boy so he could wiggle the bar closer to Sasuke's face, "It's your favorite, green tea, yummm." Still nothing, Naruto sighed as a worry came over his eyes, "S-Sasuke, I'm sorry."
Sasuke's eyebrow twitched and he stopped reading, though his eyes never lifted up from the scroll.
"About the kiss, I- I wasn't- exactly- I-"
"That's what you're apologizing for?" Sasuke spoke now and Naruto almost cringe from the underlining bite in his friend's voice, he could tell that the other boy was seething.
"Ah? Wh-what other-" the blonde was cut off by the two deep onyx eyes that fixed on him suddenly full of admonition.
"What's on my forehead Naruto?" the raven asked hotly and Naruto looked up.
The blonde took a moment to read the words there, "Oh right, that too." He grinned and the next thing Naruto knew the wind was knocked out of him as Sasuke tackled him over, his hands clamped around the blonde's neck, "Wait! Wait! Baa-chan said you can't kill me when we're outside Konoha!"
"I don't care! Did you really think I'd just let you do that Naruto?"
Naruto shook his head, "No -Sasuke- can't- breath-"his eyes bulged as Sasuke's hold tightened.
"You think I'd just let you be the seme without a fight!"
"Sas-what?" Naruto pulled Sasuke's hands up enough to grant him back the ability to breathe and speak, "What are you talking about?"
Sasuke glared into his best friends curious eyes, he smirked, "I found out what uke means." The blonde's heart thumped, "You must be crazy to think I'd let you do that."
Naruto felt a wash of pain roll over him; his face reddened as he looked away from Sasuke, "I understand, you're rejecting me." He said softly and Sasuke fell silent for a moment, the Uchiha studied Naruto's face solemnly as he thought about it.
"I never- said that." He said a little hesitantly and the blonde looked up.
"You- you mean you like me back? You want to be with me?" Naruto asked, he felt more comfortable now that Sasuke seemed to have lost interest in strangling him, in fact now the blonde found himself staring wide eyed at the soft pink hue that was dusting his best friend's cheeks, the stubborn look in Sasuke's eyes as he forced himself to answer the question.
"I don't know, I guess so- I mean, it doesn't sound bad to me, as long as it's you." Sasuke muttered, he was suddenly becoming very aware of the fact that he was straddling Naruto and they were both not completely clothed.
Naruto felt dizzy, he sat up forcing Sasuke to release his hold as the blonde held his waist. The raven's blush deepened now as Naruto's face came closer to his, those blue eyes holding him still, "So it's okay if I kiss you?"
Sasuke wondered why the idiot asked if he was going to do it anyway. But he felt himself succumb to it, the way the blonde's strong arms pulled him close until their fronts touched and Naruto fitted perfectly between his legs, but mostly the collision of their lips. Sasuke realized that he had always underestimated kissing, or was it something about the way Naruto did it? Whatever it was, he found it difficult to concentrate on anything else. It was only when he felt his back against the floor and Naruto's hands crawling up his shirt, suddenly images from the manga Sakura had showed him possessed his thoughts, and before he knew it Naruto felt the cold end of a kunai against his throat.
He stopped kissing Sasuke immediately, though their lips were still together, the blonde knew better than to move right now.
"Get off of me." Sasuke snapped and Naruto did as he was told rather quickly which allowed the other to sit up.
Naruto couldn't understand what had gotten the Uchiha so angry, "Whats wrong?"
Sasuke's brow tightened as if the question annoyed him, "I told you already, I not going to be the uke, you are."
The blonde paled, "What? But-"
"We're not arguing about this Naruto, that's just how it is." Naruto almost rolled his eyes at the arrogant tone in the Uchiha's voice.
"It won't work Sasuke, I'm just not the uke type."
The dark haired boy cocked a curious brow at that; there are different types of uke? "What are you talking about?"
"Um- well, some people are just more uke than others I guess, usually they're more sensitive." Sasuke watched Naruto's every movement closely as the boy started to come nearer. For some reason he felt less able to attack when Naruto's eyes absorbed him like they were doing now, so Sasuke unwillingly allowed him to press light kisses on his neck then up to his nape producing a sharp shiver to rush up his spine, when Naruto pinched his nipples the wave of pleasure it elicited surprised the younger Uchiha making him gasp and push Naruto away. The blonde smiled at the flushed and panting mess he had made the other boy, which just made Sasuke angry and come to the stubborn conclusion that he didn't care what constitutes an uke , he just knew that he was not going to be one.
Naruto watched as the other boy's dark eyes stained red with his Sharingan, "I'll make you my uke Naruto." Sasuke said seriously, "I'll fight you and when I win you'll be mine."
The blonde couldn't help but feel flattered by this threat, in fact he had to fight down a sudden very overwhelming impulse to glomp his best friend and spin him around as he jumped for joy, but he didn't want to ruin the mood. He knew better, Sasuke was set on this, Naruto shook his head, "No, I'm not going to fight you Sasuke. To tell you the truth this is like a dream come true," the blonde chuckled, " so I don't care, you can do anything you like, I don't mind just as long as you won't regret it."
Sasuke smiled in his, quite easy actually, victory, "I won't."
"Okay then. Let's do it." Naruto said as he got off his knees and sat cross legged.
"Well, yeah. You don't want to?"
Sasuke thought about this as he stared at the blonde, it felt like it had just occurred to him that they had actually been debating about sex all this time. Sex- something he had never done before, or thought much about for that matter- and apparently it was going to be with Naruto. Sasuke gulped.
What exactly does a seme do? Shit, I should have asked Sakura about that.
Naruto, who had been studying the raven's tense meditation, decided that he'd had enough, "C'mon Sasuke." He said as he reached forward and pulled the other boy onto him. The blonde lied on his back as he waited expectantly for him to start.
Sasuke watched the boy under him, he had to admit he was excited, there was something about having his best friend under him that stroked his ego and made his cock twitch at the same time. He could definitely get used to that, as for what he should do to the delectable body before him he decided that he'd just wing it.
"Mm- Sasuke, kiss." Naruto told him softly and the raven bent down meeting the boys open mouth. Sasuke was surprised by this kiss, he'd never had someone's tongue in his mouth before and Naruto was taking advantage of this fact, delving in and exploring as he liked. But Sasuke was determined, there was no way he was going let Naruto beat him at this. He grasped the blonde's chin, squeezing and lifting it so he could nip Naruto's tongue then suck on it making the blonde moan. Sasuke pushed back into the damp cavern of Naruto's mouth as he used his hand to ground into the other boy's crotch.
"Ah! Sas-nh!" Naruto gasped as his hips jerked up to make more friction and before Sasuke could stop him the blonde held him down by his waist and grinded their crotches against each other. The feeling was arresting and the raven's back arched as he shouted to the roof of the tent.
Naruto chuckled at the glare he received after, "Sorry."
Sasuke didn't reply, with determined eyes he went for Naruto's shirt lifting it over the blonde's head and throwing it aside, then he paused staring at the tanned and muscular abdomen that was revealed as he his thoughts stumbled as to what to do with it. Naruto tried not to appear amused by the way his partner watched his body like it was a taxing equation he had to tackle. The raven eventually decided that he'd do whatever came to mind, and with Naruto's nipples catching his attention he went for them first. Grabbing them between two fingers he found them rather stubby and tough so he rolled it, mostly out of curiosity for how far they could twist, then he looked up to find 'his uke' nowhere close to the blushing heap consumed in bliss he expected this action to produce. He couldn't get it, when Naruto did that to him he thought it was some type of jutsu, it felt so good. What was he doing wrong?
He decided to try it with his mouth instead, and because the blonde not responding to his ministration irritated him, he bit down on the stub.
"AH!" Naruto exclaimed and the Uchiha smirked, Naruto glared down at him, "That was a cry of pain bastard!" Sasuke released Naruto's nipple and sat up. "I told you, I'm not sensitive like that, foreplay alone isn't going to do it for me."
The Uchiha shrugged, "Fine then." He said and he moved down Naruto's body, he pulled the blonde's legs apart so he could sit there, then he took Naruto's boxers off for him revealing 'his uke's' half firm cock and realizing how much Sai had belittle it. It wasn't that he'd never seen his best friend naked before, they went to the onsen together all the time, he just never experienced an unclothed Naruto this way, in this position, waiting for him to do whatever he wanted to him. Sasuke suddenly felt overwhelmed again. He knew what he had to do, he was virgin and moderately ignorant to yaoi culture not stupid, he looked down at Naruto's entrance then touched it gently, half expecting the blonde to gasp or something (he knew he would if he was touched there). He ran his finger around the ring of muscles then he poked into the stiffly shut sink, Naruto did jump a little at that and Sasuke looked up to find an uncomfortable frown on his partner's face.
Accepting the absence of any form of bottled lubricant, he leaned over 'his uke' and kissed him, which Naruto responded to eagerly allowing the Uchiha to control, when Sasuke stopped he gave the blonde two of his fingers to suck on with the intention of getting them damp enough to make in his planned intrusion into Naruto's ass a little less awkward. What he didn't plan was the way Naruto's mouth pulled on him, the hot damp enclosure tugging on to his two unexpectedly sensitive limbs, he forgot about what he had intended to do with them after and was now imagining other things Naruto should suck.
Naruto examined the blushing gaze Sasuke was giving him and smiled inside, he couldn't hold it in anymore, he grasped Sasuke's arm, pulling the fingers out of his mouth as he suddenly sat up. The Uchiha gave him a threatening look but the blonde ignored it as he tighten his hold on Sasuke's arm to prevent him from reaching for the kunai he had placed nearby.
"Na-" Sasuke began angrily when he felt himself lose control of his body as Naruto turned him around and bent him over in one swift movement, holding both of the raven's hands firming behind his back so that he couldn't fight back. "Naruto!" he growled.
Naruto continued, pulling Sasuke boxers down to his knees to expose his ass which caused the other ninja's onxy eyes to widen, but Sasuke was shocked even further when he felt his cheeks be pulled apart by Naruto's one free hand, the blonde's thumb resting on the edge of his hole and pushing into the soft flesh there so that it pouted. Naruto was surprised by how pink and clean it was, then again it was Sasuke, he'd expect even this part of him to be somewhat perfect, and with that thought Naruto licked at the his uke's twitching entrance encouraging the shock of Sasuke's life because he didn't know such a strange act could feel so good.
"Ah- nm!" the raven shouted as he buried his face further into the soft sleeping bag he was reluctantly against. "Ah! Ah! Naruto!" gasped breathlessly as the blonde's tongue, which had been circling the ring of his entrance, was now trusted straight in and was gradually softening the muscles there.
Sasuke had lost his resolve in the incoherent slush Naruto's tongue was making of his thoughts, his body now controlled all logic and it was telling him to spread his legs wider because Naruto needed to be inside at all cost, his hips jerked when the blonde's hand reached under and started jerking him off making him cry out.
Naruto chuckled; he didn't expect Sasuke to be this vocal, "Agh! Naruto!" he whined when the blonde stopped sucking, but then he was turned over onto his back and Naruto released his arms so that he could pull the only piece of clothing left over his head then going after what was revealed, kissing and nipping at Sasuke's smooth pale chest.
"Uh! Mn!" Sasuke's lids shut when the blonde played with his nipples, the harder Naruto bit the more intense the pleasure, his back arching when Naruto's bare crotch rubbed against his when the blonde moved up to take his lips. Naruto kissed him harshly, he nipped Sasuke's tongue just like the raven had done to him before, then plunged his tongue inside as one of his hands reached down so he could push a finger into Sasuke's entrance. "Ha-ah!" the raven cried out of the kiss, he was surprised by the sudden intrusion. It felt strange and it worsened as the blonde pushed deeper, Sasuke's fingers dug into his back when he tried to push the second finger in. Naruto knew he was rushing it but this was too much, he didn't expect Sasuke take to this so easily and his best friend's reactions to being touched and fondled by him was too endearing, he wanted to get inside his uke before he lost control.
Sasuke scowled as the second finger finally slipped into him and Naruto pressed soft kisses on his nape and neck then up behind his ear. "Sasuke," he said huskily and the raven's head leaned against his lips as his breath hitched when Naruto fingers brushed against an unbelievably sensitive spot inside him, "Are you sure you don't want to be uke?"
The younger Uchiha's eyes clenched shut and his back arched again when the blonde's front grinded on his again, "Ah god Naruto!"
"Hmm?" Naruto licked quickly his ear making the raven shiver, "Don't you want to be my uke?"
"AH! Na-Naruto-"
"I'll take good care of you."
"No- sto-nnh!"
"It'll always feel good; you'll never forget how good it feels. Just say that you'll be my uke."
The third finger was in now and Sasuke knew it wasn't enough because all he could think about was Naruto swollen cock between his legs rubbing oh so closely to the place he wanted it. "Idiot!" he groaned frustrated, if only he had the will and command over his body then he would have put a kunai against his partner's throat and made Naruto fuck him.
"Are you my uke Sasuke?" Naruto asked again and the stubborn raven shook his head causing his bangs to stick to his flushed and damp face. The blonde's eyebrow twitched, but then he grin mischievously at his friend. Naruto pulled his fingers out and sat up, now Sasuke was in full view and he took in the fulfilling sight, Sasuke all red and panting, bite marks and blushing spots dotted his chest and neck, cherry like nipples and abused mouth, he really never thought he'd see such an image outside his dreams. He held Sasuke by either side of his waist and pulled his hips up the spread his legs wider, the blonde then position his cock and trust into Sasuke heat once. The burning tightness that was Sasuke's insides was beyond amazing and Naruto regretted that he could only take one taste, but it didn't bother him as much as it did the raven who had just felt the most indescribable pleasure for one fleeting moment and then had it pulled away by this asshole who was best friend.
"Naruto!" he complained somewhere between a growl and a whimper.
"If you don't answer me I'll leave you just like this Sasuke." That was a lie.
"I-I'll hunt you down and castrate you." Sasuke panted and Naruto didn't doubt him, in fact he was quite intimidated, but he wouldn't show Sasuke that, he clasped the other boy's cock which made the Uchiha shudder, then he pushed and rubbed his thumb against the tip.
Sasuke's hips jerked up at this and he called Naruto's name out like he was in pain. But the blonde didn't stop, he thrust into Sasuke a second time then left his cock position just outside the raven's entrance.
Sasuke couldn't take this much anymore, Naruto was being an idiot and he didn't have the power to kill him at the moment, he decided that he'd have to give in now and the blonde would just have to deal with the consequences later.
"Yes! Okay, I-I'm your u-uke." He gasped, "Now plea-AH!" Naruto thrust in finally to stay there and abuse the spot inside the raven he knew would send him over the edge.
Sasuke cried out nonsense curses as the blonde pushed him just a little further across the floor of the tent with each thrust, his fingers digging again into Naruto's back.
"Doesn't it feel good Sasuke?" Naruto asked, his hot labored pants against Sasuke's neck.
"Y-yes!" Tears leaked from his shut eyes, Sasuke bit his hand to prevent himself from voicing embarrassing things but Naruto soon moved it claiming that he wanted to hear everything.
"I love you Sasuke." He whispered into the raven's ear and Sasuke felt a tight pain in his chest, a shiver that zipped up his body, a calm warmth, but he didn't reply, mostly because he knew he couldn't form whole words properly, but also because- well he just didn't want to give the idiot the satisfaction especially since he was forcing him to be the uke.
Sasuke glared at the roof of the tent. He would have glared at the blonde who lied besides him but every time he tried to move the pain that erupted from his hips and lower back made it not worth it. Not to mention his lips were swollen, there was cold cum leaking out of his ass in ways he couldn't put in words and he could still feel the idiot's oversized cock inside him for some reason. He sighed, this was planned, it had to be, the idiot had planned this all in advance and decided to implement it on his birthday, everything being initiated with those cursed words on his forehead. He didn't know who helped Naruto build this complex mind game, which he must admit did indeed defeat him, but he was certain that it would not work again, and the next time he and his new boyfriend did it he was definitely NOT going to be uke.
"Sasuke, are you okay?"
The raven turned his head slowly until his cold eyes met Naruto's grin, he could tell the loser was over the moon, the smile went straight to his eyes making his relaxed and satistfied blue eyes glisten.
God, if only he could reach that kunai. But at the same time, he guessed he enjoyed it. Well if he could do it over he'd have brought lub, made the dumbass prepare him more and Sasuke would have been on top where he could control everything- the Uchiha blushed after that thought making Naruto cock a curious brow at him.
Me riding Naruto-doesn't sound- so bad…..
The End
This lemon turned out so long =_=' I hope it didn't bore you, truthfully it was written after I got the chap back so I was sort of no longer into the fic anymore. Please tell me what you think of the conclusion ^^ thanks for reading!