Hello people of fanfiction! I am pleased to inform you that I have begun writing a new fic, and also a little scared to release this information as well. To all my loyal readers, I must tell you that I get bored working on the same fics for long periods of time, but I intend to finish them all the same. I'm simply allowing myself a little leeway with my available fanfics, so I don't get bored.

Anyway, I had a sudden desire one day to write a vampire fic, that should turn into a series once this one is completed. I already have an idea for a sequel :3, but that all depends on whether or not you people want me to keep going. So, read chapter one, tell me what you think, and I'll go from there!

Chapter 1

Snowflakes drifted lazily from the darkened sky, shining brightly under the dim light of the street lamps.

"Damn it's cold," the young teen grumbled miserably, his golden spiked hair snatching the icy flakes as they fell, "I knew I should've left Hayner's sooner." A shiver racked his small frame forcing his arms to coil tighter around his chest. He growled under his his breath, the warm cloud materializing in front of his reddened nose. His usual checkered jacket was not at all appropriate for the unexpected winter weather.

Okay, I've had about enough of this, he thought grudgingly, Maybe I can still catch Cloud on his way home. I know Leon's probably asleep by now, and there's no way Sora could get Riku to come get me.

Forcing his poor frozen fingers from the warmth of his jacket, he reached into his pocket and pulled open his phone.

"Ugh, shit! Where's the signal? I just had like three bars! Damn it, the universe is out to get me tonight, isn't it?" Roxas fumed as he forced the phone back into his pocket. What was worse was he hadn't even seen any cars since he'd began his long trek home.

"Oh, you have no idea, cutie."

The blonde teen's eyes widened in fear, and he whipped around at nearly break neck speed at the source of the strange voice. He wasn't as alone as he first thought. A man stood only yards away. He adorned a long, ground length black trench coat, the hood concealing his face perfectly with the shadow from the street lamps.

"Wh-Who the hell're you?" Roxas challenged shakily. He was cold and scared, but he was NOT getting mugged tonight.

The stranger laughed, his voice tearing through the silent streets like a warm knife through butter. He removed his hood revealing a head of fiery red hair and acidic green eyes that flashed in the dimmed light. They almost held a sort of hypnotic air about them that captivated Roxas, and he found himself gazing into them like a field mouse entranced by the seductive stare of a cobra.

"You can call me Axel," the man purred pointing to his temple, "A-X-E-L, commit it to memory. Now how 'bout you give me your name, or can I just keep callin' ya cutie?"

This guy's a wacko, that's for damn sure, Roxas thought as he inched backward. So is he gonna try to rape me or what?

"Um, yeah, how 'bout you not call me that, and I just keep that information to myself you psycho pedophile. And just for your information, I already have a boyfriend."

This earned him a smirk from the man now known as 'Axel', exposing his perfectly straight and brilliantly white teeth. The action also revealed two elongated canines that had been sharpened to the point where they could probably be considered weapons. "Well now, that's rude," he grinned, casually strolling up to the teen as he backed away, "I told you my name, the least you could do is tell me yours."

In a flash, the stranger was gone. "Huh?" Roxas glanced around frantically, "Where did he go?" Suddenly, two large hands grabbed his face, one on the side of his head and the under beneath his chin tilting it to the side and exposing his neck. A sharp pain flowed through his body as his razor sharp fangs embedded themselves in the tender flesh, relinquishing an agonized scream from the young blonde. It felt as though acid flowed through his veins, spreading like wildfire through his body.

I'm going to die, he thought, Right here on the street. I'll never see my parents, or Sora, or Hayner, or any of my friends ever again. They're going to find me, dead and frozen in some gutter or ditch and Leon or Cloud is going to have to identify my body. It's all over.

He felt the needle like appendages unsheathe from his body, and he clasped his hand to the wound. His vision was non-existent, but he could clearly feel the warm liquid ooze from between his trembling fingers. Then just like that, there was nothing.


"You know we've never really done anything."

Roxas glanced up from his video game, giving the other blonde a quizzical expression. Hayner's eyes never left the screen as he commented, still appearing to be entirely engrossed in his game as he smashed his car into unsuspecting pedestrians. It had been completely silent until a second ago, and now the older blonde was acting as if nothing happened.

Shaking his head, the younger teen decided the best thing would be to play along. "Um, we're doing something now, aren't we?"

"That's not what I meant. I mean, we've never really 'done anything' since we've started dating."

Okay, that required further attention to detail. Roxas paused the game, then turned to face his boyfriend. "What do you mean 'anything'? We make out all the time."

Hayner sighed heavily, lying his controller on the floor as well. His forest green eyes pulled up from the floor until they met shining sapphire orbs. "Yeah, I know," he smirked, a bit too half hearted for Roxas' liking, "but that's it. We haven't taken our relationship any further than that. I think it's about time."

Roxas swallowed, a light pink tinting his cheeks as the other took a step closer on his hands and knees. "Hey, woah. Hold on a sec," he began to panic, "We've only been dating for about a month, this's been taking some getting used to. Aren't we moving a little fast?"

"Fast?" Hayner scoffed, "Roxas, we've been friends for eleven years. We've known each other longer than most married couples and we haven't even gotten past kissing yet. Shouldn't we take our foot off the break and actually start down the road?"

Roxas turned away. He hadn't even been comfortable in the first place dating Hayner. Sure he liked him. He had a crush on the older teen ever since he was eight, but now that they were an official couple it just hadn't felt right to the younger teen.

"Sorry," he whispered, still lacking the courage to meet Hayner's gaze, "I'm really not ready for this right now. Let's just wait a little while."

"Fine, I guess it is a little soon," the older blonde grumbled.

Roxas gave an inaudible sigh, then took a quick glance at the clock beside the bed. 11:38. He leapt to his feet, snatching his cell phone from the dresser. "Damn it, I have to get home. It's already eleven thirty."

"Oh shit," the other smirked, " you should probly get outta here. See you tomorrow?"

Roxas gave one last grin as he stood ready to bolt at the door. "Definitely." With that he took off down the hall.

"Call me when you get home!" Hayner called after him.

There was a short pause before a faint, "will do," met his ears. The older teen only sighed as he shook his head, then took to returning to his game.


The large brunette male was nearing his breaking point. He was ready to shoot somebody if he didn't get some information fast. The nurse addressing him was practically scared shitless, but she held her own against the pissed off police officer.

"Alright look," he growled, completely fed up, "Either tell me what happened to my son or so help me I'll-"

The nurse heaved a sigh of relief as another blonde man yanked the brunette away from the reception desk. "Now Leon, you need to calm down. Yelling at the poor woman won't get us anywhere closer to seeing Roxas."

Leon shrugged the blonde off, crossing his arms in a huff. "Well it's better than just sitting there. Damn it, Cloud, our son is back there, possibly dying. We have a right to know what's going on!"

Cloud embraced his husband. He knew what Leon was feeling, he felt the same. Constantly beating himself up over something that wasn't his fault, trying to tell himself that Roxas would be just fine even though part of him was convinced his son was already dead back there, he understood it all. But the two of them needed to be strong, if not for themselves than for their other son who hadn't stop crying since they'd arrived at the hospital. Riku had come with them, and was doing everything in his power to comfort the little brunette teen, but Cloud knew he needed himself and Leon there as well.

Leon growled quietly under his breath, but hesitantly returned the embrace. After a moment they pulled away, acting as though nothing happened then returned to the waiting area to sit with Sora and Riku. They found the two just as they had left them, Sora's face buried in Riku's chest bawling his eyes out while the older teen held him close, trying to coax him to stop his crying.

The silverette glanced up at the sound of the approaching footsteps, and he sighed heavily. "I don't think there's anymore I can say to him. Do either of you want to try?"

Cloud smirked, and willingly took his sobbing son from the older teen. Sora clung to him just as he had to Riku. "Sora, you shouldn't do this to yourself. How will Roxas feel after he wakes up and sees that you hadn't stopped crying over him since you've gotten here?"

"B-But, it's all my fault h-he's here. I sh-should've realized something was wrong wh-when he hadn't c-come home when he said. I'm a horrible brother!" Sora managed to choke out before breaking down into tears again.

There was no way he'd get the poor teen to stop any time soon. Cloud could only cradle the brunette in his arms like he did when he was a child, and try to at least get him to fall asleep.

"I'm sorry," Riku sighed, "I tried everything but I just couldn't get him to calm down."

Leon smirked slightly, glancing back over to the receptionist's desk. She flinched when she saw him narrow his eyes at her. "Don't apologize. He'll cry himself to sleep eventually. Right now I'm a bit more concerned about Roxas."

"They still haven't told you anything yet?" Riku stated as if the idea wasn't too surprising.

"No. I'm starting to contemplate flashing this badge around, force 'em to tell me what the hell they're doing back there."

"Leon." Said brunette flinched slightly threat level in Cloud's voice.

Riku stood and started toward the soda machine. "You guys' want anything?" he asked. Both of the men shook their heads no.


Hours passed and still there was no word on Roxas' condition or even why the teenager was in the hospital in the first place. By this time even Cloud was getting irritated with the staff's lack of information. Leon simply grumbled something under his breath and continued to concentrate on the sign on the wall. Sora had finally fallen asleep, curled up in Riku's arms as the silverette continued to strike up random conversations with Cloud every now and again.

It was getting late, or early depending on how you look at it. It was already close to two in the morning and nearly all the hospital staff had gone home. The only ones left were the Strife family and Riku, the receptionist, another worried looking couple across the waiting room and the janitor.

"Riku, you can go home if you want," Cloud offered, "Your dad might not be too happy having you stay here all night."

Riku chuckled softly at the thought. "Oh no, my dad doesn't care too much about where I am and for how long. You can say our family stays out late for a living. Besides, I couldn't leave now without knowing if Roxas is going to be all right or not." He had known the Strifes ever since they moved in eleven years ago, and in that time he'd come to care for both Sora and Roxas. Roxas more like a brother than anything. Riku could tell the blonde looked up to him, and he was more than happy to play the role of big brother especially since Riku's own brothers were never there for him. It honestly scared the silverette to think he might lose the moody little teen for good.

"Hm, thanks Riku. We really appreciate it."

"Really, it's no trouble," the older teen smiled sweetly.

Just then, all three males caught sight of movement near the receptionist's desk. One of the doctors had come from the double doors where they had forbidden entrance to Cloud and Leon. They watched expectantly as the two conversed, then held their breath when the two of them glanced in their direction. After one final nod from the doctor he returned through the double doors, and the nurse stood from their desk heading in their direction.

"I'm sorry for the wait," the nurse said, giving a nervous glance in Leon's direction before turning back.

"What happened to our son?" Cloud asked without hesitation.

"Again, I apologize. I wasn't told anything, but the doctor is waiting for you both in your son's room. We've moved him into the ICU, room 138."

"Thank you," Cloud stood hurriedly. "Riku, stay with Sora until we get back."

The silverette nodded dutifully, and pulled his snoozing boyfriend closer to his chest.

The two parents wasted no time rushing through the once forbidden double doors. It didn't take long for them to find the section of the hospital labeled 'Intensive Care Unit', and even less time for them to find Roxas' room.

"You must be the Strife's," the doctor greeted as the two entered the room. It was the same doctor who had spoken to the receptionist out front.

Both nodded, but their gaze instantly fixated on the large bed taking up the majority of the small room. Roxas lay unmoving, the enormous bed making him look so much smaller and more fragile than he actually was. Wires and tubes stuck to his body in masses, feeding him oxygen and blood and reading his vitals. His skin was a sickly pale, and bandages wound heavily around his neck and chest. Neither Cloud nor Leon could believe that was really their son lying there. He didn't look a thing like the strong, stubborn, independent 17-year-old they'd raised eleven years ago.

"What happened?" Leon asked the doctor, not daring to allow his voice to go any louder than the beeping of the heart monitor.

"Well, hours ago we received an anonymous call saying someone had found Roxas lying unconscious in an alleyway. He was bleeding heavily from a wound to his neck, and his chest and back had been badly bruised. We went through nearly thirty pints of blood during the surgery, and we have to continue feeding him blood though the IV. Roxas is a very lucky young man."

"How so?" Cloud asked, scared as to what the answer might be.

"Let's just say that if that call came in two minutes later, there would have been no possible way for us to save him. He would have bled to death in the ambulance."

Both parents could distinctively feel their hearts leap into their throats at the doctor's words. They had really been that close to losing their son, and they hadn't even realized it. Before they received the call telling them Roxas was in the hospital, Leon had been fast asleep and Cloud had been on his way home from his office at Shinra, both blissfully unaware that Roxas was fighting for his life in the frozen streets only miles from their house.

Cloud was first to regain his ability to speak. "How long is he going to be here? Is he going to make a full recovery?"

The doctor nodded in affirmation. "Yes, we believe he will make a full recovery. However, the matter of staying all depends on Roxas himself. He could be out of here as soon as tomorrow, or he could stay as long as up to a year. It all depends on when he wakes up, and none of us know when that will be."

Cloud and Leon could only nod. After a moment or so, the doctor left them with their son. They sat in the chairs beside his bed, not uttering a single word. Neither of them knew what to say. All they knew was that they could be coming back here every day for the next year, all because they weren't there when their son needed them most.

Alright, chapter one done!

Please review. Tell me what ya think. Should I keep going with the story or shouldn't I? I need feedback people.

next chapter we got some more injured Roxas, as well as a little Axel action, plus some SoraRiku.