Chapter 5: Get Together

It has been one month since Hinata was turned into a 5 year-old, a month since Sasuke became a daddy, and last but not least a month since the fan girls started to keep their distance (with the exception of Sakura). Now in that month Sasuke has gotten to know Little Hinata to talk correctly, gotten to know her likes and dislikes, and get her in and out of the water for bath time without get wet or injured.

Now today we see Sasuke and Hinata walking down the streets of Konoha and headed to the training grounds. Today the village had a day off and so many where just lazing about and relaxing. So the Rookie 9 turned 8 decided to meet at training ground 7 and have a bit of fun with Little Hinata. Since they had all been on mission's they had yet to know the new Hinata.

"Daddy, can I take this off now?" The tiny Hyuuga was tugging and biting the child leash that she had been forced into by Sasuke. But little did she know that the leash was infused with his chakra to make sure it stayed on.

"No." The Uchiha male answered as they entered the clearing.

"But I don't like it." Little Hinata pouted as she tried to pull it apart.

"Not my problem. If you learned to behave then you wouldn't have to ware it."

"Sasuke, why did you put a leash on Hinata?" There was a note of hostility as Kiba asked the question.

"Because Hokage-sama said she's not aloud outside of the house without it." Sasuke answered as he stood in front of them. Many of the Rook 8 just looked at him funny at the answer to the question.

"What kind of answer is that?" Kiba retorted back as he took a step forward.

"If you really want to know ask Lee, Neji, and Tenten. I'm not going to explain it again so ask them or shut up." He pulled a scroll from his pocket as he spoke and rolled it out in front of him.

"Ok, any ninja weapons you have on you bring them here." The onyx eyed teen ordered.

"Yeah, like I'm going to hand them over to you." Kiba snorted as he stayed where he was.

"I would do it if I were you." Neji said as he and the rest of Team Guy walked over to the scroll and sealed their weapons away.

"And why is that?" Choji asked as he pulled out a new bag of chips.

"Cause Hinata will steal them. She stole mine right out of my pouch along with a smoke bomb without me even knowing until Sasuke said something. She also found one in Sasuke's house even when it was out of reach and well hidden. She even cut her hair with it, so I'd do as he says if you want her and yourself to feel safe." Tenten explained as she and the rest of her team stepped away from the scroll.

After the information processed through their heads they all rushed to the scroll to seal away everything they had the related to mission gear. Once that was finished Sasuke rolled up the scroll and put it in his pocket. "Neji hold her and whatever you do, DON'T let go and put your c-h-a-k-r-a into it. You know what happens when she gets free." Neji nodded and took the leash put his chakra into it.

"Why won't it brake?" They toddler whined as she started to chew on it like a puppy with a new shoe.

"Can someone please fill us in? We would like to really know why she has to ware that." Shikamaru asked with a yawn.

"Well our youthful little friend here will disappear and reappear on a high place like a building. Then she will cry something very un-youthful and tackle that youthful person to the ground and laugh youthfully." [A/N: You should know who said this (-_-')]

"What the hell are you talking about?" yelled Naruto not understanding a word that came out of Lee's mouth.

Tenten smacked Lee upside the head with a glare to the green clad ninja.

"What Lee's trying to say is that when Hinata's not on the child leash she'll seek off into the crowd, somehow find her way to the top of a building or the highest stricter, jump off it and yell something inappropriate and tackle them to the ground and laugh. She did it to Guy-sensei when Uchiha gave his report in the Hokage-sama's office a month ago. The phrase she used was and I quote 'You are my slave.' Now apparently she was doing that all the way to Hokage-sama's office the day Uchiha gave that report." Neji explained this time. The faces he got ranged for laughter (Kiba and Naruto), glance to the Hyuuga toddler (Ino, Sakura, Choji, and Shikamaru), and a blank stare (Shino).

"Ok, everything is set up. We can't leave the clearing unless you ask me, this way Hinata will stay in eye range and still have room to play." Sasuke walked up to them and looked eye level with Hinata.

Everyone seemed to recover as they watched the two, wanting to see what was going to happen.

"How many rules are there when we're outside of the house?" The pale teen asked.

"There are 10 rules daddy." The toddler answered.

"Good, now what are they in order?"

"Rule #1: Don't take candy or toys for strange people. Rule #2: Don't pick pocket other ninjas'. Rule #3: If I find a ninja weapon do not touch it, it may be a trap. Rule #4: Don't eat food off the ground, no matter how good it looks. Rule #5: Don't beat up other kid's, but if they need a beating do it so you don't get caught. Rule #6: Never EVER tell daddies home life to the fan girl's. Rule #7: If I have to go potty tell dad right away. Rule #8: Never take stuff from the fan girl's. It may have a mini listening device or a hidden camera in it. Rule #9: Do not be blunt with people, not matter how much I want to say it wait until their out of ear shot or until we get home to say something. And Rule #10: I am part of the Uchiha Clan so I better act like one and not some dobe." Hinata recited as she looked at her daddy to make sure she got them all.

"You are correct." Sasuke smirked as he saw the faces of his friends, then where priceless in his book. Neji was so red that you could roast an egg on it. Sakura was staring on in disbelief. Ino was trying hard not to laugh and was failing. Naruto, Lee, and Kiba looked brain dead. Choji dropped his chips, while Shikamaru and Tenten were starring wide eyed. And if you looked at Shino his eye right was twitching out of control.

"Now what is the punishment if you break these rules?" The Uchiha asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No cinnamon rolls for desert, bath time three times a day for 2 weeks, I have to wear a dress or a skirt for the rest of the month, and training will start with the bucket exercise until you say otherwise." She answered with a disgusted look plastered on her face with a slight shiver as she thought about the bath and bucket exercise.

"Good, now go and find something to play with." The second Sasuke unbuckled the child leash Hinata took off towards the group of teen's pulling on Kiba and Shino.

"Come on everyone let's go and play!" And with those words they all seemed to slightly compose themselves and started to play with Little Hinata. But that didn't mean they forgot the rules Sasuke had set for the 5 year-old but they put in the back of their minds and enjoyed the day.

-Sasuke's Apartment-

The day had gone good in his book. The rest of the group got to meet then new Hinata and found out that she wasn't the same as she was before she was turned into a toddler. Instead of being shy and quite, she was outgoing and loud like a normal kid her age, so to speak. She spoke her mind now unlike before when she would keep her thoughts to herself. The biggest change was that she enjoyed conflict and fighting. When they were playing 'Ninja' she wanted to be the good guy and fight all of them.

The game was going well until Naruto call him a teme and all hell broke loose. She had attacked Naruto for calling teme and was so strong when she was beating him that it had taken all of them just to get the little girl off of him. It was really a sight to behold and even after they had asked her why she had done it her only answer was. "Daddies not a teme, he's not. Daddy is daddy and he's not a teme." Before she started crying and ran into his arms hugging him close like some kind of life line while saying "Daddies not a teme." over and over again until she fell asleep.

Sasuke watched as Little Hinata slept peacefully in his arms. He know that there was no way he would get Hinata to let go of him so he went straight to his bedroom and laid down with the Hyuuga toddler laying on his chest. He waited a few moments before he looked at the toddler one last time before going to sleep. He watched as she snuggled into his chest and whispered "I love you daddy." in her sleep. He was stunned for a moment before a true smiled slipped on to his face.

Sasuke kissed the top of her head before whispering, "I love you too shorty." As his mind slowly drifted off into the world of dreams, while the moon light was beating down ever so slightly on them through the half open curtains.

Yo! I'm back and I have more where that came from.

Well it's 1:55am and I'm going to bed.


-Invader Corp. Prez. Aki666