AN: Slightly longer than the last chapter~! Also, I finally know where this story is going. Yay. XD

Chapter 4: Fallen

As much as he wanted to just ravage the back kitchen, Black Star maintained his composure and sat patiently by Kid's feet. He had almost gotten them kicked out, however, as no dogs were allowed. But luckily, Kid's father was apparently well-known, and so they kept quiet.

Black Star shivered. It's like Kid's dad is a part of the mafia or something.

The blue dog looked up at Kid, who was chewing on his jacket sleeve. The teen still seemed a bit anxious; as if Liz might show up at his house, and he wouldn't be there. His leg started quivering; up and down. Expecting something to happen.

Kiiiid. Whining, Black Star rested his head on Kid's thigh, frowning up at him.

"It's okay," Kid murmured, not even glancing down at him, "The food will be ready soon." He pulled out his cell phone again, to check the time. Or perhaps to see if anyone had called.

That's not it...

As if on cue, the waiter boy came around the corner, holding up a huge tray of freshly baked pizza. "And here you are, sir." He plastered a cheesy smile upon his acne-covered face, setting down the tray.

"Ah, thank you."

"Is there anything else I can getcha?" He grinned wider, showing off his braces.

Kid switched his gaze to his phone for a second, and immediately looked back up at him. "No... That's all. Thank you."

"Are you sure?" The other teen urged. "Because if you need anything I can get it-"

"Yes, I'm fine," Kid remained polite, Black Star noted, as he said that through his teeth, "Thank. You."

"No problem!" The boy felt proud he did his duty and walked away, back behind the counter. Obviously he couldn't take a hint, though.

Once he was gone, Kid exhaled and rolled his eyes. "This is why I hate telling people my business." He frowned at the pizza, as if it were to blame. "Or rather, who my father is."

Feeling partly at fault, Black Star nodded apprehensively, shifting in his spot.

"Well," Kid went on, not noticing his friend's behavior, "It's time to eat, anyway." He then smiled down at Black Star and scratched behind his ears. Black Star relished in that small pleasure and allowed his tongue to loll out once more, his foot softly thumping against the rough carpet. He tried not to whine as Kid pulled his hand back up, cutting him a slice. Kid placed it on a paper plate, and put it down under the table. "You better eat that; this place is expensive."

It's not like you can't afford it. Black Star snorted, before leaning down to dig in to his slice. And now... My dignity is totally gone. The slice was devoured in mere seconds, and he nudged his greasy nose against Kid's leg, begging for more.

"Alright, alright."

Except for the cheesy Christmas music playing in the background, they ate in silence for next twenty minutes, content. No worries, no pressure.

Life is good.

But nothing lasts forever. Black Star's ears perked up at the sound of a faint buzzing; Kid's phone.

Wiping off the pizza grease with a napkin, Kid snatched the phone up from the table and flipped it open, a hopeful look suddenly turning into a crestfallen one.

Wait, wait, lemme guess. It's Liz, right? The blue dog growled, standing up, prepared.

As if answering his question, Kid said aloud, "It's Kilik."

The mention of that name again made Black Star freeze; he was unsure of how to react. He just blinked up at Kid.

Kid pushed a button, slowly bringing the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

Black Star couldn't hear what Kilik was saying on the other end, and it bugged him intensely.

"No..." Kid's voice lowered uneasily. "What do you mean?"

All the mutt could do was pace, worriedly glancing up at Kid every so often to try and read his expressions. Dammit. What the hell are they talking about?

Black Star blinked, confused, as Kid started laughing. What's he laughing about? He edged closer, pushing himself up on the seat so he was practically standing, whining near Kid's other side.

Kid frowned and pushed him down gently with his free hand. "No, bad dog. Get down - No, I'm not talking to you." When Black Star wouldn't budge, Kid pushed on his head a bit more forcefully. "Get down!"

Not until you tell me what you guys are talking about!

"Need some help, sir?" The acne boy had returned, a devilish twinkle in his eyes. He leaned forward and grinned, fawning over Kid. "I can take your dog out for you while you're on the phone."

What! Black Star turned his head and growled fiercely at him, baring his sharp canine teeth. No way would Kid let you do that to me!

"Um, I..." Kid glanced down at his dog, who was giving the waiter the death stare. "Hold on, Kilik." He placed his free hand over the mouth piece of his phone. "Could you? Just for a few minutes?"

Black Star whipped his head back around, to stare incredulously at Kid. Kid!

"Certainly! C'mon, boy." The greasy teen grabbed hold of the fur around Black Star's neck, who was luckily still distracted, staring up at his owner, and pulled him off from the seats. "I'll put him right behind our shop, in the ally. He'll be totally fine, sir."

Kid glanced worriedly at his dog for a second and nodded, reluctantly looking away. "Alright." He tried not to look in the direction his whining dog was being pulled off in, and he returned to his phone. "Kilik? Yeah."

As he was being dragged away by the acne boy, Black Star pawed at the carpet, trying to dig his nails in. Unfortunately, he failed to get any good grip on the cheap floor. Black Star looked up at Kid one last time, who was far off now, and heard him laugh again, right before the waiter shoved him outside, slamming the kitchen door behind him.

Black Star sat still, on the wet cobblestone. The moon mocked him silently, blood dripping through his pearly whites.

How could he just let that guy put me out here? Black Star curled up on the ground by the door, missing the warmth from inside. He wasn't as hurt by the fact of getting put outside as he was when Kid had started laughing about something Kilik had said. It felt like a blow to his ego; Kilik could get Kid to smile, but all Black Star could do was cause him unnecessary trouble.

He closed his eyes, feeling the light drizzle overhead. If he hadn't gotten in that bath with Kid earlier, Kid would probably have been done by the time Liz came. They wouldn't have fought. If he had just stayed to side, minding his own business, Kid could be having a nice dinner at home with his girlfriend.

It's my fault.

Gradually opening his eyes, he glanced up at the stars. They were all shining so brightly; carefree. Yet here he was, the dull star. The one that just messes everything up for his best friend.

I should have never gone to go find Kid.

He closed his eyes once more; resting his head on his front paws.

I deserve to be a dog. That's all I am.

The door gently prodded him in the side, awakening him from his thoughts. "Oh, I'm sorry." Kid poked his head out from inside, peering down. "Come on, we can go now." He motioned for Black Star to come inside, smiling.

Black Star lifted his head, regarded him for a second, and put it back down, not moving from in front of the door.

"Hey, come on, boy." Kid bent down behind the door, reaching his hand out to nudge his dog softly.

The mutt flinched from his touch, slowly getting to his feet. He lowered his head guiltily and glanced back at Kid with deep, sad eyes.

The door no longer impeded, Kid pushed it forward, all the way open. "Hey... What's wrong?"

I shouldn't be here. All I do is cause you trouble. If only Black Star could actually tell him that. He softly whimpered, pointing his nose to the ground. Kid walked up next to him, ruffling his fur, concerned.

"It's alright," Kid tugged him gently, trying to get him to go in the direction of the sidewalk, "I'm going to take you to a friend's now." It wouldn't surprise Black Star if it was Kilik. It didn't matter anymore.

Kid continued, pulling his hand away, sure his dog would follow, "He said he wanted to see you. He was ..." The teen glanced back down at the mutt slowly trailing behind him. "He was curious about something."

Black Star only followed tiredly, his head lowered. He made no sign that he had heard him.

"Anyway..." Kid whistled, shifting his gaze ahead of him again.

They made their way through the streets of Death City, another silence between them. Except, this one wasn't comfortable at all; the air was tense and unnerving. They both secretly wanted it to end.

Kid cleared his throat, suddenly coming to a stop in front of one of the homes on the outskirts of the city. "This is it..." He glanced down at his dog, unsure. "Um, I..."

"Kid!" A sudden shout came from the porch, the door opening. "Dude, what are you waiting for? It's cold out here, come inside already." Kilik grimaced and wrinkled his nose. "Damn, it really is cold. Come in, Kid." He grinned, looking down. "And bring your strange dog, too."

Not really in the mood for protesting, the duo quickly made their way into the warm home, immediately relaxing in the comfortable atmosphere. It was brightly lit within the room, the TV playing adventure music in the background. A pair of twins holding PS3 controllers stared at them, symmetrically in tune with one another.

"You remember my cousins, right, Kid?" Kilik stated casually, grabbing a bowl of chips off from the couch. Kid barely had a chance to nod before he continued, "I was just watchin' them play one of their games. So, wanna take this upstairs?" Kilik grinned, munching happily.

"Yeah... Sure." Kid managed a weak smile, rubbing the back of his neck.

Black Star finally looked up at them, searching for some sort of spark. Well, I don't see anything. He was tired of moping. That wasn't what he was about. Who's ever heard of a blue star? Okay, maybe that's the wrong expression. Who's ever heard of a sad star? Black Star huffed.

"Come on, boy."

Black Star blinked himself from his thoughts, looking around for Kid.

"...Over here." His tone was more amused than annoyed.

Spotting Kid and Kilik already half-way up the stairs, Black Star quickly trotted after them, smiling to himself. He definitely wasn't forgotten. He never was.

AN: Black Star is so cute, sometimes, lol.
Reviews or comments are loved~~