Explosive beginning, not much related to HTTYD for the first chapter or so. It will pick up and relate eventually, I promise you! So, I'll let you read for yourself and tell me what you like about it. Enjoy!

"Fire!" went the battle cry. Mud ran all around, splashing mud and into their and mouths. Guns held high, they charged towards shore.

Henry guarded the rear of the flank. He was only seventeen, but he was commonly mistaken for being nineteen - especially since his parents were unknown, and his birth date was undocumented. He only remembered sixteen years of his life, and he estimated that he had been born a year or so before he started remembering, which would make him about seventeen.

Sand flew everywhere. The beach exploded, sending the soldiers in front of him sprawling on the beach. Henry moved over their remains, trying to not let the horror of it sink in. The forces were becoming too much for their band, and they were being pushed back to the water. They were driven back, back, farther ever back into the cold and relentless water. The ocean lapped over his head. He barely could stand in the water, and to make matters worse, he couldn't swim. The morning sunlight turned an ominous grey. He could see his fellow soldiers moving forward. He tried to go after them, but the sea held him back.

It refused to let him go. The tides of war and ocean were changing, and he couldn't keep up. Henry coughed salt water, trying his best to swim – which amounted to a lot of frantic thrashing. He struggled until he lost consciousness, and let everything go. He was in the mercy of the Ocean now.

Calmness. Drifting. Forward, back, forward, back further, a continuous cycle that never seemed to stop. Sweeping the shorelines in a gentle stroke, and finally –


The water lapped the shore around Henry. The sunlight beat heavily across his face. The sea returned his beaten body to the land of the sun and moon. The sun beat mercilessly, intent upon waking his sleeping figure.

But he would not. It would take more than the laps of the sea, the sun and a sweet gentle breeze to wake him. Oh, so much more.

Somewhere else, deep on the island…

The creature reared his head. It stepped outside the cave that had become its nest. A cave of rotted wood and alien instruments, but a cave nonetheless. The last of its inhabitants had long since been gone, but still he stayed. Perhaps waiting, hoping, that one day they might return.

He had left behind his mate to stay for his best friend. When his friend finally left as well, he still stayed. He didn't know why. Stubborness issues that had rubbed off, perhaps. But he waited.

He stayed, because he knew that one day, eventually, the boy would return. And – Sniff! Sniff! – judging by the smells of the island, he had! The beast ran for the shore, eager to be reacquainted with his long lost master.

Well? How do you like it? Review and let me know!