A/N: So hey guys! Terribly sorry about my 5 month absence. I kinda gave up on all of my writing for a while due to moving around and working on a promotion at work. Anyway, due to the lack of votes from my last chapter's poll, I decided to go with what I originally had planned. I didn't see it fair to go on the word of 3 people, when I know there are a lot more readers than that. So anyway, on to Chapter 14! Another big step for this story and our lovely couple. Hope you all enjoy and review!
Hermione was awoken by loud purring and meowing beside her head. When she opened her eyes, Tauro's big furry face was inches from hers. She smiled, reached up, and pet the top of his head. She sat up, still smiling, and threw the covers off of her. She'd been counting the days and weeks in her head. She was now seventeen weeks along and would, hopefully, be finding out what she would be having. She stood up from her bed, walked over to the armoire, and began pulling out possible outfits. She finally settled on a pair of stretchy dark wash jeans and a red kimono sleeved top. As she dressed herself, she couldn't stop herself from smiling. She had seen the baby a handful of times before, but today was the first time Draco would see their baby. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face. She felt that after today, they would be able to grow and become closer as a family.
At that thought, she stopped in the middle of pulling on her jeans. Family. She had a family of her own now. Of course, she'd always considered the baby her family, but now it seemed like she had a real family. She was finally going to be a mother of her own child, a secret aspiration of hers. And then there was Draco. She knew they both truly loved each other. She could feel it anytime they were together; it kind of felt like butterflies in her stomach, but it felt nice. Smiling again, she finished dressing, slipped on a pair of flats, and left her room.
A few minutes later, Draco exited his room sporting a grey t-shirt, black leather jacket, medium wash jeans, and sneakers. Immediately, Hermione met him in the middle of the room and wrapped her arms around his torso. He hugged her back a little hesitantly and raised an eyebrow at her when they pulled apart.
She simply smiled up at him. "I'm just happy that I have you in my life and as a part of my family."
Draco could feel his heart melting. After everything that had happened between them this year and every year before, she was happy to have him. And she even called him a part of her family. He smiled warmly down at her before kissing her forehead. "So am I, Hermione."
With that, the two left the common room, hand in hand, and made their way to the Hospital Wing for Hermione's appointment with Madam Pomfrey. When they reached the tall oak doors, Draco led them inside, where Madam Pomfrey was calmly awaiting Hermione's arrival. When she saw Draco, she looked a little stunned, but said nothing about it. Instead, she stepped toward her, politely smiling.
"Good morning, Miss Granger. How are you feeling?"
Hermione smiled. "Fine. Great really. I seem to have gotten over my morning sickness and I haven't had anymore really bad symptoms. Not yet, at least."
"Well, that's good to hear." Madam Pomfrey then walked over to a nearby bed and pulled the curtain back, "Are you ready for your appointment?"
Hermione nodded and walked past Madam Pomfrey to lay on the bed. When Draco went to follow her, Madam Pomfrey held up her hand to keep him out. He scowled at her, but didn't get a chance to respond.
"Let him in. I want him with me." Hermione told her matter-of-factly.
Complying, Madam Pomfrey put her hand down and allowed him to walk past her. Once he sat down in the chair on Hermione's left, Madam Pomfrey walked over to Hermione's right and pulled out her wand. A projection screen was set up next to her. As she mumbled an incantation, Madam Pomfrey waved her wand over Hermione's stomach until a picture appeared on the projection screen. Suddenly, they could here a quiet, rhythmic beating sound: the baby's heart beat.
Hermione smiled over at the screen with tears in her eyes. She could see the silhouette of their baby laying comfortably inside her stomach. She could hear the heartbeat, signaling that the baby was healthy. When she looked over at Draco, she was stunned at what she saw. He was sitting there starring at the screen with a few evident tears running down his cheeks. His expression was filled with amazement and love. She smiled lovingly over at him and placed her hand on top of his, rubbing his hand with her thumb. He looked down at their hands and smiled before looking up at Hermione. He leaned over and kissed her forehead before returning his gaze to the screen. Hermione smiled at him for a few more moments before also returning to the screen.
Madam Pomfrey was concentrating on the screen. She then smiled and looked back over at Draco and Hermione. "So, do you want to know the sex of the baby?" When Hermione nodded at her, she turned back to the screen. "Do you happen to have any names picked out yet?"
Draco and Hermione exchanged glances and smiled back at Madam Pomfrey. "Aimee and Hayden," they stated simultaneously.
Madam Pomfrey smiled back at them. "Well, you've got yourself a little Aimee."
Hermione gasped and felt the tears in her eyes start to slide down her face. When she felt Draco's arm wrap around her shoulders, she smiled happily up at him. "We're having a daughter, Draco."
He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead again. "Yes we are, Hermione. Yes we are."
After their appointment, Draco and Hermione walked to the Great Hall together for a late breakfast. At the bottom of the stairs, Harry, Ron, and Ginny were standing together talking. Ginny looked up at them and smiled.
"Hey Hermione! Hey Draco!" She waved up at them.
Hermione smiled and waved back as they reached the bottom of the marble staircase. "Hey Ginny! Draco and I have some great news. We went to see Madam Pomfrey this morning and found out we're having a girl!"
Ginny squealed, making the three boys wince. "Oh, that's so exciting! Got any pictures?"
Hermione nodded, pulled out a number of pictures of the ultrasound, and proceeded to show them off to Ginny.
Draco silently laughed to himself and stepped over to where Harry and Ron were standing. The three of them were awkwardly silent for a while until Harry came over to Draco and patted him on the back.
Harry flashed Draco a friendly smile. "Congratulations, Malfoy."
Draco looked over at Harry, surprised, but smiled back. "Thanks, Potter." The pair then turned their attention to the redheaded male across from them.
Ron simply stood there, trying hard to not pay attention to Harry and Draco. Eventually, he gave in with a heavy sigh and gave Draco a small, semi-forced smile. "Congrats, Malfoy."
Draco returned his smile. "Thanks." After another awkward silence, he perked up and glanced back and forth between the other two males. "Have you guys eaten breakfast yet? You all could join us, if you'd like."
Harry and Ron looked at each other, shrugged, and nodded at Draco.
Only a couple feet away, Ginny and Hermione were smiling brightly at the sight in front of them. Though it was doubtful the three of them would become best friends anytime soon, it seemed the boys had a mutual understanding and were trying to get along. It had been a while since Hermione had really hung out with her friends, purely because the only one who could tolerate her being with Draco had been Ginny. Hopefully, that would all be changing. She really missed talking with Harry and Ron; after all, they had been her best friends since first year. She and Ginny exchanged glances before nodding at each other and following the boys into the Great Hall for their first of many meals together.