First Fanfic! Please Read and Review!

Summary: FemRyo! Ryoma needs to be saved, and challenged. When she is dropped in Japan to live away from the lime-life can she let her true potential shine? Did I mention that she lives in a house with 9 boys? Ryoma's new present can save her, but her past isn't willing to let any part of her go. Can she be free from her past or will she continue to run? Pairings undecided.

Some characters may be OOC.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Prince of Tennis or iPods or anything else. Just the plot. *Sigh

My first fanfic so please no flames! Also please tell me who you want Ryoma to be with!

In America there were a handful of good high school tennis players. However there was only one who was called 'The Prince of Tennis'. That person was the one who was hands down the most powerful player in America. With plenty of speed and skill as well as the ability to master all sorts of techniques. Not to mention the balance and accuracy that made the 'Prince''s tennis style unbeatable. However 'The Prince of Tennis' or Ryoma Echizen was not a 'prince' at all. The 'Prince' was really a princess; the 'Prince of Tennis' was really a girl. Ryoma still played as a boy because most players didn't go easy on boys and because she wanted to keep a private life.

Normally said girl would happily be deep in the arms of sleep at 7:20 am on a Saturday. However that was not the case in many ways. Ryoma was unhappily at the airport with her family and closest friends. Today was the day the 'Prince' was leaving for Japan. The place where her father became the 'Samurai Nanjiro'.


"Ryoma" a scruffy looking man called out, "We need to talk to you."

Ryoma looked up. Her emerald waist length hair was loosing and flowing, only slightly messed up from her nap. "Nani(1) oyaji(2)?" her golden eyes shining with curiosity.

"Well, shoujo your mom and I know that you've been working hard all year but we noticed you're becoming less interested-" "I'm just bored with all the weak players. No one is even a challenge anymore" she interrupted. "Regardless, we've noticed you've become bored when going to junior qualifying tournaments. So we think that a change of venue would be a good idea for you," continued Rinko.

This piqued Ryoma's curiosity. She had been out of the country but she had never stayed for more that a week or two. "Where would this change of venue be?" she asked cockily. She hoped that it would be a new place like maybe... Switzerland? It's supposed to be nice in the summer right?

"You're heading to Japan right after you finish your finals for school and complete your tournament. You will stay there for the next 4 years" her mother smiled.

Ryoma was stunned Japan! "Why there?" she screamed. "That's so far away from my friends!" She said in a pained tone. Sure, part of her was happy to escape and get a slight reprieve but she did not want to lose her friends. Four years was way to long to be away.

"The land of the rising sun. I grew up there, did you know that shoujo(3)?" the 'Samurai' said. "Baka(4) oyaji! It's still four years!" She retorted fuming. "Ryo-chan, I know you're upset but you need this. You can use this time to have peace and quite to work on all your skills. You can also come back every summer," Rinko said, trying to calm down her daughter. Ryoma sighed knowing that she had no option and that this would be good for her. After a few minutes Ryoma resigned herself to the fact she was leaving. That was when she smirked," Baka oyaji you said you grew up in Japan right? Then there must be some good tennis players there, ne?"

Nanjiro looked at his smirking daughter and smirked back. Look out Japan here comes Ryoma Echizen.

The girl known as the 'Prince' sat in the comfortable airport chair waiting for her flight to board. Though she looked bored on the outside, she was excited and somewhat relieved on the inside. She was happy because she was free from creepy fans, from stalkers, but most of all from them. She shuddered even the mention of the incident made her blood freeze.

While she was happy she was leaving she was sad she was leaving her friends. Her team was great and she would miss her 3 best friends. Kevin, Joel and Kelly were fantastic and she had yet to meet people she connected with as quickly and as well as those 3. Kevin was determined, loyal, mischievous, loud and a huge flirt and he loved to tease her. He and Ryoga loved to tease her about her height and it bothered her to no end. Joel was the one who saved Kevin from her wrath. He towered over both of them, well Kevin only by 2 inches, at 5' 11 1/2" and was quite and laid back. Both Kevin and Joel were tall, loyal and determined but that was just about the only similarity between the two. Kevin was blonde with blue eyes and was built proportionately. Joel had light brown hair and deep green eyes but was lanky and often mistaken for a skater. However they were great friends and great tennis players.

Kelly was a different matter though. If Kevin and Joel were complete opposites, then Kelly was directly in the middle. She had the same blonde hair as Kevin but the same eye color as Joel. While Joel and Kevin helped each other she and Ryoma were the ones plotting their revenge. She was also a tennis player on their team. Together they were the unstoppable co-captains and co-vice captains of Saratino Academy.

It was those three who supported her when she was participating in the tournaments. They were her best friends. It hurt a lot when she had to say goodbye.


~3 weeks after her father told her about moving to Japan~

Ryoma had just arrived at morning practice but she was 15 minutes late. It was extremely unusual for the tennis-loving co-captain. "Ryoma!" Kevin yelled running towards her. "You're late" he cried pulling her towards Joel and Kelly. Ryoma smiled a bit at his childish actions knowing what Kelly would say, "Kevin! Stop pulling on Ryo's arm. It makes you look like a kid. Not a co-captain." "Sorry Kel" he said looking down. "Aww. Kel! Now you've made Kevy sad!" Mika, one of the regulars said as she ran past. "Thank you Mika! At least you love me," he said childishly. Everyone on the team laughed. Ryoma would have laughed with them but instead she tried to smile. Her smile came out more like grimace.

Ryoma's face was stiff and it hurt to pretend she was happy. What Ryoma really wanted to do was cry, eat and play tennis with her teammates. Crying wasn't something she wanted to do regularly but she after the 3 weeks she's had she needed to cry. However she knew that breaking down in tears was something she would absolutely not do and it would definitely make the others worry about her. Ryoma did not want to make anyone worry so she hid her pain behind a smile.

"Alright everybody back to your laps" Joel said. He caught Kelly and Kevin's eye and nodded. They both noticed the same thing Ryoma was not how she use to be; something was bothering her.

"Ryoma. We need to talk to you over there" Kelly said walking over to the fountain. The four of them walked over and sat down. Kelly, Kevin and Joel stared at their co-captain, their friend in silence. Ryoma met their stare but she put on her oblivious and cocky mask. The silence stretched on until Kelly broke it, "What's wrong Ryo-chan?" Ryoma, a bit startled looked at her and tried to act oblivious, "Nothing's wrong Kel. Maybe you're imaging it." Finally Kevin couldn't take it anymore. "Stop it Ryo. Stop it. We can see through that. Take down that mask and just spit it out," He said angrily. Ryoma opened her mouth to reply that she didn't know what he was talking about, when Joel spoke up, "Please Ryo. We've your friends." She looked at their faces, Kelly's worried, Kevin's angry and Joel's pleading, before giving up. "I'm moving to Japan," she said quietly. The three kids in front of her froze. After a moment Kevin grabbed her shirt, "Why! I know that accident shook you up but you can't just leave! What are we gonna do without you?" his voice getting quiet but shaking with unshed tears. "It's not because of that. My mom and dad want me to improve on other things without being stalked. It's not my choice," she said quietly. Kevin stared at his best friend before putting her down and running towards the track. "Kevin" she cried about to running after him. Kelly grabbed her shirt and shook her head, "Don't. Let him cool down first. He's just sad." Ryoma looked back at her two friends. They stared at each other in a painful silence before it was broken, this time by Joel.

"How long" he asked softly. "4 years" She responded looking down. Kelly and Joel stared at each other shocked. That was so long. "When do you leave?" Kelly asked shakily. "2 weeks" was Ryoma's response. So soon? The two vice-captains stared at each other and then their female captain before embracing her. Ryoma tensed up but soon relaxed into the hug. She would miss them. Unbeknownst to the girl herself, she began to cry. "Why are you crying dummy" her female vice-captain asked, "We've got to make these next weeks count the most ne?" The crying girl simply nodded and walked back to practice with her two friends.

*****TIME SKIP*****

Kevin had ignored Ryoma the whole day. He didn't even come to finish morning practice or eat lunch with her. Joel had assured her Kevin was just sad and moping but Ryoma knew better. Kevin felt betrayed. He felt like Ryoma was abandoning the team; him. She was so tempted to go to Kevin and slap him or yell at him for being stupid but she knew he was deeply hurt.

Kevin, on the other hand was breaking inside. One of his best friends was leaving him. He desperately wished that she would go up to him and yell "Pysch! I got you! Just kidding Kev!" But he knew she wouldn't because this was not a joke and like it or not she was leaving.

Kevin saw how much this was tearing his friend up inside but he just couldn't bring himself to go to her. It was when the bell struck at the end of the day that he knew what he should do.

"Ryoma" he called across the room. The golden-eyed girl looked over to him sadness in her eyes. "After school, during practice we are having a match. If I win you can't go. If you win you can go" he said. 'Please Ryoma. Please accept this challenge and beat me. This is the only way I can bring myself to let you leave. I need you to beat me,' he thought. The golden-eyed girl smirked at him, hope evident in her eyes, "Deal. Be prepared to lose Smith; I'm not gonna hold back." The blonde smirked at his best friend. 'I'm not giving up with out a fight Echizen. This is not gonna be easy' he thought, walking to the locker room.

*****TIME SKIP*****

"Game and Set! Echizen wins 6 games to love" Kelly yells. Kevin and Ryoma were both out of breath. "You didn't hold back at all. Man. You whipped me bad. Where did you pull those new moves from?" he panted, going over to her. "From my hat" she replied sarcastically, accepting the hand. They stood there just grasping hands before she asked, "You're not mad or sad anymore right Kev?" Kevin looked at his best friend before nodding and pulling her into a hug. The vice-captains saw their reconciliation and joined in on the hug. This caused Ryoma to begin to cry again but this time out of relief. She was so happy she wasn't going to lose her best friends.

Attention all passengers. Flight 776 heading for Narita Airport now boarding. Flight 776 is now boarding at Gate 34B. I repeat...

'Guess that's me' Ryoma thought heading to the gate. Once at the gate she quickly found her seat and put her backpack on her lap. She felt a buzzing and she flipped open her silver phone. She had received 7 new text messages. She opened the first one; it was from Mika.

Dear Ryoma-sama-buchou

We r all really sad you're leaving us but we understand. We don't want 2 disappoint u so we r going 2 train xtra hard. When u come bak we r definitely going 2 surprise u. We r really really going 2 miss u!

Love the Saratino regulars

Ryoma smiled at that message. I know you will make me proud. She scrolled to the next one it was from Joel.


Gud luck in Japan. U r the best captain I could wish 4. U r also 1 of the best friends I could ever wish 4. I am going 2 train extra hard so that when u come bak u will b really proud. U definitely hav 2 come over during the summer. U also have 2 email Kel, Kev & I every day. I just want u 2 know that I am going 2 miss u & that I no u r going 2 stun Japan.

Knock 'em Dead,


The girl smiled fondly. She was going to do just that. The next message she opened came from Kelly.


You're leaving me! I can't believe u r leaving me w/ J & Kev! Now how am I gonna deal w/ them? Psh. Not really. I'll do my best 2 make u proud so in the summer u can c what I've done. U promised 2 email me once a day so u better! I'm gonna miss u so much! Yur 1 of my besties so I'm expecting u to come bak every summer. Surprise Japan 4 me!

~Always Kelly~

P.S send me sum pics of cute Jap boys! & The clothes! I heard they r super cute! ~

Ryoma laughed at the last part. That was just like Kelly. It was always a perfect time to think of boys and clothes. Her next text was from Kevin.


U beat me 4 now. But when u come bak I'll beat u 4 sure. U hav 2 definitely get better. U better wow Japan. & U need 2 come bak every summer. Yur 1 of my best friends & I'll miss u. If u don't come bak I'll drink all yur Ponta.

-Kev, the amazing

P.S bring me bak Jap fud!

'So Kevin!' Ryoma thought. She and just about everyone in the tennis team knew about his love of food. It was so great only Ryoma surpassed his hunger. She ate a surprisingly huge amount for a girl her size. She laughed happily as she opened the next one.


No fair you're going 2 Japan w/o me! I wanted 2 go! U better come visit during the summer. & U hav 2 email me! I no yur going 2 work on other skills but don't let yur tennis skills get rusty. U hav 2 bring me bak sum fud. & Scope out the girls 4 me.

Mada Mada Daze(5)


P.S. No getting a BOYFRIEND!

She glared at the middle part. "Baka aniki," she muttered. Ryoga may be a pervert but he really did care about Ryoma *read: he has a sister complex*. His caring *read: sister complex* made him extremely protective so he doesn't want her getting a boyfriend. She looked at her next message.


You're leaving me for Japan. Ah good times thereā€¦ Say hi to the old hag for me. Don't let the boys beat you! Don't let that accident defeat you & whatever you do don't give up gaki(7).



She smiled ruefully. "Baka oyaji and aniki," she muttered trying to hold a scowl on her face. She was trying to be nonchalant but she was actually happy that her oyaji gave her that reminder. Ryoma opened the next message.


I know that you're still sad you're leaving Japan but it's ok. After all you'll make friends really quickly. Now, I don't want you to only practice tennis; work on your other skills as well.

You will be enrolled in Shinsei Gakuen as a first year, but you may have to take a test to see your placement. I placed a letter in your backpack with all your information in it. It has a credit card with some of your money from the tournaments but don't spend it all. I know you are probably thinking that Nanako-chan is going to take care of you but since she has to go her job and college at weird times we do not feel comfortable leaving you there so you are going to go a house that our friends own. Some other people are also living there so please be nice. All the instructions are in the envelope.


P.S. Please take care of yourself and email me often.

Don't tell your aniki or Nanji-kun but catch your self a boyfriend! And wear the dresses I got you!

Ryoma stared at the message. 'It was so like her mom to write that. Caring and encouraging at the same time' she thought. She smiled and turned off her phone. She put her iPod ear buds into her ears and stared out the window to watch the plane take off.

"Goodbye America" she whispered.

It's done! Wow that was so long! I never want to do that again.


1-Nani: What?

2-Oyaji: Old man

3-Shoujo: Young girl

4-Baka: idiot

5-Mada Mada Daze: Ryoga's catchphrase

6-aniki: Older brother

7-gaki: brat

8-okaa-san: mother


1) What is the the accident?

2) What will happen to Ryoma?

3) Who will she end up with?

Please Review! & In it tell me who you want Ryoma to end up with!
