Bella POV
"Bella are you okay? I felt your slight shock and your love from miles away." Jasper said as he took me in his arms on my back porch.
"Jasper I am not going to lie to you, I found out some very shocking news not that long ago." I informed him as I buried my face in his shoulder.
"What did you find out., What ever it is we will see this through. I will be right here with you the whole way." he kissed my head and pulled me closer to him.
"I will tell you later right now I just want to lay down and absorb everything." I pulled from his arms and made my way to my room. Jasper followed me to my room.
"Jazz I am going to take a shower I will be back soon you can stay here if you want to." I grabbed my pajamas and headed to the shower.
I had a lot to think about I mean who wouldn't after finding out that you have two brothers that you didn't know that were your brothers let alone your twin, in the case of one of my new found brothers. I had always had a close bond with Paul when I was still human. It was hard at times to be around him we had our share of fights. But what siblings didn't. But he understood me more than even Jake. I was all he had other than the pack. Paul didn't have someone that he could talk to about everything from the problems he had with pack mates or when he was having problems dealing with his past. I was always there to talk to. Like our birthday, I had made a big deal about not celebrating my birthday. So they never made a peep about it but they forgot about Paul all together. He felt that he was not loved or important.
I went down to La Push after I got off the phone with Paul. The guys had forgot about his birthday all together. I knew that he was upset and thought that he didn't have anyone. With his mom gone and his dad was out of the picture. As soon as I had hung up I knew what I was going to do. I packed a over night bag mine and Pauls favorite movie and raided the kitchen for cake and spaghetti. I when I got to Paul's I let myself in with my key. I got to work on the cake and then dinner. I had the cake cooling so I could ice it and put the garlic bread in the oven. Soon the cake was ready so I iced it and wrote
Happy Birthday to US
Paul and Bells
I knew that he would love it. I looked at the clock I had about 5 minutes till he would be home I plated the food and put the candles on the cake and set everything out on the table not a second later I heard the door open followed by.
"Bells is that you?"
"Who else would cook you our favorite? Please tell me you don't have another girl that cooks spaghetti for you I will be devastated!" I answered back.
I met him at the kitchen door "Go shower but make it fast so the food don't get cold. Okay?"
"Okay Bells anything for you."
With that he showered and was back before I had time to get the bread out of the oven.
"Bella I love it." He spotted the cake.
"Well I couldn't see a better way to spend our birthday other than with each other, eating spaghetti and birthday cake and watching Rise of the Lycans, even if they have it all wrong."
That was one of the best times of my life. It was a very precious memory. It was the last day that I saw Paul. I got out of the shower and got dressed and went to my room to lay down.
"Bella you can talk to me if you want whenever you are ready that is." Jasper said as I lay in his arms. I knew that I would want to talk to him about it but to be honest I was still processing everything.
"Jasper what do you think about Paul and Sam walking me down the isle?" I asked honestly.
"Well I think that Carlisle will understand that you want your brothers to walk you down. He loves you and just wants you to be happy. So I don't think that it will be a problem." He answered.
I knew that everything would go as planned. The guest list was small, The Pack, The Cullens, and the Denali's, and Peter and Charlotte were all that we were having. Emily was going to help Esme cook for the Pack. We even were going to have a cake for them to eat and Me and Jasper to take pictures with.
I had an idea about what I wanted everyone to wear. I need to talk to Rose.
"Jasper I think I am going to see if Rose wants to go for a walk do you mind?" I asked I need to get out of the house, so he doesn't hear me.
Rose you want to go for a walk with me I have to ask you something. Bring the wedding book with you.
Sure meet you on the porch.
"We will be back soon." I kissed him and got up and put on some yoga pants and my "Black" hoodie that was still tossed over my vanity chair.
Rose was on the porch when I got there.
"Lets go I know a perfect place." I took her hand and made our way to the group of rocks on the edge of my property.
When we got there I received another text from Peter.
I have it with me and I will take it to your twin's house if you let them know not to kill us.
Okay thanks Peter. I will let them know right now see you soon.
I quickly sent Sam and Paul a text letting them know that Peter and Char were going to be bringing them a package straight to Paul's and not to kill them and I fore warned them that they were human drinker's but would be on a veggie diet while here so not to trip about their eyes.
"Rose I have a idea that I want to tell you about. What do you think Jasper would think about wearing his Civil War Uniform at the wedding. I know that was a big part of his life."
"Bella that is a great idea I was just thinking about it earlier when I was going over all the details. The last I heard Peter had it at the Texas house. Jasper bought his family home back right after he came to us. Carlisle helped him get it back. Peter and his mate Charlotte live there. I know how to get in touch with him." Rose replied.
"Its okay Rose it seems that Peter knew how to get in touch with me. He is sgoing to take it to Paul's house."
"Paul as in your wolf friend?" she asked I knew that I could talk to Rosalie about it and I needed to talk to some one about it before I told Jasper that way I could have back up.
"Yeah you could say that. Rose I found out some stuff today and I need to talk to someone about it before I talk to Jasper." I told her.
"Bells you know you can tell me anything." she said as she hugged me.
"I found out earlier that I am not an only child like I thought. I have two older brothers. One is only older than me by minutes. And I really don't know how to handle it."
"Well you always wanted siblings that is what you said to Em when he first called you his sister. So take it as a blessing. I know it is a bit late since they are both not alive anymore but maybe they knew about you before they died."
"Rose that's the thing they are both alive and well. I also found out that I am an aunt. Two of the wolves are my brothers. Sam is my oldest brother and Paul is my twin. They didn't find out till after I was gone. Charlie left Billy, Sam, Jacob and Paul letters telling them the truth. He left Paul and Billy everything. Well I had my share but it was given to Paul, he put it away and never touched it. He said that he just knew that I was alive well a vamp. I had this pull sometimes to come home that something was going on but I didn't know that the wolves wouldn't kill me so I tried to resist it. I did really good there was a time that I collapsed it hurt so bad. Turns out that was the day Billy died. They all missed me so much that I felt it. Rose what am I supposed to do I don't know how Jasper will take it?" I told her I felt a relief that I had told some one.
"Honey I am going to be honest with you. When we were here the first time Jasper was the one that trusted the wolves the most he said that being around them gave him some kind of sense of peace. Like he belonged with them in some way. He only told me and we both kept it from Ed. So I think that you being kin to them will explain a lot to him. I think that he felt that way because you are kin to them and it was a pull toward where you were supposed to be. So he will be just fine. So we need to work on wedding plans while we are here if you want anything to be a surprise. He is sneaky."
"Okay Rose lets get started. First Emily and Rachael are going to cook for the pack. So the only thing that we need food wise is the cake."
"Okay who is going to walk you down?"
"Paul and Sam since they are all the blood family I have left."
"That is so sweet. Okay who do you want to officiate? Both Edward and Carlisle are able. Or we could have someone else come in and do it." she asked I knew who I wanted.
"Well since he can't walk me down the isle I want Carlisle to do it. And you are going to be my maid of honor and Emily and AnnaBella are going to be my bridesmaids. I know Peter will be Jasper's best man and Emmett a groomsman and Jason as well."
"Okay what about Flower girl and your ring Barrier?"
"I am not sure yet. I will figure something out."
"Okay what about Guest list?" she asked.
"Well the entire Pack will be there, Garrett, the Denali's should come for Jasper, the Brothers as well as Edward and Jane, Alice and Alec. And Peter and Char of course who else do you think?" I asked.
"Well I know that the brothers will bring there wives and some of the guard. And the Irish coven, that is three more, so that is 46 and only 16 eating right?" she asked as she was righting stuff down.
"Yeah as far as I know I am not sure if Paul and Rach have any kids. I will find out. And let you know. Lets see I want the colors to be red and grey and black and white. So I want red and white roses and I want all you girls to wear red. The guys can get black tuxes and Jasper is going to wear his uniform so that is taken care of I want it to at the cliffs if I can get the boys to agree which they might since the only human drinkers will be the Voultri and Peter and Char. And we can have them escorted while on Pack land. Jason can do that and but a shield around them so that they cant get out. And I know I want a memorial table with Billy and Dad's pictures and two white candles to light when we I get to the front."
"Bella that is so sweet that way they are shown to be there in spirit. I have an idea, why don't you get Jacob to walk you so far then have Paul meet you two and then Sam a little further down and have Jacob in front of You then Sam and Paul on either side of you. Jacob was your best friend when you first moved to Forks and was your best friend before you moved away. And then came Paul and then Sam. That way Jacob can light the candle for his dad and Charlie with you. You always said he was like a brother to you so why not show him that and every one else and Billy was like another dad to you so it is only right. What do you think?" she asked.
I thought it was a really good idea. "I love it I was wanting to have Jacob do something. I will see what they think. I have to talk to them anyway about the Cliffs but it shouldn't be a big deal at all. Now what about invitations?" I asked.
"Well there is an Paper N' Things in PA that we can use we may have to pay extra for the rush but we can do that tomorrow if you want."
"Yeah it never hurt to skip school. We can go first thing and be back for school later on have Pop write us an excuse." I told her.
"Yeah come on we should head back the boys will send a search party soon." we headed back to the house. I would have to talk to Jasper about the Pack and the fact that I have brothers.
"Hey babe are you okay you ran out of here like something was wrong?" Jasper asked as I crawled up into my bed next to him.
"Yeah I just had a lot to process and I needed to talk to Rose about the wedding details that I had thought of while they were on my mind. I do need to talk to you about something though."
"What is it Darlin'. You know that I love you no matter what." He told me as I snuggled into his arms.
"I found out earlier that I am kin to the wolves by blood and that I have a twin and an older brother that I never even knew were mine."
"Who is it?" he asked as he kissed my hair.
"Sam is my older brother and Paul is my twin. And you know Jake and I are "Blood" brother and sister you know we did that when we were just kids. It was the last summer I came here while I still lived in Phoenix. Me Sam and Paul all have the same dad and me and Paul share both parents. Charlie and Renee were never my real parents"
"Well Hun it explains why I am so calm around the wolves and why I don't have a problem with you being there. You know I trust you with the wolves more than I do with Edward and Alice and not because of the past but I am more at peace when you are away from me if I know that you are with the Pack. It all makes since now, it is the mating instinct telling me you are safe and at home protected."
"You know I always felt at home on the Rez with Jake, but it was even more so at Paul's house it was like I had my own personal protector like he was with me from the start. You know the first day we met we were finishing each others sentences. I always felt safer with Paul than anyone else. Now I know why."
"It was a twin thing. Jane and Alec can hear each others thoughts, it is like that twin sense just magnified because they were changed."
"Me and Paul can feel each other emotions and like when I called Jake earlier I just knew it was Paul howling in pain. I could feel it inside me that he was hurting. And I can feel Sam and Jake too when it is extreme emotional pain. Like when Billy passed on. I just collapsed were I was I was in so much agony."
"We can talk to Carlisle about it later if you want. And Jane and Alec are still in so you guys could talk to them about the twin stuff they are the only twins that I know that have been changed. They may have a little insight."
"I would like that I will have to see what Paul thinks about it. Jasper me and Rose are going to skip today and get the invitations ordered but first I have to talk to the Pack and see if the location that I picked out is okay for the vamps to be at well the human drinkers that is."
"Where did you pick?" he asked I know he won't mind.
"The cliffs in La Push. I think that it will be perfect at sunset. With the snow and I was thinking about having the reception down at Jacob's if he doesn't mind that is that way the imprints and the kids have some where to be warm."
"That sounds like a good idea, now about you and Rose going on your own. I know Emmett and I would feel better if you had one of us with you." he said as he looked down at me.
"What if I take Sam since I want Emily to go with us and be apart of all this and Paul may want to go and if he does Rach will want to and if we bring AnnaBella we can dress shopping for the bridesmaids and even maybe get my dress and then we will have everything done execpt the guys tuxes. Well we could get Paul's and Sam's but you and Jacob can go with Carlisle another day. Oh by the way I asked Sam and Paul to walk me down the isle. And Rose came up with this great idea that I can have Jacob start me down the isle and then meet Paul a little further down and then Sam. And have Sam and Paul on either side of me and Jake in front that way Jake can Light the memorial candles with us. What do you think?"
"I think that you have something up your sleeve but other than that it is a good idea, I would feel more comfortable if you took someone with you."
"Me too Bells Rosie aint going with out a body guard!" Emmett yelled from the guest bedroom that he and Rose were in.
"Then it is settled I will call Paul and Sam and see what they think about going and Jake about the cliffs."
I pulled out my phone and called Jake's house.
Bella Jake
Hey Jake it's Bells I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you?
Sure what is it?
Can we have the wedding on the Cliffs? Jason can put a shield around the Human drinkers while there and there will only be six to eight at the most everyone else are animal drinkers. And they will be leaving after the ceremony as a request to reconvene the following morning at the Cullen's for a vamp friendly reception. And can I have the Wolf reception at your house. I just figured that it would be better on the imprints and the kids that aren't wolves to have a familiar place that is warm and all. Plus Em wouldn't have to bring that food far she could cook in your kitchen if need be.
Okay slow down Bells yes you can and as long as they stay in control there will be no issue can you have them meet at the clearing on Cullen land at a certain time that way we can have them escorted to the cliffs. And yes to using my house. Paul's kids have their own room here, when AnnaBella keeps them for Rachael.
Paul has kids? He didn't tell me that. Well I have to call him anyway. Can I talk to AnnaBella I have to ask her something.
Sure just a second I think she is just getting up….. Peanut Aunt Bella is on the phone for you.
AnnaBella Bells
Hey Aunt Bella what's up?
I was wondering if you were going to be busy today? I was thinking about going to wedding stuff today and I was wanting you to go do you think that you can?
I heard her squeal….Yeah of course I want to dad is mouthing for me to go. So when are you going to be here to pick me up?
I have to call your Uncle Paul and Uncle Sam to see if they want to go but you can come over here to see Jason if you want and your dad don't care. I am sure you can find the way if not call me back and I will come get you from where ever you are at. Okay?
Dad said that's fine I will get my stuff together and head that way. I can find it in wolf form see you soon.
She hung up and I dialed Paul's number
Rachael and Paul Bella
Who on gods green earth is calling my house at this hour it better be good!
Ummm Rach this is Bella sorry to bother you I was calling to see if you and Paul would like to go with me to pick out my dress and some other stuff for the wedding.
I would love to. Let me ask Paul what he is wanting to do.
He said that is fine. Who all is going if you don't mind me asking?
So far me, Rosalie and AnnaBella and you guys I was going to see if Emily and Sam wanted to go. I kinda want my brothers to be there when I pick out my dress, I don't have my daddy to approve so….
I know what you mean honey, I didn't have my momma with me when I found mine and you want your parents to be there for that sort of thing. Well call Emily and find out what she wants to do if she wants to go I can pick them up and we can meet at your house.
Okay I will let you know… I really hate to ask but Jake said that you had kids…Paul didn't say anything about them and I know that it was from the shock of seeing me and all of the other stuff but I was just wondering…
That is not a problem I understand he came in saying that he forgot to say anything about them. Well they are four. Twins like you and Paul. They were born Sept. 13th same as you guys. Paul Joshua Uley Jr. and Sarah Isabella Uley. Paul had his last name changed right after they all found out about being Sam's brother. Sam was so excited about it
Rachael do you think that they might want to be the Flower girl and Ring Barrier at the wedding? I mean Sam's baby isn't big enough and it would mean a lot to me if they were.
Why don't you ask them later when we get there okay?
Okay let me call Em and see what she says bye.
With that I hung up I got up off the bed and headed to my closet.
"Jasper you guys need to get ready for school I am going to get dressed after I call Emily." I said as I started to pull clothes out then hanging them back up as I looked for something to wear.
I dialed the land line at Sam's
Bella Emily
Emily it's Bells I was wondering if you and Sam would like to go with me to pick out my wedding dress and the bridesmaids dresses today I know it is last minute.
Nonsense it is fine and we would love to. Let me see if Claire would watch S.J. for me today that way we don't have a fussy baby on our hands. Hang on Sam is on his cell with Quil… They said they would keep him and Quil said to tell you happy hunting today for your dress.
Okay Rach said that she would pick you guys up and bring you here so call her and let her know and see you guys in a few oh and don't worry about breakfast I got you guys covered.. See you soon.
I hung up and grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and got dressed I tossed my hair into a messy bun and slipped on my socks and boots. When I got down stairs Jason was sitting in the living room talking to AnnaBella and Jasper Rose and Emmett were in the kitchen sitting at the table.
"So everyone is coming with us. Jake said that the cliffs were fine and his house was fine for the reception. Rose I don't know if you heard or not but we are going to have to do a early morning reception for the vamps so they are off Pack land. Do you think that will be rude or anything?" I asked I hadn't even gave it much thought when I told Jake.
"No we will just have two sets of invitations done. One for the pack that has "Reception to follow" and one for everyone else that says "Reception at sunrise at the Cullen Residence" I can have Alice explain why. The brothers already know of the wolves so they will not be a problem. Now how did you talk Jacob into letting human drinkers onto Res land?" she asked.
"Well as you know Jason has a shield not only can he keep people out he can keep people in. So he will have to have a shield around them at all times and they have to be escorted to and from the cliffs."
At around seven the boys all left and not long after everyone else showed up. We heard them pull into the drive so we met them all outside. Sam and Emily Rachael and Paul all got out of Rachael's van.
"So I guess we can take my truck along with ya'lls van that way we all fit and Rose says that all the places we have to be are close together and there is a parking garage not far from there so we can park there and walk the rest of the way that way we aren't loading and unloading kids all the time. Sound good?"
"Yeah that sounds good Sam you and Em can ride with us and Jake you can ride with Bells right?" I was about to turn around when I felt a pair of scorching arms hug me from behind. Dang I got snuck up on again that is so not good.
"Do you mind if I join you guys? I mean who better to help pick out your dress than your best friend?" he asked as he rested his head on my shoulder.
"That is right and yes that is fine so let's go. And Jake if your good I may even let you drive my Baby home."
"Bells I have drove that truck a thousand times it isn't a big deal!" he chuckled.
"That is what you think I haven't even got to drive that thing!" Rose said.
"Yeah Jason isn't even allowed to get in the drivers seat!" with that I hit the garage door button on my keys. There sat my Baby looking ten kinds of killer!
"That is so fucking sweet! Please let me drive!" Jake was pleading on his knees at my feet.
"You are such a dude and No you aren't going to till you prove you are trust worthy. And what are you laughing at Paul!"
"Oh nothing here look at this." He flipped through phone he handed it to me and there was a silver version of my truck. I just laughed.
"It must be a twin thing because Paul won't let Jake drives his either!" he was rolling with laughter.
"Well let's go so we can feed the beasts!" Emily said as she crawled back into the van. We all piled into the vehicles that we were riding in and headed to Port Angeles. This was going to be a fun day!
Okay dears sorry it took so long I just got this done I moved again and we just got settled in were I could write again! So please review I love it when I get those!