A/N: Hey this is the sequel to Second Chances, you will need to read that to understand this fic. I know that deterrs some readers but this will make absolutely no sense otherwise, it isn't that long anyway so it doesn't take up copious amounts of time reading.

I actually have a proper plan for this one *gasps*

Important notes that were not meantioned in Second Chances:

It is now an alternate universe.

Lucius Malfoy is head of the Death Eaters.

Tom and Dumbledore are both head of the Order.

I think that's all for now, if you are confused then just PM or review :)

DISCLAIMER: Nope I definitely don't own Harry Potter *sigh*

I apologise for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes.

Please review!

Aurora: beginning of the day/light hours

"You think they would have at least gotten a little more knowledge in their heads over summer!" exclaimed Harry exasperatedly as they entered their quarters.

"Come now Harry, did you actually study over the holidays when you were a student?" asked Tom, arching one of his eyebrows.

"...No, but still!" replied Harry indignantly.

"I on the other hand always studied over the holidays, it was all I could do so I have more right to be annoyed than you," said Tom, his tone infuriatingly calm.

"Yes but you've got the patience of a saint and had absolutely no social life," retorted Harry smiling.

"You know I have taught for over fifty years, one does acquire a modicum of patience in that time. As for the social life remark you try having a social life during a war!"

"I still can't believe how old you are, I mean you look..." Harry trailed off, a blush creeping up his face.

"Oh please continue," drawled Tom, his grin betraying his amusement, oh how he loved it when Harry was uncomfortable.

"No I don't think my pride could survive it."

"Bloody Gryffindors," growled Tom.

"Oh is that discrimination against a house I hear Professor?" teased Harry.

"How could I not, I mean they are reckless, stubborn and lazy, whereas Slytherins-"

"Yes, yes I know this speech of by heart now, if you want I can save you the trouble and recite it myself?" offered Harry.

Tom chuckled and approached Harry, wrapping his arms around his lover's waist.

"I did miss you," sighed Tom for the umpteenth time, blue eyes boring into green.

"And I you," replied Harry softly.

"Yes well you only had to wait a few seconds, I meanwhile had to wait decades," said Tom, a shadow passing over his eyes quickly replaced by amusement.

"Those were the hardest few seconds of my life," laughed Harry, the time apart still haunted Tom and he never wanted his lover dwelling on this.

"Oh yes I can imagine," responded Tom dryly, the corners of his mouth twitching, pulling his lips into a smile.

Leaning closer Tom captured Harry in a searing kiss. Tranquillity coursed through them, amplifying the emotions surging beneath their calm and teasing facades. Pulling back Tom smiled at Harry as he whimpered slightly from the sudden loss.

"As much as I would love to do this we have an Order meeting in five minutes," sighed Tom.

"Oh yeah!" exclaimed Harry.

"Don't tell me you forgot?"

"Um, well this whole alternative universe thing is still messing with me," replied Harry grinning.

"You've had all summer to get used to it," said Tom exasperatedly.

"Yes well it's a good excuse which I am not going to let go of lightly!"

"I'm allowing you two more uses of it and then if you use it I'll sleep in the spare room for a week," conditioned Tom, smiling cruelly.

"Your evil!" exclaimed Harry.

"Well I could always sleep in the spare room tonight instead?" offered Tom, a vicious glint in his eyes.

"... Fine deal. Anyway we better get moving," said Harry quickly.

Laughing, Tom grabbed a pinch of floo powder from the bronze box on the fireplace and threw it into the flames. Immediately the flames turned green, crackling merrily as they stripped an unfortunate log of its bark.

"Number Twelve Grimmauld Place," said Tom, motioning for Harry to step forward.

"I thought the wards prevented travelling by floo powder," said Harry puzzled.

"They do but I'm keyed into them because I created them," smirked Tom.

Rolling his eyes Harry stepped into the flames. Spinning around endlessly he saw glimpses of other fireplaces until finally he recognised the kitchen of 'his' home.

Instead of stepping out gracefully and dusting himself off, Harry was thrown onto the floor, his glasses skewed by the impact. Hearing footsteps he turned his head and saw Tom step out elegantly.

"Always has to be bloody perfect," grumbled Harry under his breath as Tom laughed at him.

Looking around he saw the kitchen was empty. It seemed warmer than it had been in the old universe. The great wooden table was still there as well as the fireplace but, instead of the run down look, the place looked more upbeat and vibrant. Cream coloured tiles coated the walls, with marble bunkers aligning the wall across from him, a door leading to the pantry and a fridge in the corner. Pots and various other cooking utensils adorned the wall behind him suspended by hooks. Next to the fireplace lay an ancient looking cooker, its hobs clean, unblemished from the food that it had helped prepare.

Dusting himself off Tom led him through to the lounge. There Harry saw the Order members were gathered. There weren't many of them but what they lacked in numbers they more than made up for in skill. Harry recognised a few of them and sat down on the large couch between Hermione and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Everyone else was reclining in stuffed armchairs and all furniture pointed to two chairs, one of which Dumbledore occupied, the other Tom was walking towards.

"Reports please," ordered Tom curtly after sitting down, looking over at Kingsley to begin.

"There has been talk that the Death Eaters are looking for a weapon of some sort," he reported in his slow, deep voice.

"Yes I've heard those rumours too, it seems Malfoy sent Dolohov and Rookwood on some sort of mission and they have yet to return," chimed in Tonks.

"Have we any idea of what this mission entails?" asked Dumbledore, his kind demeanor contrasting sharply with Tom's cold and concise one.

"We think they may have found some way to end the war, there have been sightings of them in France, almost as though they are looking for something," reported Sirus.

"Have you heard anything Severus?" asked Tom.

"As you know Lucius does not tell anyone his plans who have no need of knowing. Due to this I am unaware of their purpose," drawled Snape.

"So what we know is that the Death Eaters are looking for something. We do not know what for or why, we can only guess," surmised Tom, "In that case Severus listen for any relevant information, perhaps question those in the lower ranks to see if they have picked up on anything. Tonks, I want you to place a trace on Dolohov and Rookwood, using this we can at least know where they are going which will narrow things down quite considerably. Agreed?"

Looking around Harry saw everyone nod and turned his attention back to Tom.

"Albus I've been thinking of starting a Duelling Club for the seventh years. This way once they graduate they will at least be able to defend themselves and if they join the Order we won't have to waste time training them," seeing Dumbledore nod, Tom continued, "I would like to get some Order members in it as well to demonstrate to the pupils the skills they require. Perhaps also a short lecture about battle conditions, although I could probably fit that in class time it would benefit them all."

"Do whatever you wish, I have full faith in you," said Dumbledore gently, his eyes glistening with happiness.

It still surprised Harry how well Dumbledore and Tom actually got on. They weren't close friends or anything but, according to Tom, they had been through a lot together and therefore retained a certain respect for each other. He almost laughed at the contrast this universe was to his old one.

Before he knew it the meeting was over and Tom was waving his hand in front of his face.

"Hello is there anybody in there?" he asked in a singsong voice.

"What?" asked Harry dazed.

"Evidently not" said Tom much to the amusement of the remaining occupants.

"Hey!" exclaimed Harry, letting a look of mock annoyance cross his face.

"Oh so there is someone home!" said Tom, grinning in mock surprise.

"Shut up."

"Eloquent as ever so it seems."

"Annoying as ever so it seems."

"Hey Harry can I have a word?" asked Sirius, looking between the pair and an amused grin alighting his features.

"Uh, yeah sure" said Harry, it was still surreal to have Sirius being here, he'd had all summer to get used to it and yet somethings were much harder than others to accustom to.

"I'll meet you back at Hogwarts," said Tom, pinching a bit of powder and entering the emerald flames.

"Pup, I was wondering if you wanted to spend the weekend here with me and Remus?" asked Sirius.

"Can Tom come with me?" asked Harry.

"Of course, the more the merrier," replied Sirius, but Harry could see how uncomfortable he was at this.

"Your going to have to get used to this y'know," said Harry quietly.

"Yeah I know, just give me a little time to adjust," confessed Sirius, tangling his fingers into his untidy brown hair.

"Thanks," said Harry sincerely.

"No problem, so do you and Tom want to come over?" asked Sirius again, stressing the 'and'.

"Sure, if I survive the incompetency of my pupils by then!" exclaimed Harry, grinning in spite of himself.

"Its your fault for being an assistant. Don't say I didn't warn you!"

"Right I better get going," said Harry, looking at his watch.

"Remember don't do anything I wouldn't do," said Sirius grinning.

"Well that certainly narrows things down!" replied Harry sarcastically, laughing at Sirius's expression as he stepped into the flames.

Curling up against Tom, Harry felt it as the older man fell into the oblivion of sleep. Listening to his deep breathing Harry sighed. It was nice being in this new world, yet everything was different. He missed his Ron and Hermione, even though they were virtually the same, his Ron and Hermione had been through so much with him. This Ron and Hermione had only been on a handful of their adventures. Tom assured him that he would become accustomed to this soon but he had been here all summer and still things felt different, unnatural almost. Pulling the blankets around him, he hoped that Tom was right. Resting his head on Tom's chest he listened to his lover's heartbeat, its steady rhythm eventually lulling him to sleep.

A/N: Should I continue this?

I do explain more concepts in the next chapter so everything should be cleared up.

Updated 29/4/11: Not a lot to clean up in this chapter, there may still be a few grammar mistakes but I think I caught most of them :)