The detective boys were in the middle of exploring the mansions massive library, when they heard the front door suddenly open and someone opening the shoe cupboard.

"Quick, someone's here!" Genta said panicking

"Hurry, in here!" Mitsuhiko said, standing by a storage compartment underneath the bookcases, it was quite large, and the three children easily fitted in it leaving the sliding door open enough to look at the large imposing doors that lead into the hallway.

After what seemed like several long years, the door opened slightly, and a voice was heard sighing heavily. The three children held their breaths as the person came inside, Genta shifted around slightly; attempting to see who it was, but the large armchair blocked his view. Suddenly, the person let out a high pitched whistle, and from one of the highest empty bookshelves that was far from reach, a single pure white dove flew down, and landed on the small raised hand, visible over the chair. The hand lowered, and the person walked over to the couch and sat down stroking the small dove, coming in full view of the children, who all resisted the urge to suddenly say his name aloud.

"C-Conan-kun?" Ayumi whispered.
"What do you think he's doing here?" Mitsuhiko asked.

Conan flicked out his hand, and the dove fluttered up in the air while Conan pulled his legs up to his chest, he then held his hand out again and allowed the dove to settle back down.
"Sorry Yuki," Conan said softly to the small bird, "I haven't been able to come around as much as I'd like."
The dove jumped off his hand and flew back up to the shelf, Conan looking up confused, until he saw a second dove coming down with Yuki "Ah," he said, holding out his finger for the new dove "So Shiro's been visiting you eh?" Conan smiled fondly at the two doves "Wont Kaito be missing you though? We need someone to keep an eye on him after all." Shiro at this point dropped something in his hand, the detective boys all craned their necks, trying to see the small shiny object that the bird had given Conan. Conan at first seemed surprised by the present, but then he lowered his eyes, the light reflecting off his large glasses, blocking his deep blue eyes from sight.
"I-I can't…" He said weakly, almost to quiet to be heard. His voice had a clear shaking quality as if he was close to crying.

"Conan-kun" Ayumi leaned forward, tempted to go to him, she'd never seen Conan cry, and the sight of it was unnerving, almost scary. Suddenly Conan's empty hand shot up to his face and tore off his glasses, throwing them onto the other chair. He then buried his face in his hands crying softly. The two doves moved closer to him, Yuki brushing her head against his hand, Conan looked up at her, then to Shiro.
"How can he do this?" He asked, scratching him behind his head. "He always has his poker face up, doesn't it ever bother him?" He looked at the small object in his hand, and brought it up to his face. "One mask for another, eh?" He took his hand down from his face, his right eyes covered by a dark silver monocle with a white string attached to the side with a red charm with a white clover symbol on it.

He turned back to the doves, a small mischievous smile dancing across his face, seeming to have hidden his feelings again "Though I feel the most sorry for Jii, having to pretend to be me, he really should look into retirement." Conan grinned as he jumped off the chair, Shiro and Yuki settling themselves on his shoulders. "Still, I wish he'd pick better places for heists, there are only so many places that a child can get away with getting lost in."

Conan walked over to the compartment, making the detective boys hold their breaths again as he walked dangerously close to their hiding spot. He stood opposite the cupboard, only not noticing the children due to the doves nestled on his shoulder. He pressed a sticking out carving along the edge of the bookcase, and the whole case moved silently back, revealing a long corridor with multiple boxes and files along the edge. Conan looked at it unimpressed and slightly annoyed look, "Come on dad, couldn't you think of something less cliché than behind the book case?" He muttered as he went into the corridor, sliding his hand over another button once inside, closing the door behind him.

Well this piece of random came out of a dark world called role play. Shinichi's father was the black phantom, a phantom thief who worked with Kaito KID (just imagine the exact same outfit but opposite colours, black suit blue tie red shirt…..) and Shinichi and Kaito are the next generation. But now that he's Conan, he can really only help by looking around the places where the target is and relaying info to Kaito
So yeah, I had no idea how to end this one ^^ don't hurt me

Any ideas for other chapters?