A/N: I don't own Danny Phantom. If you thought I did you are sorely mistaken. Enjoy…oh and if you just happen to review I will consider not poisoning you.
"Skulker." I whisper, as I see the shouting ghost with the green Mohawk.
"You're gonna kill me? Like I've never heard that one before!" taunts a familiar voice, I look up to see Danny Phantom, beating Skulker to a bloody ectoplasmic pulp.
Phantom is a pro. But as he goes in for a last hit, Skulker blasts him, green ectoplasm shooting everywhere. Phantom falls to the ground. Skulker laughs. I quickly suck him into the thermos.
Phantom is lying on the ground. Blood is oozing out of his body. Wait, BLOOD? Yes, it's definitely blood. I kneel beside him. As I look at his face I realize his hair is black.
"Mo-Mo-Maddie?" He stutters. His eyes are now an ice-blue.
"Danny?" I ask. This is my baby boy, my sweet baby boy is Danny freaking Phantom.
"I'm sorry Mom, I love you." He whispers into the night.
"I love you, too. " I reply. Looks like the Fenton just got themselves a new sidekick.
I lift up my son and carry him home. He'll be fine, the cut is already healing. I'm so proud of my Danny. But I'm nervous of what's to come, when he wakes up.
What'd you think? Like? Dislike? Should I continue? Leave it a one-shot? What? Please review!