You are my only one

Summary: When your parents have died years ago and the only person left is your older brother who cares for you more than for himself. Is it really so wrong to fall in love with him then?

Info: Minor NaruHina and mention of SaiSaku, main pairing of course my beloved ItaSasu 3

Note: I'm still continuing LHT but I'm in need of love moments lately. Ranting, hatred, fights, confusion, denial, provocation and one-sided love drama is fun but as already mentioned I need some love scenes to distract my mind. Ignore all mistakes all usual and... just enjoy ;P

Chapter One: Our beautiful secret

What a fucked up day...

I sighed deeply, hanging lazily in a wooden damaged chair. A hand rested on my right cheek, cupping it to support the suddenly heavy weight of my head. Underneath my tired gaze a table stained with various sketches and graffiti. My surrounding being a boring deserted room with an annoyingly ticking clock that was giving me a proper headache. With no doubt to anyone in their right mind I was blessing the all famous 'detention room' with my presence.

Just to sum it up: I, Uchiha Sasuke, was given detention by none other than Hatake Kakashi. He's our favourite perv who loves to read a good porn during breaks and to top it he's the only one allowed being late for class. Not that I care about his lessons it's just that I hate people who break such a simple rule as punctuality that is.

How did I get here? Simple as well: I lost my cool during one of Kakashi's class. Uzumaki Naruto being the cause of it. That baka chose to bug and annoy me like he does everyday but today he crossed a line. I was thinking about something very important and was not really in the mood to bear with his jokes to enlighten my 'emoness'. Without thinking I yelled at him a "Just shut the fuck up!" that was neither polite nor at a modest volume. Our Sensei then put his chalk down and announced in front of the whole class that I had to attend the detention room today. My face was going red of embarassment while I mumbled incoherent curses. Naruto apologized to me when the lesson was over which I accepted but only because of the fact that he is my best friend. Unfortunately, it wasn't saving me from the most boring time of my life.

But what friend would he be if he hadn't offered to bear this waste of time with me? So here we are: bound to the detention room, doing our best to ignore the slowly ticking time that was dragging on like an old chewing gum.

"Ne, Sasuke." Naruto spoke up, trying to get my attention when he noticed that I was stuck in my daydreaming again.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked and his voice held an almost sad tone, showing that he was sorry for his stupid behavior from earlier.

I sighed, the hand against my cheek slipping down. "No."

"Then why are you just sitting there, lost in daydreaming and not talking to me anymore?" There was his bugging again. If he wasn't already attached to his girlfriend I would have believed that he will end up being single for all his life with this attitude.

Naruto was staring at my back for a long time until I decided to turn around, the chair gave a scary squeak at the motion. "It's because my brother is picking me up. You know that he's doing that everyday. I don't want him to wait for me that long."

And realization seemed to hit though delayed. "Oh shit, you are right! I forgot about Itachi-san! Of course, your brother is picking you up and waiting for you. Sorry Sasuke." He apologized again, really sorry now. I let out another deep sigh, my eyes drifting downwards and he did the same then.

Naruto is the only one who is allowed to know the importance of my brother to me. Ever since the day our parents died in a car crash when I was only eight years old Itachi took care of me. He was always there and never complained about doing all the stuff for me. All the cooking he did and trying to raise me right. All the caring when I was sick and having the usual fever every kid has to endure once in a while. He was always soothing me when I came into his room at night after fleeing from a stupid nightmare into his warm and safe embrace. All the love he tried to give me in exchange for the missing ones from our parents. He had so much trouble in gaining the needed money and the permission to be my guardian at the age of only thirteen. He stayed so strong though it was such a hard time. It was...

...only for me.

Only for me he would do that. Only for me he would go through so much trouble. I know of that because he goes to work, helps me with my homeworks and tries his best to be the mother/father part that we both lost. Sometimes I wonder why he's doing that. Why was he giving up so much just for me? Why?

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't notice Kakashi entering the room to tell us that our detention time was over. He stared at me and sighed after he realized that I wasn't paying attention to him. Naruto pushed against my shoulder to snap me out of my thoughts, earning him an annoyed glare in response. Kakashi cleared his throat as I turned towards him, finally paying him the attention he wanted from the very beginning.

"Make sure to focus more on my lesson next time, okay?" He said as we headed for the door. We gave a "hai, hai" in return.

"Good. So be good boys and don't yell during class anymore. You don't want me to speak to your brother about this, don't you Sasuke?" I stopped dead in my tracks, face turning into a deep frown.

But before I could say anything in return Kakashi quickly went on. "Don't worry, I won't tell him. I know that it's not your way of acting towards people. You were just stressed I assume?"

I wasn't stressed or sensible or anything else. I was just deep into my thoughts and reacted a bit too touchy. I never meant to but it escaped me. I'm really glad that the others forgive me for being an ass sometimes, especially Naruto who has to endure all the mood swings I'm going through. But that's what best friends are for, right? I went through comparable trouble because of all the dating I had to help the baka with. After being dumped by his crush Sakura he dated various other girls to find his 'true love'. And what's the result? Correct, Naruto is now proud boyfriend of his dream girl Hyuuga Hinata who has always liked him. But what has become of me?

"See you tomorrow, Sasuke! Make sure to be less emo!"

"Shut up dobe. You better make sure to be less annoying otherwise Hinata might break up with you one day."

"I will miss you too teme!" The blonde said sarcastically and then flashed his famous happy-go-lucky grin. "Now move your lazy ass and release Itachi-san from having to wait for you!" I smiled, just hearing my brother's name lit my face up.

I left the school building then and went behind where all the cars from our teachers had their place. I dove my hands into my pockets, walking without a care in that cool attitude every girl admires. What immediately caught my eye was a red car and a man standing beside it. Obsidian eyes that held the same colour as his long silky hair with a few strands that framed a flawless face. And once you got your eyes off and managed to look down you will see a perfect muscular body everybody would kill for combined with a sexy mysterious aura that seemed to illuminate him. Yet the most breathtaking sight was the smile on his face that matched mine when I headed straight to the most beautiful person living on this planet. His name you ask? It's Uchiha Itachi and you guessed right: this gorgeous man is my elder brother.

"Hello otouto. How was your day?" He asked with a voice he uses only towards me. It was much softer than his usual calm, emotionless one when he was speaking to other people than me.

"The usual. Sorry for making you wait but because of a certain Naruto-baka I was given detention. Sorry nii-san." I apologized though I knew that he will merely brush it off, seeing it as not of a big deal.

"It's okay. Now we can go back and then I'll help you with your homeworks. Do you need to study for a test today?"

"No, not today."

"Does it mean you are free to spend some of your time? Would you mind going to a restaurant with me in the evening then?" Itachi rose a hand to place it on my cheek, caressing the skin with his touches before it went through my hair. I blushed at this and noticed that he had closed some of the distance between us.

"I'd love to aniki." My tone became quieter, a prove that I was drowned in his presence once again. His smell pulled me like a magnet towards him. His eyes meeting mine as a small pause settled in until he seemed to be reminded of something. We are still at the parking place behind my school. Even though Itachi has the habit to look around to make sure we were alone there was still the possibility that some idiots could find us like this every moment.

With that in mind he put the distance of earlier back between us and unlocked the doors, inviting me in to seat in the passenger's seat. "Glad to hear otouto. Let's go then." Inserting and twisting the key in the ignition he drove off.

All the way back home he was putting his free hand on my tigh, tracing circles on it while handling the steering wheel with his other one. Only when he had to switch gears his hand left me but came back one moment later. I was so lost in his soft and lovingly touch that I failed to notice the smile on his face when he saw my relaxed expression in the rear mirror. We arrived at home then, another thing that had passed me by without notice. Being with him was all I need to know and to see.

Itachi opened the door to our house which we hadn't moved out from, not even after the day our parents died. As much as it hurt to live in the place where all the memories were still present we stayed nontheless. I wanted to rent another apartment but he insisted on not moving out.

"I think it has turned out to be the right decision. Mother would have wanted that, for us to stay where we belong, at our home. It's where we've grown up with so much good memories. I don't want to erase them. I want to keep them in mind. Plus, moving out would have made it only more difficult to get back to a normal live because of all the problems a new surrounding brings along. I hope you will understand it someday." Stepping in, I put my shoes aside and threw the school bag on the couch in the living room.

"I already have." I said confidently and Itachi nodded.

He slipped his shoes off and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, embracing me from behind. I tilted my head back in response letting it rest against a strong but comfortable shoulder. I sighed out contently and then shifted around in his hug, meeting the eyes of my elder brother. Time slowed down, our bodies pressed neatly against each other. Itachi's arms still around my waist with mine around his neck now. An intense gaze of identical obsidian eyes as the distance closed in more, a smile on my face.

"I love you, Itachi."

He smiled honestly upon hearing this. Words that had always filled him with so much happiness. The greatest happiness he could ever experience - being with his otouto and hearing those three words of love and affection.

I love you too, Sasuke."

That was all I needed. I reached up and Itachi met me halfway. Our eyes closed in time as our lips touched. One of his hand trailed up my back, earning him a shiver in response that turned into a pleasant sigh when it went through my hair. I pressed up more, melting into the kiss and if it wasn't for his strong hold around me I would've have fallen to my knees. The need of more contact rose as my hands found the skin under my brother's shirt. The cool touch of my fingers against his warm torso caused him to gasp in surprise, his heart accelerated for a few seconds. He then got used to it and relaxed. We stayed like this a little longer, enjoying the closeness and the feeling of our lips moving against each other. After a few more moments we parted slowly and my eyes fluttered open to lock with his. Itachi's gaze was so full of warmth that it made me smile in true happiness.

So what has become of me? Correct, I fell in love with my beloved brother and the most beautiful thing about it is that he returns my feelings. I'm proud to say that we're together quite a while now. Three years to be exact. That makes us a couple since I was 13. He told me back then that he was feeling this way towards me since I was eight. Five years he was holding back but after I turned 12 it was getting more difficult for him to keep it a secret because he noticed that I was struggling due to same circumstances. I had realized that I felt more than brotherly love and it became obvious then. Itachi was the first to say "I love you" and I was more than happy to response with an "I love you too". We then shared our first kiss. I will never forget that day. It was the best day of my life.

Of course I couldn't tell anyone about our love I had to keep it a secret. The only person I could trust was Naruto. I knew that he doesn't condemn love whether it's between relatives or friends. He said that love is love and as long as you are happy it's okay. I have to admit that those were the first wise words I've heard in a long time from him. So there's no need to worry because Naruto is despite his annoying and stupid behavior a trustworthy person.

"I'm so unbelievable happy that you love me, Itachi."

"And I'm happy that you return my feelings. I never thought you would though, considering the possibilities."

"It was destiny. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Maybe." He voiced out softly after he had pulled me close again. Using this chance to my advantage I placed another kiss on his lips that were breathing against my own just one moment ago.

"I don't care what higher powers were responsible for that but I'm really grateful for the outcome. And I will never regret my choice."

Itachi lifted his hands to cup my face, his forehead rested against mine and I could feel his warm breath meeting my lips that cried out for more of his touch. I will never stop yearning for them. His kisses fill me up with so much happiness.

"Then it's decided." He whispered and his lips meet mine once more for another long and sweet kiss. We parted afterwards, leaving me to long for his warmth to be back. Itachi then opened my bedroom door but stopped to look over his shoulder, a smile on his face.

"Are you coming? We need to finish your homeworks before we are going out today."

I felt my face lit up with joy and my heart thudding happily in my chest. "We are going on a date?"

"If you want to call it one then yes."

A date? It's been a long time. Here's a scenario what happens mostly: Itachi has to go back for work and comes home late. I walk over to Naruto's place then but all the fluff between him and Hinata is sometimes too much sugar for me - because I miss my beloved aniki. When I'm back I wait for him in his bedroom. The moment the door opens my heart is jumping madly, mind overflood with joy as I hug Itachi desperately. His first reaction is to drop his suitcase and wrapping his arms around my waist to hug me back. We then kiss each other for a long time and go to bed afterwards because of school and work that awaits us the following day. He lays down on his bed and gestures me to follow. I smile and snuggle up to his warm body. Before I drift off to sleep I tell him that I love him and when he responses with the same three words and a kiss to my lips I find myself asleep. I dream of my brother while cuddling closely with him in reality. When I wake up the next day after beating Itachi's alarm clock off the first thing I always notice are his arms wrapped around me in safe embrace and I can only smile at this.

He's always there for me and I wouldn't want it any other way.

AN: It's not the end yet. This story will contain a few chapters, around seven or something like that. I'm not sure yet how long this will take but it's a short one. I originally planned on doing a one-shot collection but I came up with this idea in the end. The one-shots are in process (mentally). It will be about ItaSasu (so hard to guess), consisting of random moments, some 'what if' scenes from manga chapters and so on. Simply, all what comes to mind when you have to time to think, listen to music or find awesome pics. Well, see ya next time then. ~ BlackBeta