Hey folks! This is just a funny little one-shot that came to me while watching Pride and Prejudice. Did you know they mention Brighton in that movie?
This takes place after the proposal and sex, and before Justin heads to New York.
The Story of Britin
"Justin?" Brian called from his place at the desk. He peered over his computer at the dozing form on the bed. His lover- no, his fiancé, he reminded himself- slowly stood from his warm cocoon of blankets.
"What Brian?" Justin groaned as he limped over to the computer. Brian smirked at the limp, which he was of course, responsible for. After they had become engaged- and surprisingly he felt no apprehension toward their future marriage- they had fucked on every surface in the loft, to the point of exhaustion. What a wonderful night. If he had known that marriage would result in such pleasure he would have proposed years ago.
"What?" Justin asked again, his head now resting on Brian's as he stood behind the computer chair.
"Well, I was just thinking-"
"Never a good sign."
"Shut it. I was just thinking about what you had named the castle I bought you."
Justin smiled at the memory, still fresh in his mind. "Britin?"
"Yes." Brian turned in his chair so that Justin could sit in his lap. "And of course, we all know your talent for making names up. So obviously, Britin is a combination of our names, correct?"
Justin rolled his eyes at Brian's obstinence. "Yes, Bri- and -tin. Is there a point to this conversation?"
"Of course." But before continuing, Brian leaned in and gave the blond a kiss. "But you see, I did a little research on the name, with the spelling Brighton. And do you know what came up?"
Justin shook his head, a small smile on his face. "No, but I'm sure you will enlighten me."
"It is apparently a town in England."
"Yes, and it is known as the gay capital of England."
"Really?" Justin smirked, his expression giving away that he had known this all along. Brian smirked at the innocence, knowing his fiancé far better than that.
"So you aren't dropping a hint at a possible honeymoon location?"
"Why whatever do you mean?" Justin asked as he started peppering Brian's neck with kisses.
"Oh, so you don't want to go to the Gay Pride festival there, or check out the restaurants, bars, and clubs, all gay-friendly of course?"
"I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Right, so you had no idea about this town? You just created the name of our home off the top of your head?" Brian asked, slowly grabbing Justin around the waist.
Justin smiled, "Well, I am a genius," he replied, before glancing at Brian with a seductive look on his face. "Want to know what else I'm a genius at?" Justin asked as he slid from Brian's lap to the ground, situating himself between Brian's spread legs.
"God yes." He knew he had proposed to this man for some reason.