
Author's note: Thank you to everyone who stuck with this series. The canoe may be taking a lot of hits, but it's the love we have for the show and these characters that keep it together.

This plot bunny was inspired by Maroon 5's song and does not follow the storyline of the series. Hope you guys like it.

The sunlight filtered through the crack in the window and hit Sam right in his left eye. He squinted and turned his face a bit, but then it ended up hitting his right eye. He squeezed his eyes shut but it didn't work. He would've liked to move but he didn't want to wake Kurt up.

Speaking of Kurt, he looked down at the slumbering boy that had his head buried in his chest. Mouth slightly open and snoring softly, Sam noted with a smile. He combed his fingers through soft dark strands and thought about the day ahead.

Kurt would officially move to New York today. Classes would start at NYADA in two weeks and Kurt wanted to get settled in his new apartment with Rachel before then.

After months of waiting, agonizing, and preparing for NYADA, they were finally here. In a few hours, Kurt would board a plane and be fabulous in a city that had thousands of fabulous people like him. And Sam would be left in Lima, Ohio. In a glee club that was familiar yet would undoubtedly change now that most of the members already graduated.

The thought of not seeing his boyfriend everyday scared Sam so much that his breath started coming out in short and rapid pants.

Kurt must've felt the movement because his face was suddenly inches away from the jock, his hands cradling Sam's face gently. "Sam, are you okay?" His voice was hoarse from sleep, the tone deeper than usual. The paranoia eased its grip for the moment and Sam took a couple of deep breaths.

"I-I'm okay." He stammered. After a few minutes, Sam felt calm enough to sit up. Kurt's eyes filled with worry, the flecks of gray a stark contrast in the sea of blue. He gripped one of Sam's hands tightly in two of his and leaned his head against the other's shoulders.

"I'm scared too, you know." Kurt whispered. His hair brushed against Sam's cheek and the jock buried his nose in it, inhaling the scent of peaches from the shampoo that his boyfriend used.

It almost seemed unfair how short their time together was. If Sam only knew this would happen, he would've jumped Kurt the moment he saw him in the choir room.

He could still remember the twinkle in the other boy's eyes as he perused Sam from head to toe as Mr. Schuester prattled on about duets, the green and red plaid shirt stretching over his shoulders as he leaned over to gossip with Mercedes.

They looked at the boxes scattered around Kurt's room. They've been packing his stuff for the past week, with a couple of boxes labeled 'New York,' some labeled 'Storage,' and a few labeled 'Charity.'

Kurt was quite reluctant to leave any of his clothing behind, but after much arguing with Burt, he finally caved to bringing just 4 suitcases of clothing with him.

Burt and Rachel's dads already bought most of the furniture for their apartment; so really, all they had to do was just move in.

"Call me once you land in JFK." Sam murmured, his arm snaking around Kurt's waist to pull him closer. "Promise me."

It took Kurt a moment to reply. "I promise."

"Promise to tell me about your first day in NYADA."

"Promise to call me when auditions for Glee club start."

"Promise to keep your cool when you see a Broadway actor."

"Promise to use the color-treatment shampoo I bought you."

"Promise to restrain yourself from killing Rachel."

"Promise to study your French. And call me when you need help with homework."

"Promise to tone down the sexy when you get to NYADA." At this, Kurt started chuckling and kissed Sam on the cheek.

His glasz eyes narrowed in a come-hither look as he said, "You know I'm only sexy for you, right?" He wrapped his arms around Sam's middle and the promises went on for about 15 minutes, from the utterly ridiculous to the heart-wrenchingly sweet.

They soon found themselves spooning on the bed, with Kurt's back against Sam's chest. The jock held on tight to the other boy, tangling their legs together. Peppering the brunette's nape with soft kisses, he whispered brokenly, "Promise that you'll wait for me next year."

Kurt's voice was solemn as he replied, "I will." He caressed Sam's hands that were wrapped around his middle.

"We can Skype, and use facetime, and I'll come home for Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and whatever holiday I can badger my dad into letting me come home for." He raised one of Sam's hands to his lips and kissed his palm, and the jock felt the tears running down his face. He felt a few tears run down his cheeks, and he buried his face in Kurt's hair again.

They clung to each other as the room grew brighter with sunlight.

The End

Author's note: I'm not closing my heart entirely on this series. Let's see where inspiration takes me.

As always, keep the kum-ments coming!