A/N: ...Well, this is a bit awkward.
First off, I'd like to apologize for my unannounced 2 year long hiatus from writing. In between starting high school, joining new fandoms, and just generally losing inspiration for writing, life just got too hectic to keep up with all my old fanfics. The guilt of not updating eventually just ate away at me until, lo and behold! Hurricane Sandy decided to be annoying and knocked my power (and wifi) out, so I took the opportunity to write the next two chapters. It's back now, thank the Lord, but only temporarily so I'll be uploading this now.
Second off, if you were one of my readers from the start and you're reading this now, thank you for still caring about this fanfic. Bless your poor misguided souls.
And third off, I apologize profously if the characters seem horribly OOC. I haven't read or written Scooby Doo fanfiction in forever, so I'm a bit out of touch with the characters. Feel free to criticize me however you wish. (Also, I may or may not have accidentally slipped a Princess Bride reference somewhere in the chapter, whoops. See if you can catch it!)
Also; I had an insane amount of fun planning out future chapters. You can definitely expect more updates in the near , enough of my ramblings. Enjoy the next chapter!

Sir Fred awoke with a start. His head was throbbing like mad, the air stank of rotting fish, it was pitch black and he couldn't see a damn thing, and where in God's name was he?

Fred racked his brain, trying desperately to remember what happened before; he remembered a short girl in a fedora, Princess Daphne, a river, Daphne falling into that river-

Ah. Right.

Fred scrambled to his feet quickly, an overwhelming sense of dread filling him. "Princess D-Daphne?" he called out loudly, still unable to see anything. "Velma? Daphne?"

A bored voice replied to him, "We're over here." There was a small shuffling noise, and the same voice said again, "Here, lemme light a match."

A swishing and crackling noise, and suddenly a small amount of light flared from somewhere in the corner of the room, illuminating the face of a tired-looking Velma and a plain, plank-wood wall behind her.

Fred briefly wondered where on earth they were again before hurrying over to Velma. "Where's Princess Daphne?" he asked frantically as he neared her.

Velma rolled her eyes. "Oh, I'm fine, thanks for asking," she said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Absolutely spiffing."

Catching sight at the look on Fred's face, she sighed and added, "Your, er, fair maiden is passed out on the floor over there." She gestured somewhere next to her, and Fred could just make out a, well, Daphne-shaped figure lying on the ground in the dim, flickering light of Velma's match.

As Fred rushed to her side, Velma grumbled something about useless pretty-boy knights under her breath.

"Oh, Princess Daphne!" Fred said mournfully as he flung himself across Daphne's chest. "I have failed you, and you have paid the price!"

Velma groaned quietly. "She's only unconscious, drama queen," she said in what can only be described as a 'someone-kill-me-now' voice.

Daphne slowly stirred. "Sir F-Fred?" she asked softly, reaching a hand up to brush against Fred's hair.

"You're alive!" Fred exclaimed joyfully, before embracing the princess and kissing her passionately.

"Oh, for-" Velma groaned loudly this time. "Do neither of you seem to care that we've been kidnapped by bloody pirates?"

There was a pregnant pause in the air as the two lovers broke apart, gazing at Velma in horror.

"Pirates?!" Daphne exclaimed, eyes wide. "How do you know?"

Velma sighed. "Honestly, you two. If you paid a little more attention to your surroundings, we might've never gotten into this mess in the first place."

Fred and Daphne looked at her blankly. Velma sighed heavily again. Why had she decided to travel with these two again..?

"Okay, think about it. We fell into a river, right?" Velma continued, shooting a 'that was entirely your fault' glance at Daphne, who in return looked offended. "Someone knocked us unconscious, dragged us onto a boat- we're on a boat, by the way, did I mention?- then locked us up on said boat. Oh, and they stole all your jewelry, Daphne."

Daphne's hands rose quickly to her own neck, and was horrified to realize Velma was correct. "My necklace! And my crown!" she added, reaching to her head. "And-!"

"Couldn't they just be sailors?" Fred interrupted, pale. "Not pirates?"

Velma opened her mouth to reply, but there were suddenly footsteps above them and a loud voice boomed, "We're opening the door. Don't try anything clever, or we'll shoot you."

Velma swore loudly. She recognized that voice. Of all the bloody pirates to be captured by, of course it had to be him, she thought bitterly. She quickly blew out the match.

There was the sound of something unlatching, and suddenly sunlight was streaming through a large opening in the ceiling above them.

Fred shielded his eyes- after being locked in such a dark room, the light was practically blinding- and squinted up.

Towering above them were four large men. Three of the men were in striped shirts and wielding swords, trying their best to look imposing and mysterious.

The last man was the tallest; he wore a large hat and a green coat, and, unlike his companions, was not bearded- he only had a small amount of stubble on his chin.

And he was aiming a pistol directly at Fred's head.

"Welcome to my ship," said the man, grinning broadly. "I'm the Dread Pirate Rogers. Pleasure to meet you."

The pistol made a clicking noise; the pirate was about to shoot.

Next to Fred, Velma swore loudly again.

Back to the room...

Fred, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby were all staring at Daphne, wide-eyed at the latest cliffhanger.

"Pirates?" Velma asked, voice hushed.

"Pirates," Daphne confirmed, nodding and smiling faintly.

"Cool!" Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma all exclaimed breathlessly at once.

"Am I the pirate dude at the end?" asked Shaggy excitedly.

Daphne nodded.

"Awesome!" Shaggy continued, grinning.

"I wonder what'll happen next..." Velma wondered out loud.

"Obviously the insanely brave Sir Fred will save everyone by kicking the pirates' butts," Fred cut in smugly.

Shaggy scoffed. "No way, man! There's, like, no way you're beating pirate-me!"

"Yeah, but I'm a Knight! I could-!"

Daphne cleared her throat loudly.

"Would you guys like me to continue, or would you like to keep arguing?" she asked, eyebrow raised.

The two boys immediately shut up.

"Good," she continued, smiling sweetly. "Anyway..."

To be continued...