Got this idea at like, 2 in the morning. Hope you like it!
The bell rang and we were all rushed into the auditorium. would drone on about how he "Wished we had a good winter break" then tell us to get the hell out of the school. I couldn't wait.
I sat next to my best friends Angela Weber and Rosalie Hale on either side of me. When had sufficiently bored us, we got up and were about to leave when someone knocked me over and I fell underneath the table which was covered on both sides by wooden planks. I started banging on the table but no one was around. They were making so much noise getting out and Angela and Rose probably thought that I was just a bit behind. No one was coming to save me, I realized after a while of banging and screaming my head off. Finally, the door was closed. I heard someone walking around and tried once again.
"Help me! Whoever you are, you have to help! I'm stuck!" I said, my voice shrill.
"Bella?" I heard the voice of the one person in the world I wish I hadn't. There was Edward Cullen, the biggest jerk in the world, standing right in front of me, a cocky grin on his face. Damn. And he had just helped me out of a situation I could have gotten myself out of if I had just looked around instead of panicking. Damn times two.
"Wow. I assume you were being your clumsy self and tripped under there? How DO you get yourself into these situations."
"Ha. Funny." I said, making a sarcastic face.
"You can leave now, Bella. Like, right now."
"Why are you here anyways?" I asked him, my face red with embarrassment.
"I am here on official business."
"What? Too secret for me?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes.
"If you must know, I was just gonna hang out. I do it every year. I feel like school's so peaceful with no one around." He answered me. I could see that he was actually being serious.
"Well. That's interesting. But I think I'm gonna leave now." I said.
"Yeah. Whatever." He said, not even looking up at me anymore.
I walked to the back door that everyone had filed out of and yanked it open. Except it didn't open. I tried the other door and it didn't open either. I walked over to the front door. Trying it, I realized it wasn't open either.
"Um, Edward." I said. "I think we have a problem.
"What!" He said irritably around the cigarette in his mouth. One sec. CIGARETTE.
I ran over and snatched the disgusting thing out of his mouth.
"What the hell!" He shouted.
"Do you know what this is? It's an effing death machine, that's what!" I said, brandishing the cigarette in his face.
He tried to snatch it, but when I stepped on it, he just sighed, rolling his eyes, and took another one out of the pack in his leather jacket.
"What the hell Edward!"
"So, what's the problem?" He asked me, ignoring my anger.
I remembered the bigger problem at the moment. "The doors are locked." I said.
"What the f…" He started to say, then thought better of it looking down at me. He ran from door to door, but, as I had already told him, they were all locked.
By now, I had realized that we were in a school anyways. I could just wait for something to happen. And I could…hang out with…barf…I mean Edward Cullen. Ew.
By the time Edward had stopped hyperventilating quietly and I had finished reading my entire English book, it was 9 o'clock. We were tired and not at all hungry so I walked over to the stage and put some chairs together and started shivering. Damn. It was so cold. I didn't say anything though, and suffered at least three hours that way. My eyes were still wide open when I heard Edward stand up from somewhere on the floor and go through the supply room. He came back and walked up the stage. I steadied my breathing and just lay there, closing my eyes and praying that Edward wasn't going to wake me up or something.
He lay something on me and walked back to his spot on the floor. When I felt around, it was a blanket. Oh my God. Edward Cullen had been thoughtful enough to get me a blanket. How sweet was that? He was still a jerk though…or he appeared to be. After that, I stopped shivering and fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke up and found Edward asleep in a fetal position, obviously freezing. His body was shaking violently. It must have been the only blanket in there. And he had given it to me.
I put the blanket on top of Edward and soon he relaxed. I searched for some food and made a nice breakfast of water and nuts. Yummy.
By the time Edward woke up, it was almost noon. He looked down at the blanket then back at me and our eyes connected and I knew things had changed between me and Edward Cullen.
Heyyy u guys, I hope you liked it!