Sup guys;D

3rd fanfic so far...hopefully i can finish this one...

please enjoy and review!xD

Chapter 1:

-The Chat-

It is summer and everyone is at home, on their computers and on chat. They are all discussing where to go for summer holidays…

Naruto and Friends:

To_Be_Hokage has signed in. (Naruto)

Cherry-Blossom has signed in. (Sakura)

I'm_So_Emo_ has signed in. (Sasuke)

Shy_Lover has signed in. (Hinata)

No_Pupils has signed in. (Neji)

Power_of_Youth_has signed in. (Lee)

My-buns-are-cool has signed in. (Tenten)

Blonde-Chick has signed in. (Ino)

Too_Lazy_to move_ has signed in. (Shikamaru)

I-love-my-chippies has signed in. (Chouji)

Begins Convo:

To_Be_Hokage says: Hi Guys! :p

Cherry-Blossom says: Hey Naruto

I'm_So_Emo says: Hey Loser…

Shy_Lover says: H-hi…

No_Pupils says: Hello

Power_of _Youth says: Howdy! (Me: O.o)

My-buns-are-cool says: Uh, hi!

Blonde Chick says: Hey!

Too_Lazy_to_move says: Sup…

i-love-my-chippies says: Hey Naruto! How's it goin?

To_Be_Hokage says: So…where do u guys wanna go for Summer holidays?

I'm_So_Emo says: I dunno…

Blonde Chick says: What about the mountains? They look cool!

Everyone else says: ...


Blonde Chick says: Fine! Fine! Got any better ideas?

No_Pupils says: I know! Why not the forest? It has green, green grass and-

Everyone else says: SHADDUP ALREADY!

No_Pupils says: sorry...thought it was a good idea...

Too_Lazy_to_move says: No, it wasn't...ok guys! The next suggestion will be the last one! Think carefully...and appropriately...yes neji, heard that?

No_Pupils: R-right...

Silence...everyone's thinking..

Cherry-Blossom says: i think i got a good one...

Chouji: Yes?

My-buns-are-cool says: Go on!

Cherry-Blossom says: The beach!

Shy_Lover says: Yes! T-that sounds g-good!

I'm_so_Emo_says: Details? What r we gonna do there?

Cherry-Blossom says: Well, i heard there's this one huge beach-house and we can use it for free! So, we can holiday there and do activities on the beach and other cool stuff!

To_be_hokage_ says: Wow! Awsum!

Everyone else: Yay!

Cherry-Blossom says: But...there's just one problem...

Too_Lazy_to_move says: What is it?

Cherry-Blossom says: We have to share the house with another group...

Everyone else: ...

To_be_hokage_says: Who cares! As long as i get the beach house!

Power_of_youth says: Yeah!

i-love-my-chippies says: Yea! So when do we go?

Blonde Chick says: Dun we need someone to drive us?

Everyone else says: ...crap...

I'm_so_Emo says: Dun worry, i'll get Itachi and his friends to drive...

Power_of_Youth says: Really? Yay! So, can we go 2mrw?

My-buns-are-cool says: Why not? 2mrw then!

To_be_hokage says: Yea ok! everyone start packing and we'll meet at Sasuke's house at 9:00am! Sasuke remember to ask!

I'm_so_Emo says: Hn...

To_be_hokage says: Everyone dismissed! Bye! Cya 2mrw!

Everyone else: Bye!

-Everyone signs out-

Ichigo and friends:

Strawberry signs in (ichigo)

Bunnies-r-awsum! signs in (rukia)

quincy_pride signs in (ishida)

Muscle_man signs in (Chad)

i-am-so-clumsy signs in (Inoue)

red_pineapple signs in (renji)

respect-me signs in (byakuya)

ice-block- signs in (hitsugaya)

strawberry says: hey guys

bunnies-r-awsum! says:hi

quincy_pride says: hello kurosaki

muscle_man says: yo, ichigo

red_pineapple says: sup, man!

i-am-so-clumsy says: hi, kurosaki-kun!

respect me says: (nothing)

ice-block says: hey

strawberry says: u guys hav any suggestions to where we're goin for da hols?

bunnies-r-awsum! says: i know! The Jungle! We can-

Everyone else says: No!

bunnies-r-awsum! says: T_T

ice-block says: i know...the mountains?

muscle_man says: i think it'll b too cold...

red_pineapple says: Its freakin summer dammit!

ice-block says: fine fine...

i-am-so-clumsy says: i know!

Everyone else says (not byakuya): whut?

i-am-so-clumsy says: apparently there's this beach house we can rent for free at this we can go there and hav lotsa funn!~

red_pineapple says: F-free?

bunnies-r-awsum! says: yay! i wanna go!

ice-block says: sounds alright i guess...

strawberry says: everyone agree?

everyone says(except byakuya): yeah!

i-am-so-clumsy says: but...under ONE condition...

everyone says: ?

i-am-so-clumsy says: we hav to share the house with another group..


red_pineapple says: who cares? im still going man!

muscle_man says: yea

bunnies-r-awsum! says: yea, ok!

quincy_pride says: lets go 2mrw...

strawberry says: ya ok! get packing people!

quincy_pride says: w-wait a min...

everyone says: what?

quincy_pride says: do we even hav enough adults? they need to b over 18 and we need to have at least 2...

everyone says: ...

ice-block says: well, im one of them...

strawberry says: oi! byakuya! can u go? we need one more adult!

bunnies-r-awsum! says: please, nii-sama?

respect me says: ...maybe...

strawberry says: yay! everyone get packing and meet outside my house at 9:00am ok?

respect me says: w-wait...i didn't say...

red_pineapple says: c'mon captain! anyways...bye everyone!

respect me says: ...=="

everyone else: cya!

Stay tuned for da next chapter!

please review!-

sry, might b slow at updating...freakin school...=="