Hey guys! This is my first ever FanFic and I'm pretty nervous about it. I welcome constructive criticism and if you let me know what you think I will greatly appreciate it.

Sadly I own nothing about Harry Potter. If I did there would be one extra Weasley, werewolf and Tonks in the world at the end of DH.

The midday sun that broke through the many windows of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry shone brightly on Luna Lovegood's long blonde hair as she skipped merrily towards the Room of Requirement.

Once inside she saw the members of Dumbledore's Army putting their things to one side, and then waiting for Harry to arrive and begin the lesson. Luna spotted a space for her things on the left wall next to Fred and George Weasley, who were currently asking Nigel if he would like some Nosebleed Nougat.

'It's only lasts a few hours, anyway, could it be any worse than a lesson with Snape.' said Fred waving the box of Nosebleed Nougat temptingly in front of Nigel's face.

Luna walked over to the space, pulling her cloak over her head and dropping her things on to the ground, only keeping her wand with her.

'Hey Lovegood. Fancy a Skiving Snackbox.' Luna turned to see George crouching beside a box of Weasley & Weasley products, staring up at her with that mischievous Weasley grin plastered over his face. 'We'll even give you a special DA member discount.'

'I'm ok thanks. My head feels fuzzy enough with all the Wrackspurts.' Luna smiled at George sweetly, and despite having no idea what she was on about, George couldn't help but smile back at her.

'Okay everyone, last time we started on the patronus charm and most of us managed to conjure the basic shield which was great!' Harry said to the room enthusiastically. 'Now today I want you guys to try and get a fully corporeal patronus, it's not easy and not all of you will get it today but don't worry, you will eventually. Okay, if you guys want to start I'll walk round the room and if you need any help give me a shout.' Harry finished with a quick smile and began to walk around the room observing his schoolmates and giving advice to anyone who wanted it.

With very little room anywhere else Luna decided to stay where she was and work from there, in the corner of her eye she could see two heads of flaming hair that had also stayed still and could only assume George and Fred had thought the same way as she had.

From all directions Luna could hear a range of voices saying the incantation. For many nothing happened, a select few had shots of a bluish-silver light coming from the ends of their wands but nothing else. Luna could see Hermione smiling and laughing as a silver otter flew around her; the fact that Hermione had conjured a Patronus first was no surprise to anyone but many were already getting frustrated after just one or two attempts and were shooting envious looks in her direction.

'Expecto patronum' a swirl of silver light emerged from George's wand and took form of George's patronus; it circled him twice before fading away into the air.

'Bloody hell, how'd you manage that?' Fred asked, staring at his twin with an awestruck look on his face.

'Because being good looking isn't the only thing I'm better at than you.' Luna, who had seen George's success with the spell, overheard the brother's comments and failed to stifle her laugh at George's reply causing George to turn from his brother to smile at her. 'See, I've got a supporter.'

'Yeah, but Ginny's still better at spells than both of us.' Fred nodded his head towards the youngest Weasley, who was watching the light from her wand take the form of a silver horse.

'You got that right, better her than Ron though.' George said with a smile, Fred nodded in agreement and turned away from his brother and began preparing himself for his second attempt at the spell. Luna had found herself drawn into the twins' conversation and had yet to make a single attempt at the spell.

'Expecto patronum' a small light began to glow at the tip of Luna's wand, but it faded as quickly as it had appeared, leaving Luna looking slightly disappointed.

A strange feeling hit George when he saw the look on her face. He turned away from her briefly when he heard his twin give a frustrated groan and saw that his brothers luck was fairing no better than Luna's. Seeing an opportunity to cheer up the Ravenclaw girl, George turned back to Luna.

'Hey Luna, could be worse.' George said to her, moving aside just in time for Luna to see a frustrated Fred give his wand a violent wave in the air and nearly take out Neville's eye. Luna and George laughed together and the latter suddenly wondered why seeing this girl's smile was so important to him.

Luna's second and third attempts at the spell didn't go any better than her first, although many had not gotten any further than she had, Luna couldn't stop the frustration building inside her; and as her frustration grew, the ability to think positive was becoming an increasing challenge for her. Others were making good progress; George had now formed a fully corporeal patronus that only disappeared when he made it do so, and Fred had now managed to make his own appear and was now across the room showing it off to Angelina Johnson.

'Just loosen your grip at bit.' Luna heard George's voice coming from behind her and turned to look over her shoulder at him, a confused expression spread across her face.

George chuckled at her cute expression. Wait, cute! Where'd that come from Weasley! George shook off the thought and moved to stand with his chest only a few inches from Luna's back. She was still looking over her shoulder at him, her confusion growing with every silent second. She could feel that the hand clutching her wand was shaking slightly as she held it straight out in front of her and she had no idea why. She looked at George's face and was sure he looked nervous, she had never seen him look like that before and she wondered if he was feeling as odd as she was. I think the Wrackspurts must have finally buried themselves too deep into my brain.

'It's easier if you loosen your grip.' George explained, his voice breaking though Luna's thought. He reached around her and moved his hand to cover hers, his fingers began to pry at hers, easing her hold on her wand. 'You've just kind of got to get lost in your thoughts, not worrying about the spell, or your wand, just thinking of that one thing that makes you feel like there will always be some ray of light in the world, even when everything else is pretty dark.' George's hand was still covering hers and as he spoke softly into her ear, Luna felt the hair that fell by her ear tickle her skin and shivers shot through her like lightning.

'You can do it Luna.' George reassured her, taking his hand away from hers, leaving her hand feeling cold from the loss of his touch. Luna closed her eyes and began to think only of what George had said to her, the feel of his hand on hers, the feeling of his breath tickling her neck.

'Expecto patronum' a burst of light came from Luna's wand and suddenly a silver hare was flying around both George and herself. Luna gasped in amazement and happiness and without thinking pivoted round and jumped on to George, throwing her arms around his neck and lifting herself off the ground, giving him a tight hug.

'Thank you George.' Luna said into George's shoulder. She felt his arms wrap around her back and he held her to him.

'That's ok Lu- wait how'd you know I'm George and not Fred?' George asked, releasing Luna from the hug and placing her back down on to her own two feet.

'Why would I think your Fred, George? Personally I think for twins your both very different.'

'Seriously?' George asked her in a disbelieving tone. His own bloody mother couldn't tell them apart most of the time.

'Of course. Your quieter than your brother, your still much louder than most people, but Fred seems to be the far more outspoken one of the two of you. If you look closely enough, there are differences in your appearances too. I notice these things you see.'

'So, ''if you look closely enough'' you say. Been having a good look then have you Lovegood?' George asked causing Luna's cheeks to go slightly red. When he noticed this and that Weasley grin spread across his face, causing the red of her cheeks to become a shade darker.

'No, my father taught me how to looking at things differently to everyone else. I notice things pretty easily, things that most people will never notice or take a long time to see. That's why you all find me so strange.' As she spoke, the red left her cheeks and she started looking down at her feet rather than at George's face.

George put his hand under Luna's chin and used it to tilt her head up so that he could look into her eyes as he spoke.

'Yeah, we do. Personally though, I don't see why anyone would want to be normal and boring. Strange and exciting is much more to my taste.' The soft, beautiful smile on George's face made the effect of his words even greater.

'Your pretty strange yourself George Weasley. You're hardly the troublemaker you make yourself out to be.' George simply replied to her words with another smile and a wink.

After a few moments the two had not broken eye contact and Luna realised that George's hand was still cupping her chin. Without realising, his thumb began to brush along her jaw and he began to tilt his head down to meet hers.

'OK, great lesson everybody.' Harry's voice broke through the thoughts and closeness of the pair. Luna quickly stepped away from George and his instincts were to go punch The Boy Who Lived right in the eye in return for him ruining what was, a perfect moment. 'Keep practicing and I'll see you next time.'

'Goodbye George.' Luna smiled sadly at George and he wondered if she was feeling as disappointed as he was. Just as he was about to call out to her Fred stepped in front of him, blocking his view of Luna.

'Hey George, I was thinking tonight I would go down and try to make some sales in the Great Hall during dinner, while you sort out some of the paperwork we've got left in the common room.' Fred saw George nod in reply. George himself had only just made out what his brother was saying to him, due to the fact that he had been concentrating on looking over Fred's shoulder, watching Luna walk away. Just as she got to the door, she turned and gave him a small wave, before turning away from him again and disappearing from George's view.

Next chapter; Two years have passed. In the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts George and Luna meet again.

Let me know what you think. Please R & R