Text me.

Summary: Just some texts between Clare and Eli.

First Text

Eligold93: Hey Edwards.

Clarebear77: What Eli.

Eligold93: y so angry, u no love me no more?

Clarebear77: the answer is yes.

Eligold93: If u just heard a crack just now, that was my heart breaking.

Clarebear77: Drama queen.

Eligold93: Yes that is me, Elijah Goldsworthy: Drama queen extradoinaire!

Clarebear77: smiley face.

Eligold93: smiley face What r u doing now?

Clarebear77: Burning all the pictures of you.

Eligols93: But I look so good in all of those!

Clarebear77: That's exactly why I'm burning them.

Eligold93: Fine burn them I'll just have to email you more.

Clarebear77: What about u.

Eligold93: you know The usual stealing old ladies purses.

Clarebear77: Having fun?

Eligold93: Yep I made one lady cry. Victory is mine!

Clarebear77: Well done my little old lady scarer.

Eligold93: Ok what are you really doing?

Clarebear77: h/w u?

Eligold93: Same. Bored?

Clarebear77: Completely, u?

Eligold93: A little, I'm so excited about seeing Ms. Dawes tomorrow!

Clarebear77: Awwwww young/old love!

Eligold93: I knew from the moment I met her we were meant to be.

Clarebear77: Aren't you just the sweetest little Goth I've met.

Second text:

Eligold93: Like my essay?

Clarebear77: It was alright.

Eligold93: What! That essay's a masterpiece; I'm like Shakespeare only better.

Clarebear77: Well aren't you modest.

Eligold93: I can't help that I'm just that amazing.

Clarebear77: Whatever you say.

Eligold93: You jealous I'm so super awesome?

Clarebear77: Completely.

Eligold93: Knew it, c u tomorrow.

Clarebear77: Yep.

Third text:

Eligold93: I wuv u!

Clarebear77: I wuv u too my little Goth bear.

Eligold93: Wanna do something tomorrow?

Clarebear77: Depends on when, where, what and why.

Eligold93: why why?

Clarebear77: I wanna know why you want to do something.

Eligold93: Did you not read the first text I sent you?

Clarebear77: Yeah I read it.

Eligold93: Ok, because I love you.

Clarebear77: Ok, I guess we could do something.

Eligold93: Yay!

Clarebear77: Yay indeed.

Fourth text:

Clarebear77: If you had any super power ever what would it be? Answer me truthfully.

Eligold93: That's a tough question.

Clarebear77: That it is.

Eligold93: I would want to have super strength.

Clarebear77: Why?

Eligold93: Because tough guys get the bitches.

Clarebear77: Yeah.

Eligold93: Is that what you look for in a guy?

Clarebear77: yeah, the more musclier they are the more I like them.

Eligold93: That's a reasonable answer.

Clarebear77: Of course it is I said it.

Eligold93: How true.

Fifth text:

Eligold93: What is your favourite food?

Clarebear77: Spaghetti Bolognaise, yours.

Eligold93: Hot fudge Clare.

Clarebear77: You mean I'm your favourite food!

Eligold93: Yep, I would eat you any day.

Clarebear77: smiley face

Sixth text:

Eligold93: Will you marry me?

Clarebear77: Yes I will.

Eligold93: Sweet! How is our wedding going to be?

Clarebear77: I'm thinking we go to Vegas and get hitched there.

Eligold93: Nice, I'll pick you up in an hour, I gotta get some things.

Clarebear77: Ok see you then.

It's up to you to decide if they were kidding or not. Reviews please.