Clare's POV

Room 706.

Alli and I opened the door to our room and gasped.

The hotel room was elegant and HUGE! We had a whole living room and a big kitchen with and island.

"Where's the beds?" Alli asked, snapping me back to reality. I noticed that we were still standing in the doorway with our suitcases in our hands.

"Why don't you go in and find out?"

"WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?" Alli squeaked still standing at the door.

We both walked in and there were 4 doors divided on opposite walls. We roamed around the room and found that one was the bathroom, two were bedrooms and the last one was a coat closet. Each room had a balcony. It had a beautiful view of Paris Nightlife.

The next thing I heard was Alli screaming, "I CALL THIS ROOM!" She has the one closest to the bathroom.

I got the one by the closet and walked in. "Wow." I breathed. 'What a bedroom'

I set My stuff by the dresser and plopped on the bed. I pulled out my phone and texted my mom letting her know I'm in the room.

I laid down on the silky sheets spreaded on the queen sized bed. I stared at the ceiling letting my mind wander to that guy I met in the elevator, Eli... All I could think was wow! He looked so good. Like a badass every girl couldn't help but be drawn to. Dang, I forgot. He could have a girlfriend. Oh, but those eyes were breathtaking. I could stare into them foreve-

"CLARE DIANE EDWARDS! I KNOW YOUR SECRET" Alli yelled practically busting the door down.

"What secret?" I asked super confused.

"You know, THAT secret you know that I know but you don't want me to know that I found out anyway-"


"EEEK! YOU LIKE THAT GOTH BOY, ELI!" She sang/shouted. I blushed a dark red. "I saw the way you looked at him in the elevator and in the hallway. You like him...In love with him!"

"No Alli." I said plainly with the blush STILL on my face. "I just got out of a relationship with KC. I don't like or love ANYONE." I stressed out as much as possible trying to get the point across. We just need to leave it at that before my cheeks explode because we both know I like Eli.

"Forget KC! He's stupid and missing out." Alli sighed. "Ooh! I know what will cheer you up! Let's go to the dining hall and see if they have some ice cream." She chirped.

Ugh! She knows I can't turn down ice cream. "Fine, whatever but let me change first."




Alli and I left the room making sure we had our card and headed toward the elevator. When we got there I pressed the down button and waited but Alli kept walking straight.

"Alli where are you going...?" I trailed off when she faced me, winked and kept walking. I just realized that the boys from the elevator are staying in the rooms down this hall. Shoot.

"Come with me Clare-bear! Eli will be there!" She said suggestively.

"No!" I blushed. "We're going to the dining hall like you told me."

"Well, I lied. I don't wanna go down there, yet... C'mon!"

"No and that's final." I stated looking at the elevator STILL on the 4th Floor.

"Okay then..." She said putting her hands up in defense moving backwards. "CLAAARE EDWAARDS IS IN LOOVE WITH EE- Ow!"

I practically tackled her to the ground causing a loud thump.

"What's going on?" A familiar voice asked. Still on the floor we both turned to our right and saw Adam standing in a door way looking down at us.

Alli and I got up from the ground and she quickly said, "Oh nothing, we were just looking for the dining hall." I looked past Adam's shoulder to see Eli and Drew looking at us curiously.

"You know that it's on the first floor, right?" Adam said slowly.

"Yeah, well... You see-" Alli started.

"Mmhmm." Adam said knowingly.

He reached to the end table next to him got a pen and a pad of paper, wrote something on it, and handed it to Alli. He said, "Good night ladies." with a wink and then closed the door.

I looked at Alli and she was staring at the paper cheesing hard. I tried to look at the paper but she ran to the elevator pulling me with her.

She pressed the down button and started bouncing with the same grin still plastered on her face. The elevator doors immediately opened with more people in there. We just stepped in and went to press floor 1 but the button was already lit.

"I'll tell you when we get our ice cream." she whispered folding the paper.




We sat down at a table in the dining hall with our ice cream.. finally. I was super anxious to know what Adam wrote on that paper. I opened my mouth to say something but Alli beat me to it.

"Okay look!" She said handing me the note and shoving a spoonful of vanilla ice cream in her mouth.

Drew- 854 5895

Eli- 067 5908

I don't be shy to call them... I knew it all along.

I looked up at her blushing yet again. She snatched the paper from my hand and fiddled with her cell phone.

I ate a spoonful of chocolate ice cream. So good.

"Give me your phone." She demanded.

I did what she said and ate some more of my dessert.

She gave me my cell phone back and I looked at the screen.

Eli =]

(216) 067-5908

'I can't believe that just happened.'

A/N: Okay., I'm sorry for disappearing off the face of the Earth without updating, but my laptop charger broke and nobody wanted to get me a new one until now... And I was too lazy to get up and go to the library. Sorry again. I'll update again before Wednesday.

Review ? =/