Chapter 12 ~ Memories and Unions

Ron furrowed his eyebrows, how was a muggle supposed to help her find her parents, if they don't know what happened? Hermione looked up from her hot chocolate in alarm, this didn't sound very much like Evelynn knew anything about where her parents could have gone. She bit her lip anxiously, what could she possibly say that woudln't be suspicious or just sound completely insane?

Draco rounded the corner of the dungeons as he overheard that extremely annoying first year Smith speaking with a group of Slytherins. "They have a whole group of them out there just waiting to catch them off guard. I'm sure they'll get them though, that mudblood can't escape for that long. And when they slip up that's when we'll have the upper hand." She giggled cruelly as her friends spoke in excited whispers with her. Draco frowned this didn't bode very well for Granger and the rest of the Trio. He knew he was on a tight schedule to get home, but he couldn't just not warn her. Weren't they supposed to "get along" being head students and he didn't want them to catch them.

Draco crossed the grounds with a purposeful strut as he neared the black lake. His father had someone, most likely Headmaster Snape, place a portkey nearby for transportation. He whipped around, wand already drawn and pointing at the person who was behind him. The child looked up at him with fear in his eyes, but still held his ground. "Going somewhere Malfoy?" Draco rolled his eyes these twins were really trying what little patience he had, "And why does it concern either of you?" Loki growled at the Head Boy, "Anything you Death Eaters do at this school is our concern." Draco's eyes flashed dangerously as he glared coldly at the Gryffindors. He spoke in a low threatening voice causing the twins to stand rooted to the ground as they listened. "I suggest you go back to your dorms this instant." He pointed the wand at Loki's chest, "You don't want any accidents." Loki and Blake nodded their heads in unison, swallowed nervously and ran back towards the castle as quickly as they can. Sighing Draco found the portkey, preparing for the strange sensation he reached for the small item that was hidden in a small hole of a tree.

Evelynn looked at the boys and Hermione, "What brings you here Hermione, this wasn't a short trip I'm sure." Hermione swallowed, "I, there's a holiday right now from school. My parents had said they had gone to visit some friends, I was hoping it was you? Evelynn looked at the girl strangely, she was never known to be conniving or a liar, everything she had heard her say was quite truthful. However this just felt wrong, she knew Hermione had to be hiding something, what it was, she wasn't quite sure she would get an answer. Hermione shuffled her feet, "I was almost sure they would have come here." Evelynn shook her head, "Can you not just give them a ring? Surely they finally have caught up with technology and have a cell phone by now." Hermione giggled quietly, "My parents, never." Ron stifled a yawn, partly from boredom and exhaustion he hadn't slept very regularly since he and Harry had tried investigating the Granger's disappearance initially. Harry sat next to Ron awkwardly just listening to Hermione and Evelynn talk about some memories they shared from when her and her parents would visit the Carters.

They had been sitting there for hours just conversing Harry, Ron and Hermione having to make up stories about boarding school including what subjects they were learning in school. It was rather late, and Evelynn rose from her chair, "Oh my goodness it is quite late, I don't have a guest room prepared, but Hermione you can use Alyssa's room for the night, she's dorming at her university. Harry, Ronald you can use my eldest son Richard's room he won't be home tonight, he's gone on a trip with his friends."

Earlier that evening Draco was at Malfoy Manor, he had only been there for two hours and he was already extremely angry. Slamming his bed room door, he magically locked it as his mother tried to follow him. Narcissa was not known to be a push over by any means, and ordered the house elf to draw Draco out of his room. The House Elf Pipsy teleported beside Draco, "Master Draco, the Mistress would like you to come outside. You see she needs to speak with you Sir." Draco glared at Pipsy, knowing hiding and not facing the problem was exactly what his father expected him to do. He opened his bedroom door, crossing his arms and looking at his mother with a defiant expression," You wanted to speak with me?"

Narcissa sighed, Draco was being difficult as usual. "You know exactly what this is about Draco, now come back downstairs to the dinner. Miss Parkinson the poor thing was almost in tears when you outright rejected her." Draco rolled his eyes, "Mother all due respect, there is no way on this earth that I would approve a union with that pug ." Narcissa cut off her son before he can continue, "Draco Lucius Malfoy, you dare to disobey your father and my wishes! You listen, you will go downstairs, and apologize to Pansy Parkinson. There will be complaints or arguments about this agreement is that clear?" Draco scowled at his mother, "Crystal." With not another word he brushed past his mother and walked back towards the dining room.

He gritted his teeth as he sat beside Pansy and lied through his teeth as he apologized to her, "I'm terribly sorry Pansy, this all just came to quite a shock to me." Mrs. Parkinson let out a sigh of relief, "Wonderful then you and our little Pansy shall be married just after your graduation!" Pansy grinned widely and put her arm into Draco's as he shuddered in disgust, hoping the night would go much faster.

Hermione lay in bed staring up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, not able to sleep. She wished she hadn't traveled all the way to the Carter's this couldn't be another place even more far off the track. There was a light tapping sound at the window jumping up from the bed and rushed over to the window, recognizing Malfoy's spoiled little owl in the darkness, by it's impatient squawk. She widened her eyes what if Evelynn came in here because of the noise? How would be explain an owl in the house? She quickly grabbed the letter and hurriedly shooed the owl back outside the window without handing it a treat, not like she had any on hand to give the poor creature. Opening the letter she began to read it, laughing quietly seeing that he used the penname she had written with Harry and Ron with.


I don't have much time for this, normally I wouldn't right you a letter, but I couldn't ignore this. I overheard a conversation that you may be in danger. They have spies stationed waiting to ambush you, once they find where you are. You should return as soon as possible, it's too risky.

Hermione gasped and shoved the letter into her pocket, padding down the hallway to Richard's room. Harry and Ron were sleeping soundly as Hermione whispered to them in the dark, "Harry, Ron!" Harry woke first surprised to see Hermione in the bedroom, "What's the problem Hermione?" She sighed and explained to Harry about the spies and everything that Draco had told her. Harry frowned in confusion "How do you know all this?" She bit her lip, "I've been writing letters with Malfoy." Harry couldn't keep his surprise in and exclaimed "Malfoy!" This woke up Ron who jumped to his feet from his laying down position in one swift motion, his wand drawn. "What, what about Malfoy?" He glanced around anxiously expecting the Slytherin to suddenly materialize from the shadows of the far corner of the bed room. Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, "She's been writing letters with Malfoy." Ron let out an indignant cry, "Hermione how could you trust that snake?" Hermione frowned, "I don't necessarily trust him." Harry glanced over the letter after putting his glasses back on, "We don't have a choice we should trust what he says at least this once. It can't hurt to be extra cautious. We should probably leave first thing in the morning." Hermione nodded her head, "I would leave over night but I don't want Evelynn to worry." Ron sighed, "Unless we alter her memory?" Hermione shook her head, "No we can't do that it's so invasive, what if I mess it up and she forgets something really important?" The boys looked at her with a serious expression on their faces," You boys are right, It's best she not remember we were here. Especially if a Death Eater comes she can't be in danger then. "

Hermione walked down the hallway towards Evelynn's bedroom, and quietly padded over to her side of the bed. Mr. Carter was sound asleep snoring loudly, which helped to mask Hermione's footsteps. With tears in her eyes she cast the spell, "Obliviate." Harry and Ron ushered her out of the room as her sobs wracked her small frame again. She tried to speak through her tears, "I. couldn't do it! I couldn't just erase her memory from today! She told me she found out earlier that day that Alyssa was engaged, how could I take that from her!" Harry rubbed her back as Ron spoke quietly, "Hermione what did you do?" She looked up at Ron with tears streaming down her face, as she whispered her voice hoarse, "I removed any memory of me entirely, she won't know who I am!" Hermione allowed Harry and Ron to envelope her in a tight embrace as she tried not to think of the woman who she had when she was younger called Aunt Evelynn, because of how close the families were.

Harry whispered to the two of them, "Let's get out of here, before they wake up. They were now in the streets of a town rather far from London in the middle of the night. The weather didn't help with their situation either, it was miserable with a current downpour. They were entirely soaked with no way to get back until morning. Ron looked at a building it looked familiar to him, where had he seen it before? He gasped as he grinned," We might not have to take the train again after all." Hermione looked up at Ron it was clear that she was still thinking of what she had just done as she didn't say a word in response. Ron nodded towards a side street, "Follow me. I've been here before well we all have. I went with Ginny exploring the nearby towns when we stayed in the town over." Harry didn't quite get why Ron was excited about finding a town, this wasn't going to help them get home any more quickly. Ron walked with a spring in his step towards the town, "Harry you don't get it do you? It's a wizarding town! We can use the floo network to get back." Suddenly Harry grabbed Hermione's hand as he and Ron ran down the street. Once they arrived in the town, Ron found the local inn and led them inside. There was a gigantic roaring fire in the fireplace with big comfy couches positioned around it. They slumped into the chairs feeling exhausted. The innkeeper walked up to them, "Can I help you? Do you need a place to stay for the night? It's quite cold out there, terrible weather it is." Harry shook his head, his bangs shifting showing his scar, "Merlin! Are you Harry Potter!" Hermione's eyes widened as she seemed to be snapped from her thoughts, "Shh! Please!" The innkeeper apologized profusely as Hermione sighed, "We need to use your floo, you do have one right?" The innkeeper whose name was Humphrey Stackton nodded his head and lead them into the room with another fireplace, this time an unlit one.