"I can't believe you just asked me that," I said. His face began to lose what little color it previously had and the smirk fell a little. Our conversation was going just fine and then he popped a question like that. Okay, you are Maximum freakin' Ride. You've fended off Erasers, Flyboys, and even Gazzy after Bean Burrito Fridays. You can't be intimidated by one boy's teasing (no matter how attractive that boy may be) I thought to myself. I decided to just come out with the answer. If he could be blunt, so could I.

"No, Fang. I am not currently wearing a bra," I piped "Did you want to cop a feel to check or do you have any more personal questions for me?" Mr. Smooth had no reply, just a gulp, so I patted his cheek a little harder than necessary and said, "That's what I thought. Now, I'm going to go to bed, and in the morning we'll resume a non-awkward pace with the rest of the Flock. Goodnight, Fang." I then turned from him and walked into the house smiling.

I took the stairs to get to the room I shared with Ella, Nudge, and Angel and continued to bask in my little victory. The look on his face was priceless, caught somewhere between mortification and disbelief. Just try to embarrass me, Fang, and see whose feathers get ruffled! None can fluster the Great Maximum Ride! I opened the door to find three giggling girls that should have been sleeping.

"All right, ladies. Back to bed. You're lucky I'm in a good mood, or else you'd be getting a talkin' to right about now." I said with a smile still playing at my lips. "Did Fang kiss you? Is that why you're in a good mood? Because you know usually if you caught us up, you'd be all RAWR! but you're not right now. He must have kissed you," said the ever-talkative Nudge. "Not that it's any of your business, but I can assure you he didn't kiss me, Nudge," I defended. "No, you kissed him before he got a chance. I'll bet she attacked him as soon as they reached the back patio," chirped Ella. "No they didn't kiss each other, but Fang seems to think they had an interesting conversation," Angel added. The girls crowed in delight and demanded answers. I gave Angel a look that said you squeal, I'll kill you. She grinned but kept her mouth shut. "Alright, go to sleep!" I shouted above them. They all disappointedly quieted down and got comfortable in their bunks. I took the open bottom bunk beneath Ella and sighed. We all happily fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up staring at Ella's lavender walls as the sun peeked in through the window. I quietly escaped the sheets and walked to the bathroom. The door was closed. Just as I was about to knock Iggy opened the door.

"Oh hey, Max," he greeted with a smile. "Hey, Igs," I replied. He looked like he was going to say something but was hesitant. Then he said, "I'm probably gonna' regret asking you this, but what did you and Fang do last night? Gazzy said he couldn't stop smiling when he came to bed." I grinned to myself and said, "I really have to pee." He jumped out of my way and said sorry. After I closed the door on him he said, "So really, what'd you do?" I face-palmed and shouted, "Iggy, not now. Go ask him if you're that curious." Thankfully he left after that.

Hello! I have a feeling that I'll really have fun with this story. I'm actually going to continue it rather than create yet another one shot. That means that I'll have to have some exterior input. That means I'm counting on you! Review, review, review! Thank you.