Title: 12 Days of Christmas

Author: GreysAddictJ

Pairing: Callie/Arizona

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Callie and Arizona try to outdo each other and prove they're the best at giving Christmas presents

Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. No infringement intended.

A/N: . Maybe it's a little early to start with the Christmas fics, but I love this time of year and this idea wouldn't leave me alone until I started writing it. This hasn't been betaed – all mistakes are mine.

The Day Before Thanksgiving

Arizona was engaged in one of her favorite activities. She and her Calliope were snuggled up on their couch, having a relaxing evening with takeout and some television. She couldn't think of anything that made her happier or more content than to be wrapped in the arms of the woman she loved. She thanked her lucky stars for what seemed like the billionth time that she'd somehow managed to find Callie.

Arizona's reverie was interrupted by the laughter of her girlfriend. "What?" Arizona asked, confused as to what Callie had suddenly found so amusing.

Callie snorted in derision and pointed to the TV, which was currently blaring a rather obnoxious commercial about an upcoming Christmas sale. "These commercials are ridiculous. Implying that if I don't follow their direction and go frantically running to their store at the crack of dawn on the day after Thanksgiving, I'll somehow miss out on the only presents that could possibly make my loved ones' Christmases happy ones. They prey on the fear of all those desperate parents and grandparents and spouses and significant others. It's as if somehow I don't join the rat race, I'd might as well change my name to the Grinch or Mr. Scrooge." She shook her head. "As if I need their guidance." Callie added. "I am an awesome gift giver."

"Oh really? " Arizona smirked, egging Callie on a bit. "This coming from the girl who last year bought me a generic gift basket full of bath products that I'm pretty sure came from the hospital gift shop and a DVD I already owned." Arizona felt comfortable teasing her girlfriend on this point, knowing they'd both been swamped last Christmas and that her gifts had been equally embarrassing.

"Hey!" Callie responded in mock offense. "You're one to talk. You bought me a fruitcake and a pair of mittens with butterflies on them. Butterflies, Arizona!. You didn't exactly get an A+ either." Callie jokingly punched her girlfriend in the arm, showing that she wasn't serious.

"I guess we've both got room for improvement." Arizona conceded. "My lack of planning last year really did show – it's embarrassing. I'm usually an awesome person to have around at Christmas time. Like, super awesome."

Callie smiled. "Not as good as me." She retorted. "One time, I literally decorated my family's entire house from top to bottom in Christmas décor and hired some carolers to come sing on Christmas Eve. I got the absolute perfect gift for both my parents and my sister, and even had them delivered by a guy dressed up like Santa driving a sleigh with reindeer. Beat that!" Callie smirked, knowing that there was no possible way Arizona could top that.

Arizona thought for a moment, trying to come up with an example of how she'd made Christmas special. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, attempting to rebut Callie's offering. After wracking her brains, she realized she'd have trouble beating her girlfriend's story.

"That's what I thought." Callie smirked again, pulling the blonde tighter into her arms and placing a kiss on the top of her head. "No one does bad ass Christmases like me."

Arizona turned around in her girlfriend's arms, facing her. "That, Calliope, sounds like a challenge if I ever heard one."

"What are you suggesting?" Callie asked with a grin.

Arizona responded: "You claim that no one can beat you when it comes to making Christmas awesome. I'm saying that I can. We've got about a month until Christmas. Let's see this time next month who's really the best at spreading the Christmas cheer."

"Should we have any guidelines?" Callie asked. "Any rules?"

"I'd say anything is fair game. No limits on spending or anything. I'd say the only rule is that we try and make this about us as a couple. That'll take away the opportunity to go for something that makes us look good way too easily. Like buying a bunch of presents for charity. I'm all for charity and make sure to do it every Christmas, but it's just too easy a target to count for our little competition. It also gives us a chance to make up last year to each other. And will hopefully give us something to look back on fondly for years to come. I know I'll cherish the memory of beating you for a long time."

Callie narrowed her eyes and gave her an evil glare. Arizona laughed and placed a brief kiss on Callie's scowling lips.

"How do we decide who wins?" Callie added. "I mean, there's no question that I'll win, but I don't trust you to admit that."

"Well, hopefully, you'll be a big enough person to concede gracefully when you lose." Arizona teased. "But if not, we'll get a neutral third party to break the tie. Someone like Bailey. I'd say Teddy or Mark, but you and I both won't trust them not to side with their best friend."

"Sounds like a plan." Callie agreed. "We should shake on it to make it official."

"I can think of a better way to seal the deal." Arizona said with a smile, rising and dragging Callie towards their bedroom.

"Now there's a plan I can get behind." Callie said laughing, as she followed the blonde.

December 14th

Callie had spent the past few weeks making arrangements, putting her plan into place. Today was Day 1 of her attempt to out-do Arizona and to make her Christmas one like she'd never experienced before. Callie couldn't wait. This was going to be epic. There was absolutely no way that her girlfriend could top this. Callie smiled at the thought. But this was about more than just winning. She and Arizona had been through a lot of ups and downs in their relationship and she wanted to make this holiday season special for both of them. She wanted to show Arizona just exactly how much she cared. And if she could have a little fun and a little friendly competition at the same time, why not?

Later that day, Arizona stopped by her locker and found a gift bag inside. Perplexed, she removed the bag and opened the attached gift tag. It said simply "From Your True Love - Merry Christmas." Arizona smiled, knowing it was from Calliope and removed the carefully arranged tissue paper from the bag.

Inside the bag was the most confusing and seemingly unrelated group of items that Arizona had ever seen. She removed first a bag full of pear-flavored jelly beans, followed by a Christmas ornament shaped like a Christmas tree and finally a DVD of the Partridge Family. Arizona shook her head in confusion. Hearing someone clear their throat from across the room, she turned to see who was there.

Standing in the doorway with a big, self-satisfied grin on her face was her girlfriend.

"The Partridge Family, Calliope? Really?" Arizona asked her in mocking tone. "That's the best you can do? How is this an improvement over last year? And why so early? Christmas isn't for another week and a half or so."

Callie interrupted Arizona's stream of questions with one of her own. "Don't you get it?" Callie asked. "A Partridge in a Pear Tree. The 12 Days of Christmas."

"Oh, okay. I get it. That's very sweet Calliope, but…" Arizona's response was cut off by Callie.

"Okay, so I couldn't figure out how to get the DVD into a tree, but it's still pretty close. I have to get some major bonus points for trying. And you can expect gifts for the next 11 days. Admit it. I'm awesome."

"Oh, I don't doubt you're awesomeness, sweetie." Arizona responded, gently placing on hand on Callie's cheek. "I wasn't going to give you a hard time about the tree part. I was simply going to point out that in Christmas tradition, the 12 days of Christmas start actually with Christmas Day and go for 11 days after that. It ends in January." Arizona said with a smirk. "So maybe you lose some of those bonus points for not doing your research first." She teased, secretly loving the idea that Callie had come up with.

Callie looked at the blonde as if she had three heads. "What kind of person knows that kind of random, obscure fact? You, Arizona Robbins, are one giant dork." She said with a grin as she gathered Arizona into her arms.

"Hey!" Arizona responded in mock offense. "Just because I happened to know more about this holiday that YOU are the self-proclaimed master of does not make me a dork. It just makes me right. . . and awesome." She smiled.

"Oh no, you are so a dork. But I happen to love this dork and also think that's she's incredibly sexy." Callie responded, pulling Arizona in for a brief, but passionate kiss. "But, unfortunately, I've got to get back to work. And despite your need to be right and awesome and all, you'll still be getting gifts every day between now and Christmas. I'm taking some liberties with Christmas tradition so that you can enjoy the lead up to the holiday. It would not be as much fun finishing in January."

Arizona nodded in agreement. "Okay, I think I can live with that." She smiled and gave Callie one more quick kiss before they both returned to work. "But the Partridge Family, Calliope? Seriously?" she asked in jest, playfully swatting Callie on the backside as they left the room.