This was for the Flower Challenge, but it appears I missed the due date, oh well! This is basically two one-shots, and a free-verse poem about Molly Weasley II and Lysander with the flower prompt: sunflower.

Yellow and Red

Molly Weasley the second was a very well learned girl, she had graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the top of her class in her seventh year, before moving out of her parents home to her own small cottage in the hills beyond the burrow, it is here that our story begins.

"Molly!" A stout woman called as she pounded her meaty fists on the bright red door of "Monacasillo" the name Molly Weasley the second had given her small patch of home. The name fit the home somehow; Monacasillo was a light yellow two-story house that leaned slightly to the left, giving unwanted shade to the bright yellow sunflowers that grew in Molly's garden.

"Yes?" A young woman with blazing red hair asked as she opened her door, to reveal herself in a light yellow sundress. "Molly dear, the Scamanders are coming over for tea this afternoon," The woman began, only to be interrupted the young woman, "Grandma Weasley, you want me to cheer Lysander up am I right?" the young woman asked her grandmother with an all knowing look in her eye, "Oh yes, he just hasn't been the same since the accident," the elderly woman said her tired brown eyes shining with a sad memory.

"I know, Gran. Well, why don't you invite them over here instead? My place is all ready for company, and you look really tired." Molly said to her grandmother, caring in her voice, "You are too much like me, always fretting over someone, no wonder we share a name." Molly Weasley said to her Granddaughter as she chuckled in earnest.

Molly nodded to her grandmother, "Now send the word along, I'll be expecting them at one." She giggled and gave her Gran a light tap on the shoulder before she watched the woman apparate away.

"I've got to get this house in shape," Molly said to herself as she whipped out her 12 inch yew dragon heartstring wand from behind her ear, and started rearranging the house to a more pleasing look, she even conjured up a picket fence to guard her sunflowers, and shutters to make her house look more like a home.

"Merlin, if this where just family my home would be okay, but it's not nearly ready for guests!" Molly exclaimed as she conjured a stone path way to her home from the designated apparation spot.

Molly finished cleaning and organizing her home, just before the clock stuck one. The red head sighed as she placed her wand into it's hiding place behind her ear, she relaxed in one of the plush chairs given to her by her parents as she waited for a knock to sound at the door, sadly it never did. At ten past one, Molly went outside to investigate and found Luna and her family investigating the sunflowers, the three appeared to be searching the petals for an unseen object.

Molly cleared her throat in an attempt to politely pull the group away from her flowerbed, Rolf turned to meet Molly's stare, "Molly!" he said happily, "It's so nice to see you, thank you so much for having us over," his voice was gruff with age, but he was still as strong as ever, as he displayed by picking Molly up by her waist before spinning her around in a circle.

Luna and Lysander turned to face Molly as well, "Molly," Luna said her voice it's usual dreamy state, "We where just looking for Nargles in your flowers, they're very common this time of year you know." She finished her soft smile kind.

Luna and Rolf chattered on about Nargles as Molly invited them inside, Lysander remained outside near the sunflowers as the trio continued inside. "Oh, it appears Lysander is feeling grief," Luna said, her voice suddenly down with the weight of memories, "I assume he feels worse than I did when I lost my mother, I know that I most certainly feel overcome with pain these days."

Rolf nodded, solemnly as he rubbed his wife's back in a calming motion. "I'll go talk to him," Rolf volunteered quietly, "No, Rolf Luna needs you, I'll talk to Lysander," Molly stated calmly, and as she motioned for Rolf to remain with his wife she silently left the cottage.

Lysander was a tall boy, he was six inches taller than Molly, but when she approached him, he felt she was 50 feet taller. "Lysander?" Molly asked quietly as she reached out a hand to touch the man she had known long ago, Lysander shrugged off her hand and continued staring at the sunflowers.

"Lysander," Molly began, not expecting a response from the sandy haired boy who stood before her, "I know you're in a lot of pain right now, but you have to talk about it." Molly said these words calmly, and with a confidence, she neither possessed nor had the strength to find.

Lysander surprisingly turned to face Molly, he swiped a strand of his fall away blonde hair from his face, "Do you know what it's like?" he asked his voice simply at a murmur, he spoke again before Molly could react, "What it's like to loose a sibling, a twin, a brother?" his voice had risen in volume as he continued, "Of course not, you've never lost anyone. Never seen anyone die, you've been sheltered from the bad your whole life," Lysander was practically screaming at the read head now.

"Actually, your wrong." Molly began, suddenly angry with her old friend, "I lost Lorcan too, because he was one of my greatest friends. I lost my grandfather a month before Lorcan, if you don't recall. Finally, when Lorcan died I lost my best friend, I lost you." Molly's voice had decreased gradually from a shriek to a nearly silent whisper.

Suddenly Molly felt a shaking form holding her tightly, as if life and existence in general depended on it. "I'm so sorry," Molly heard Lysander whisper into her ear, his breathe warm on her neck.

The couple pulled apart and Molly looked up at Lysander's face, her vision blurred with tears only to see him smiling though his river of tears he was smiling at Molly. Molly closed her eyes as she felt Lysander pull away from her, seconds later he had returned and was putting something into her mangled red mess of hair.

"There," Lysander whispered his voice light, and free of stress, "Red and yellow, the perfect combination," Molly reached a freckled hand up to the top of her head where she felt what she was sure must have been one of her many sunflowers that grew in her garden, "A sunflower?" she asked curiously, "I love sunflowers," he replied quietly, "and so did Lorcan," Molly nodded simply in response.

Molly smiled at the gesture and looked at Lysander hopefully, Lysander chose that exact moment to look at her as well. The pair's eyes met stormy grey to a frightening blue, their lips met and suddenly the two where driven by passion. Lysander and Molly rolled down the grassy hillside near Monacasillo, connected by their interlaced hands and lips. The couple reached the bottom of a particularly large hill before they halted and separated.

Molly gripped Lysander's hand tightly, connecting the two once more, "I never want to loose you again." Molly whispered hesitantly to Lysander, "You never will," the sandy haired man replied in earnest.

With their last words uttered, Molly and Lysander lied side by side in a field of grass their long hair interlacing yellow and red the perfect combination, until Luna and Rolf finally sought them out an hour later.

So, what did you think? Did you hate it? Love it? Tell me in a review! I think I got the sunflower prompt in there pretty well…