A/N: Hey guys! I know my chapters are pretty short, but I try to make them as long as I possibly can… since it is my first fanfic I find it a little difficult to make long chapters…. Lol I fail!
I don't own One Piece! Much to my dismay….. Well, happy reading!
Saino watched Luffy eat with wide eyes. How could someone so skinny, eat so much? This is insane!
" Oi, are you gunna eat that?" he asked, pointing to my plate with his mouth full. She shook my head and pushed her plate towards him. "Thanks!" he said, devouring the food in no less than two bites.
Nami hid behind her menu, watching Saino and Luffy carefully. " Ug! Does he have no manners?" she asked herself with disgust. "He's going to chase her away if he keeps this up!"
"Mmhm!" Robin agreed.
"So, Saino, tell me about yourself! Like… how did you get those scars on your face?" Luffy said, still stuffing his face. Saino had a small look of panic in her eyes for a split second, but then she calmed down. Luffy took the hint. "But if you don't want to talk about it, then it's fine!" he said quickly. She looked up at him.
"Thank you…" she said quietly. She still told him about herself, but just avoided talking about her scars.
"Well… I live alone, of course. My parents were killed when I was 5 by the World Government," she began. " I really like to draw and paint. It's my hobby…"
"So you're an artist? That's soooooo cool!" Luffy gasped in awe.
"It's not that great…" Saino said, looking down to hide her blush. "Anyways, about 7 years ago, when I was ten, I ate the draw draw devil fruit. It enables me to bring to life the things that I draw…"
Luffy's jaw hit the floor. " THAT IS SOOOOO AWSOME!"
"EEEH?" Nami almost dropped her menu. "That can't be! That kind of Devil Fruit doesn't fit the description of Paramecia, Zoan, or Logia…"
"Maybe it's a new type we haven't heard of yet…" Robin said quietly.
Saino smiled. "Yeah… I guess it is. I was pretty happy when I found out about my powers…" she said quietly. "Maybe I'll show you sometime!" she smiled.
Luffy finally finished eating. "Ooh! How about now? I can't wait to see!" he shouted, obviously very excited.
"Okay… follow my lead!" Saino said, motioning Luffy to follow her outside. He gladly came along.
"This is getting really interesting!" Nami said to Robin with a sly smile.
"I agree completely, Navigator-san. Let's catch up to them!" Robin said with a small glint in her eye.
"Mmhm! Let's go!"
Luffy was led through many twists and turns in the thickness of the forest. "When are we going to get there?" he asked eagerly.
"We'll get there soon! Be patient." Saino said with a slight giggle. She led him through the forest and up many small hills until they made it to the bottom of a fairly large hill. "Once we climb this, we'll be there!"
"Finally!" Luffy said with great exaggeration. They climbed the hill and made it to the spot. Saino's favorite spot, actually. The cliff overlooking the island of Wooka.
"What an awesome view." Luffy whispered. Saino nodded her head.
"It's my special spot." Saino told him. "Well, I'll give you a demonstration now!" she took out her sketching pad and a pencil. She thought for a moment and began furiously scribbling on the paper. Luffy walked over to her and watched over her shoulder, waiting for her to finish. He squinted his eyes slightly, trying to make out what she was drawing, but she was going too fast and he couldn't follow. Finally he gave up.
" What'cha drawin'?" he asked her. Saino responded, but didn't look up.
"A ship."
"Ohh! What kind of ship? A pirate ship?"
"That's sooooooooo awesome!" Luffy gasped in awe.
It took a few minutes, but Saino finally finished her drawing. Luffy stared at it in awe.
" It's the Thousand Sunny!" He exclaimed. Saino nodded her head.
" Yup! And now for the demonstration…" she closed her eyes and held her hand over the paper. Suddenly, the drawing started to glow under her palm. The light grew more intense until you couldn't see anything but light. Then the light slowly died down. When it was gone, there was a slightly smaller black and white version of the Sunny Go sitting right in front of Luffy. His eyes were almost popping out of his sockets. His jaw hit the floor.
"Awesome…" he whispered. He looked over at Saino with a very serious look on his face. "Alright, it's decided." Luffy said.
"What is?" Saino questioned.
"You are soo joining my crew!" He said with the largest grin ever on his face. Saino looked absolutely stunned.
"Y-you'd really let me join your crew?" she asked excitedly. "You really mean it?"
"Of course! Let's go back to the ship and tell the others!" Luffy exclaimed. He grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hill and top the ship.
Nami couldn't believe her eyes. 'Did that really just happen?' she thought to herself. That Saino was diffidently a unique one. She looked over to Robin, who had a calm look on her face. "Did you see that too?" she asked.
Robin nodded. "That was certainly something else." she whispered to Nami. She then spotted them leaving towards the ship. "Let's go back to the ship now."
"EVERYONE! I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!" Luffy shouted when he got to the deck. Saino stood quietly behind him.
"What is it captain?" Sanji asked, walking out of the kitchen.
"Shi shi shi! We have to wait for everyone to get here!" Luffy said happily. Sanji raised an eyebrow, but waited quietly. Soon, the whole crew was there, except-
"Were are Nami and Robin?" Chopper asked, looking around. "I don't see them anywhere."
"We're right here!" exclaimed Nami, who was climbing over the side of the Sunny, Robin close behind.
"Okay! Now that I have everyone's attention, I'd like to make a special announcement," Luffy said, looking around at his crew. "I'd like to announce that Saino here will be the new addition to our crew!" he said with a giggle. Saino blushed and looked down.
"Ehh? How could you've decided that in only a few hours?" Zoro basically yelled.
"Zoro, you have, like, no idea how AWESOME she is!" Luffy excitedly said. "She can bring her drawings TO LIFE!"
Usopp and Chopper's jaws hit the floor. "SERIOUSLY?" Usopp exclaimed. "That's soo awesome!" Chopper said cutely.
"Me and Robin wouldn't mind having another girl!" Nami said. Robin nodded.
"This is SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER!" Franky said, doing his weird star pose. "I'd love a new crew member."
Zoro just che'd. "Like I care. I'm taking a nap." Zoro said, walking away. Luffy just laughed.
"Don't worry, he'll warm up to you after a while!" Luffy whispered to Saino, a grin on his face.
She giggled. "I hope so!" she said with a smile.
And Sanji, of course, had no problem with this at all. He walked up to Saino, and took her hand. "Madam, your beauty has captured my heart…" he began until he was interrupted.
"Oh shut up, stupid Love Cook." Zoro said, annoyed.
"What was that, shitty swordsmen?"
"You heard me, Dartboard brow!
"Moss head!"
"Shitty cook!"
"Yes, Nami-swan~!"
Saino found herself laughing hard. 'I have a feeling that I'm going to like this crew!' she thought. At last, her dream came true. Suddenly, she felt the need to draw. Saino dropped her bag, knelt down on the floor and began to look through it for her supplies. She finally found a pencil and a blank sketchbook. She then sat down and began to draw. The tip of the pencil moved smoothly and quickly across the surface of the paper, creating the image forming in her mind. At last, she finished her sketch.
It was of the Straw Hat Crew, having fun and being their selves. She smiled and closed her sketch book. Suddenly, a hand clamped around her wrist. She looked up to see Luffy standing above her, grinning his large grin.
"Follow me, I want to show you something!" he told her. She obediently followed her new captain to the deck. Then, she felt his arm wrap around her waist. "Hold on!" he said. She obeyed. He stretched his arm towards the head of the Thousand Sunny, grapped onto it, and flung himself and Saino on top if it. He sat down and patted his hand on the spot next to him. Saino sat down.
"Well, since you showed me your special spot, I wanted to show you mine." he said sweetly, with a sincere smile on his face. Saino caught herself blushing and looked down at her lap. She smiled to herself.
"Thank you, Monkey-san. This means a lot." she looked up at him, her blush still across her cheeks, and smiled. She could've sworn she saw a slight blush on his cheeks as well, but she concluded that she probably imagined it. Luffy looked away and towards the sparkling sea.
"Shi shi shi! Please, call me Luffy!"