Disclaimer: I don't own rights to anything! Not Vocaloid or their songs and not Ouran either.

Here's the last part of Son of Evil. It's actually formed from the Vocaloid song Message of Regret sung by Rin.

It's been a year since you've left me brother. I still can't believe you're gone and it's all because of me. You never questioned what I told you to do. Even when it was to kill the love of your life.

Remember when we where younger, like really young, and Father took us to the sea? The town we stayed in had that old legend that if you casted a bottle out into the sea your wish will come true. We both were so eager to try it and we ran out the next day and casted our bottled wishes into the glistening water.

I went back to that town after you left. The place has shrunk since then. Only a few towns people are left but they all welcomed me with open arms. They don't know that I am the prince that was suppose to be executed in the Kingdom of Yellow. The only one who knows is the priest who I confessed to yesterday and I only intend for him to know. The only reason he does is because I couldn't bare the pain of keeping this guilt to myself.

This morning I sat down and wrote a wish and put it in a glass bottle. Now I'm here to cast it off. Oh, Kaoru, even my wish is selfish. I want us to be together again. I want you to play with me just like when we were younger, before we where separated. I don't want to be alone anymore, Kaoru.

As I'm watching my wish be carried away I feel my tears fall to join the sea. Kaoru, I must have finally lost it because I can see you in front of me. You're smiling and reach your hand out to brush my cheak and it feels so real! I truly miss you brother.

I have one more thing to ask you Kaoru. If we're reborn will you play with this selfish brother as you once did?